Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research critique of a quantitative article Essay

Research critique of a quantitative article - Essay Example 3. List the researcher's suggestions for further studies. As noted on page 131, the researchers advise repeating the same study while controlling for surgical procedure and the use of nitrous oxide, to determine any causative attributes. They also suggest that a future investigation might compare scopolamine as a single agent, as well as concluding on page 132 that future studies could also consider other antiemetics affecting alternative receptor pathways. 4. Indicate if the findings are clinically significant. The majority of findings in the study are clinically significant, as indicated on page 130, Tables 1-3, as well as Figures 1-3. These significant findings include the overall incidence of nausea within 24 hours of surgery, the initial PACU antiemetic treatment, the second PACU nausea treatment, the mean time to first request for nausea treatment, the time to the first nausea event, as well as the time to the first emetic event. The incidence of emesis did not achieve statistical significance, nor was any significant difference noted in the demographic variables, patch placement times, or the occurrence of side effects. 5. Identify the implications of the findings for nursing. ... Particularly, the use of a transdermal methodology will require nurses to interact with patients regarding proper use, symptomology, and postoperative procedure. 6. Identify the researcher's generalization of the findings. The generalization of the findings is found on page 127, in the abstract. It summarizes the article and offers a condensed recommendation. 7. Evaluate the sample. a. Sampling criteria. The sample criteria were straightforward and appropriate to the purpose of the study. By establishing an ASA I or II in patients 18 years or older, as well as excluding those with potentially mitigating conditions (p. 128), the researchers avoided skewing the results. b. Sample size. The sample size was adequate to the task of initial investigation, but too small to draw sweeping conclusions. The authors attenuated the effect of a relatively small sample size by performing a power analysis as discussed on page 129, and wisely allowed for attrition. c. Characteristics of sample. The sample group was diverse in terms of gender, race, and risk factors present, but all participants fell within the primary criteria of having three or more high risk factors for PONV. d. Sample mortality. There were no anaphylactic incidents within either sample group. There was attrition of four subjects as noted on page 129, one for accidental removal of the transdermal patch, one for failure to properly log responses during the data collection period, and two for intentional removal of the TD patches. e. Method used to obtain the sample. As noted on page 128, the sample was obtained after approval from the institutional review board and focused on high-risk patients scheduled to undergo general anesthesia of longer than one hour. Once

Monday, October 28, 2019

Plagiarism Essay Example for Free

Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism has become an increasing concern with the internet age. Many students are cutting and pasting information from the internet into personal papers without proper citations and using the information as their own. Many services such as Turnitin help educators determine the levels of plagiarism in papers and therefore how much authentic information is being submitted. If students are plagiarizing work, the education is undermined and schools are unable to guarantee the quality of education students are receiving. Plagiarism is â€Å". . . the act of passing off as one’s own the ideas or writing of another (Georgetown University 2006). † Many students will use someone else’s written idea, but change the words around to be their own. This is plagiarism and credit should be given to the person who had the idea first. Although plagiarism can be found in many forms, written plagiarism is the most prevalent. The internet has allowed students access to a much larger database of written works. Unfortunately, many students are becoming lazy and using other people’s written works as their own. Services such as Turnitin have been developed to help combat plagiarism. Turnitin is software that accepts written assignments from students; runs the papers through databases looking for sentence or phrase matches; and gives the instructor a similarity index for each submission (MacMillan 2007). Other websites such as plagiarism. org and iThenticate are also based on the same premise as Turnitin and provide information on how to combat plagiarism. Plagiarism is a rising problem in today’s education that will require centered attention. Services such as Turnitin and iThenticate have proved important tools for educators, but many questions remain about the effectiveness of these services. Similarity indexes have appeared that are not accurate on some papers submitted. Overall, the services are the best tools to date to combat plagiarism, but will need updating as time goes on for complete accuracy.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Experimental Film, Fallen Angels Essay -- Movie Film Essays

The Experimental Film, Fallen Angels This experimental film makes use of a variety of camera shots to create a unique story that is at times funny, at times violent, and at times sad. It follows a man and a woman who are business partners; he is a hit man and she tells him the target. They are attracted to each other, but he does not want to start a relationship for fear it will destroy their business relationship. He finds another girl and in the end decides to end the business relationship because his partner can not get over him. He does, however, agree to one more job, where he ends up getting killed by his target. There is also a parallel story of a young man who earns money by annoying people and his relationship with his father and the girl he likes. He helps this girl look for the woman her boyfriend is cheating on her with and then the girl goes back to her boyfriend. In the end he meets the girl whose partner died and they ride off â€Å"into the sunset† on his motorcycle. Although there are two separate storylines that converge in the end, the story seems like it’s prett...

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Rahab – women of the bible (a woman who Believed the truth) Rahab –â€Å" insolence†, or â€Å"fierceness†, or â€Å"broad†, or â€Å"spacious† The â€Å"Ra† part of her name comes from Egyptian idolatry, â€Å"Ra† the sun god, this is from â€Å"All the women of Bible † by Herbert Lockyer, Zondervan Publishers Rahab and the two spies are the main charactersin Joshua2. Rahab was a prostitute (her occupation). She lived, geographically and morally, on the edge of society. She lived at the time of the conquest of Canaan (the land northeast of Egypt, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea on the west, Lebanon to the north was the Hittite Empire and Bashan, to the east were the nations of Ammon and the Ammorites, Moab, and Edom) by the Israelites Her house was located on the wall of the city and was strategically placed to lodge travelers. This was a prime location for her trade. Rahab had heard of the God of Israel and aced in faith. By hiding the spies she faced the risk of being killed if caught by the authorities. However rahab knew it would take a step of faith to get her out of her present predicament. She did not intend to perish with the rest of jericho. She knew that if she did nothing- this would lead to her destruction. No one an serve two masters. She made a conscious decision to act in faith on what she heard about God. Rahab was an ancestor of Jesus(Matthew1:1-6). Her faith brought her into an immense inheritance. From a prostitute to the linage of Jesus Christ. This is what faith can do. No matter your stand in life, rrespective of where you are or who you are a simply step of faith in Jesus Christ can turn your destiny around. â€Å"By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had received the spies in peace† – Hebrews 11:31 The life of Rahab can be found in Joshua 2, Joshua 6, Hebrews 11:31 Matthew 1:5 James 2:25

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organization and Management Essay

Power and control are aspects which are common in many institutions. Organizations on the other hand are social institutions which operate to serve specific functions in society as well as their own development or growth and this makes it different from other entities such as the family (Eddy, 1983). Most organization’s concern is to expand in order to exceed other existing natural units as well as enhancing their performance through effective control (Bakke, 2005). As a result, these organizations require a formal and institutionalized distribution of penalties and rewards so that regulations, norms and orders that exist in these organizations are complied with. This also calls for control of participants so that these norms and regulations can effectively be carried out. In addition, different allocation of assignments of organizational tasks to various parties is required so that rewards on performance are granted to various deserving individuals and those who do not deserve these rewards on the other hand, are punished. This paper will focus on how power and control and operate at Engineering Product and the various possible implications that could occur on the part of employers and employees at Engineering Product. Power may also be viewed as a form of influence that an individual or organization may posses and the way that it is exerted on individuals and institutions in order to bring about desired results. These results could be positive or negative depending on the nature of power that an organization has. Power relates to the capacity of attaining the desired needs or wants as well as the stated objectives from organizations or individuals and in certain instances force may be applied. In addition, exercise of power may occur among individuals which could end up shaping or influencing the wants of an individual (Fairholm, 1993). It is evident that power and control exists at Engineering Product, a British Engineering firm. The firm has existed for a while how and since its restructuring in 1980’s it now posses three areas of business namely defense, automotive components and individual services. The restructuring also saw the expansion of the firm into other overseas business environments and as a result, the firm has majority of its employees working abroad with very few remaining in Britain. In other words, Engineering Product has managed to have its stronghold in international business by succeeding in the same. Its workforce is widely spread in Western Europe as well as North America. Majority of the workforce is seen in the automobile section of the firm which employs about 60% of the total workforce. This division is also involved with various multinational companies that produce cars. However its concentration is less in the UK than in any other country and this means that less sales are made from the division that exists in Britain since it has a small proportion of workforce employed in the division. Larger proportion of sales as well as the workforce is found in continental Europe which consists of France, Germany and Spain. Automotive division has mostly been shaped by the demands that are created by its customers and this has also affected the way it carries out its operations and management in the international business as well as its workforce. These customers have also standardized their means of working practices and production by means of carrying out â€Å"best practices† in various sites, hence forcing management to produce similar products for instance cars that are similar to others internationally. There are various forms of power that exist in organizations namely coercive power, normative power, utilitarian power, referent power, expert power, reward power among others. Coercive power involves forcing other people to comply with one’s rules and regulations. It also relates to the capacity at which an individual or organization is able to issue punishments to those individuals or employees who fail to follow demands or requests that are proposed (Sims, 2002). Kipnis notes that coercive power is mainly exercised by individuals who rely on their verbal facility, physical strength or in other circumstances being able to withhold emotional support from other people or grant it. As a result, an individual is provided with the probable means to issues such as bully, physical harm, or lack of love among others. In organizations, the most common forms of coercive power include the ability to demote, fire or transfer subordinates. As a result of coercive power, a dyfunctioning process in groups has been evident and these processes include reciprocal conflict and anger, reactions, self-blame, rejection and dislike, revolutionary coalitions just to mention (Streatfield, 2001). The most common outcome of coercive power on the past of employees is resistance. Reward power on the other hand concerns employee rewards based on their performances and de-motivation occurs in cases whereby deserving employees are not rewarded (Houser & Domokos, 2004). Engineering Product firm has acquired most of its power and control through the integration efforts that it has managed to create in the global business and this international integration has its origin from the demands that the Engineering Product’s customers present. The central task of integration mostly lies with the HQ of the firm’s division. The firm has also carried out its integration processes by creating various management structures mostly at the international level and this is mostly done with the aim of bringing together all the managers who work in various groups and branches as well as enabling effective information exchange that may exist between them. Therefore, it is the division at the HQ that exercises the central power as regards the various activities that exist at Engineering Product. Senior directors from the manufacturing sector at the Engineering products are brought together through ‘manufacturing councils’ that are operated by the division. This is carried out in order for these directors to be able to monitor and examine the various processes which might have been adopted in each of the existing plants. Moreover, the international college of Engineering which is based in Germany enables engineers to learn and develop on the new methods of manufacturing. International integration has also been enhanced by Engineering Product through the creation of cadre that involves international managers who are charged with the responsibility of carrying out various assignments in other countries besides their own. As a result, internal consultants have been established and they consist of managers responsible in the pioneering of new practices and these managers also have the permission to roam between plants as they attempt to adopt the practice. The firm also has a HR which has established a system that is able drive together various managers based at different sites in order to discuss and share common initiatives termed as ‘best practice’. As a result regular meetings are conducted by the HR specialists as they discuss the various implications that integration has on the personnel practice. In the past, the meetings have resulted in bringing about problem-solving techniques as means of establishing standardized results. The division of HQ ensures that plant managers are involved in sharing of the best practice by carrying out an operation in orders concerned with internal competition. The other form of power and control can be named in this case since the orders from customers are mainly placed at the division’s HQ and not the other plants. Again, it is the HQ that decides what orders should be received by what plants. As a result, the HQ has a little bit more leverage over the other actors that exist at the various plant levels and this means that these plants have to be dependent on HQ. Decisions that concern outsourcing are made at the division at HQ and it is them who decide what factors should supply their products to the various orders that are made by customers. Local customers on the other hand are supplied by local companies found in the various local markets. Concerning the various implications on employees and managers, the move that was established regarding standardization of production led to the generation of various opinions between plant managers and HQ focusing on the resulting in merits that may exist in a particular initiative for instance, performance-related pay (PRP) which has been established successfully in various plant divisions by the HQ. However, as per discussions from the meetings, it was found out that performance of the work force vary from one plant to another. However, he opted to use sanctions as a means of imposing it ma through in order to bring about equal performance. The internal integration of Engineering Product is mostly as a result of the powers that the firm gives to HQ as well as internal competition. Plant managers are at an obligation to comply with any wishes that may be established by HQ, such wishes may involve the means of labour management as well as nature of processes in production. Engineering products’ HR function has also been able to play both strategic and administrative roles hence increasing the level of profile function. In addition, the HR function has also been able to create several structures that enhance contact between plant managers who are based at various plant divisions. However, tension was encountered by the central function of HR concerned the creation of a balance between variation found in plants in order to reflect local factors as well as standardization of practices. As seen from the scenario, he was ready to impose sanctions so that standardization of products is enhanced across borders. The differences in the various practices existed mainly because of the various changes that occurred in the nature of institutions, law and the national cultures and this can viewed under the way the performance – related pay was conducted as well as employee representation. Another impact is that as a result of the central power that HQ posses, American plants do not have any formal structures since the law does not allow management to recognize various unions and the unions on the other have do not have powers since they are not influential as regards the recognition of management (Sinsson, Edwards & Ferner, 1993). Managers on the other hand experience positive impacts as a result of international integration since the hierarchy in management is widespread and not limited to one particular country. Senior positions are filled on merit and little importance is placed on nationality. Consequently mangers are faced with a lot of opportunities a head of them both domestically and internationally hence allowing managers to become geographically mobile. However, this effect may view differently since some managers may not find it suitable to perform assignments abroad (Miner, 2002). On the other hand, the autonomy of managers is greatly reduced since they are forced to company with the established rules and regulations of HQ and this could end up to resistance from these managers. The policy-making bodies at Engineering Product help in the formulation of policies by various plant managers. International integration has also impacted on employees shown by the increased competition among plants hence the HQ is able to establish comparisons in relation to performance. As a result, employees bargaining power is reduced in each plant hence creating resistance to change among unions and employees. Another implication is in relation to the way these employees are exposed to various working practices found in different countries. In conclusion, it is ended that the power and control that Engineering Product has is that of coercive power because the firm forces its wishes on various plants and people even though it has managed to establish a successful international integration.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Start a Publishing Company in 5 Steps the 2019 Edition

How to Start a Publishing Company in 5 Steps the 2019 Edition How to Start a Publishing Company in 2019 If you’ve ever watched the reality show Shark Tank, you may have found yourself daydreaming about starting your own business. And if you’re an indie author who’s learning the self-publishing ropes, you might be wondering if you should  start your own publishing business - as opposed to just doing everything under your own name.So before we get to the details of how to start a publishing company, let’s start by addressing that question first: should you start a publishing company? The answer might be yes if you:Are publishing one or more series of books (the hassle of starting a company might not be worth it if you’re looking to publish just one title)Are working in an area with a higher risk of liability (such as health-related or technical books) - or are simply looking for added protection of your personal assetsAre looking to operate as a â€Å"professional† writer (as opposed to a â€Å"hobbyist† writer)Have a concrete brand th at you would like to expand to include similar books by other authorsIf these criteria don’t apply to you, you’re likely better off publishing your books under your own name. But if they ring a bell, then this guide to starting a publishing company is a great place to start.Note: this advice is not coming from legal professionals, and any business ventures should be taken after consideration of local laws and consulting with professionals. What follows mainly applies to starting a company in the United States.Disclaimer withstanding, let’s get started! Should you start your own publishing company? Learn how to answer that question. The benefits of starting your own publishing companyTo help you better understand whether this is the right time for you to start your own publishing company, let’s look at the benefits a little closer.Air of professionalismWhile self-publishing is a major accomplishment that should be viewed with pride, many bookstores and libraries will not stock their shelves with books clearly published by authors. In addition, readers are often less likely to purchase an obviously self-published title as they’d prefer to go with books that have been vetted by publishers - which of course means they’re missing out on some great reads! This is just how author Joseph Alexander grew his own publishing business (and became a self-published millionaire in the meantime). While writing and publishing a series of non-fiction books about learning guitar, Joseph spent a good deal of time building his web presence and learning about branding. His sales began to take off and other musicians began approaching him to publish their own books. As Joseph says, â€Å"We split the profits 50/50. I grew my publishing company and they got great royalties.† His publishing company, Fundamental Changes, now boasts a long list of bestselling titles. Tips for starting your own publishing company #selfpub Tips for starting a publishing companyBefore you can fire up the presses and take the publishing world by storm, there are a few T’s to cross and I’s to dot to give your business the best chance for success.Evaluate your goals to startStarting a publishing company requires authors to fully become an entrepreneur in their own right and is not an endeavor to be taken lightly. If you’re toying with the idea, here are a few questions to ask yourself:Why do you want to start a publishing company?What kind of books do you want to publish?Will you publish your books only, or titles from other authors, too?What income range are you expecting this business to yield?How do you see your business growing in the next year? 5 years? Ten years?These are questions you should readily and passionately be able to answer before you get started, as they will affect your business decisions.Establish your business structureWe know, we know, can’t we just skip ahead to the fun pa rt, like choosing a company name? Not just yet, there’s some important groundwork to be laid first, like deciding exactly what type of company you are looking to start.Businesses come in many shapes and forms. When it comes to publishing in most territories, the main choices are:Sole proprietorship: a business operated and owned by one person. The simplest business form, but not the most risk-free (keep reading).Corporation: a group of people or an organization authorized to manage the company as a single entity. A more complex business form.Partnership: two or more parties contractually agree to manage and operate a businessLLC: provides the protection of assets that a corporation receives with versatility and pass-through tax benefits of a partnership or sole proprietorship (meaning a business taxes can be paid through someone’s personal tax return).Most authors will decide to start their own publishing companies as an LLC or sole proprietorship, as these are the mos t flexible and simple business forms of the bunch. However, our personal suggestion is that you set up as an LLC. As mentioned before, LLCs offer the most liability protection, meaning your personal assets are protected from any debts incurred by the business.For more information on what structure best suits your goals, check out the Small Business Administration.Choose a company nameAfter all that business talk it’s time to have some fun: it’s time to christen your publishing company! Here’s a couple of things to keep in mind when deciding on a name:Branding. What market or niche are you targeting? In which genre does your company publish? These questions will help you refine your company’s brand - and its name should be a reflection of that. If you’re planning to publish middle-grade fiction primarily, choose a name that reflects that. Take a look at other publishing companies to get a sense of how their name reflects their brand.Relatability. W e live in a fast-paced world and your allotted time frame to capture someone’s attention is slim to none. So it pays to be strategic when coming up with a name, and to use words that readers will already be familiar with. If there’s a made-up word you really want to use, ask yourself what it will communicate - if anything - to people at first glance.Keep it short and to the point. Superkalifragilistikexpialigetisch Press isn’t a smart move.Don’t use the word â€Å"Inc.† unless you are actually planning to incorporate your businessFinally, make sure whatever name you choose hasn’t already been taken! Check if the name is already trademarked and then search for the availability of the URL-version on a domain registrar site like GoDaddy.Make it officialJust because you’ve had business cards printed, doesn’t mean your business is live yet. There are still a few more ducks to get in a row. Just to name a few...Obtain your Employer Identification Number (EIN) This is a nine-digit number provided by the IRS that includes information about the state the business is registered in. Think of it a bit like your company’s social insurance number. Learn more here.Set up a business bank account After you’ve received an EIN, you can register for a business bank account which will allow you to keep your business and personal finances separate. This will ensure your personal assets are protected should a lawsuit ever arise (knock on wood, this is just a precaution!) and it will make it easier for you come tax season.Also, consider setting up a PayPal account for online transactions.Set up an accounting system Stifle that yawn, because this is an important, can’t-be-overlooked step! Whether you’re using a free resource like Google Sheets, a paid tool like Quickbooks, or outsourcing accounting work to a professional, nailing your bookkeeping practices down from the start is essential. It will help you track which of your efforts are paying off and ensure you have a record of all expenses which will be handy for tax write-offs.Here are a few pieces of accounting software that might come in handy:Quickbooks. With over 4.8 million users worldwide, it’s one of the most popular accounting applications. While it has a vast number of tools for all kinds of business (brick and mortar, e-commerce, home-based, etc.), it caters especially to small businesses.Freshbooks. A great option for invoicing needs, it allows users to easily add billable time and expenses, customize the look of the invoice, and set up recurring invoices, automatic payment reminders, and late fees.Zoho Books. This is a good option for very small businesses looking for a simple solution. It offers basic accounting features, with the option to integrate and access advanced tools as your business grows.Wave Financial. If you’re looking for a free option, this might be your best bet. It doesn’t have any bells and whistles, but it does offer no-charge, cloud-based accounting functions designed specifically for small businesses.Register your domain name When people want to know more about your company, it’s likely their natural response will be to Google it. A website is the best way to capture those interested leads and to tell people more about your business. Again, we recommend GoDaddy for this.Grow your teamTrust us, your publishing company will only get by with a little help from some friends. Professional ones, hopefully, with lots of experiencing in publishing. Growing your team is especially necessity if you want to become one of the big players in publishing.Launching successful titles comes with a lot of specialized work, such as editing, cover design, interior formatting, web design, marketing, etc. Luckily you can turn to online marketplaces (such as Reedsy!) to hire those services - and you don’t need to break the bank at the same time. One of the benefits of starting a publishing company these days is that you can keep things pretty lean by building a network of freelancers you trust, without getting tie d down to a head-count.And you won’t be alone: more and more traditional publishers are looking to freelancers to help develop books.We hope this information helps you decide whether starting a company is the right path for you, and, if so, how to start a publishing company that hits the ground running.Starting a business comes with its fair share of ups and downs; learnings and mistakes. If you’ve started your own publishing company, help spread the knowledge by sharing your experiences! And, as always, any thoughts or questions are encouraged in the comments below.

Monday, October 21, 2019

milgrims shock psychology essays

milgrims shock psychology essays The most famous experiment Milgram conducted was also his most controversial. The issue dealt with the people's right to know on what he/she is being studied. On the surface, the experiment looked legit and totally scientific. Two people were brought in at a time and each would draw from a hat. One would be the teacher, one the learner. After going over exactly how the "shock treatment" worked, the teacher went to his control panel and the learner was hooked up to electrodes. The teacher would first read lists of paired words, then asked the learner to pair up the now separated words. For each wrong answer, an increasing dose of electricity was given. In reality, there was only one volunteer brought in at a time. The learner was one of the scientists, and was not getting shocked at all. Actually, for the entire experiment, a prerecorded audio tape was used for the voice of the learner. The experiment was not studying the effect of electrical shock on learning, but really how the teacher would react to an authoritative figure's requests to continue. In this case, the teacher was to be convinced that as he continued, the learner's health was increasingly compromised. Towards the end of the experiment, the learner stopped pleading or making any noise at all, implying that he had passed out or maybe died. The results of the experiment helped researchers explain such things as why or how Nazi officers and soldiers continued the horrible treatment of the people of Europe in concentration camps during WWII. Although experiments like this provide valuable information, the question "was it ethical" is raised. To answer this, we must examine the necessity of the means. Was there any other way to get this data? If we look at such sociological phenomenon as the Hawthorne Effect, we can say that if the teachers knew th ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free sample - Women Criminals with Mental Disorders. translation missing

Women Criminals with Mental Disorders. Women Criminals with Mental DisordersExecutive summary Positivistic approaches argue that criminal behavior is as a result of the interaction between biological, environmental as well as social factors. They propose that individuals are predisposed to crime by factors such as low education level, poverty, and membership to certain subcultures. Biological positivism proposes that caused by biological inferiority. Biological crime theories also argue that hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone determine criminal behaviors with low levels of estrogen in females being shown to reduce their sexual drives hence making them less likely to commit offences related to sex. Psychological theories of crime include: Psychoanalytic theory which argues that all human beings have the natural drives as well as urges for committing crime which are repressed in the unconscious mind. Freud, the proponent of this theory argues that people with unresolved social issues who are referred to as psychopaths in psychology, have absolutely no sens e of quilt, no subjective conscience, no sense of right or wrong, and no ability to empathize and therefore are likely to engage in crime due to their compromised conscience. Cognitive development theory as a psychological theory of crime argues that criminal behavior emanates from peoples’ perception of law and morality. Learning theory on the other hand argues that people learn criminal ways by associating those who engage in the vice. Neoclassical theory of crime argues that, factors such as insanity which reduces individual’s free will make the individual more likely to engage in crime. Postpartum psychosis and Postpartum exhaustion affect the mother to the extend that she carries out infanticide. Introduction Criminology is a behavioral science that focuses on the study of the nature, extend, causes as well as the control of criminal behavior. This paper discusses criminological theories and how they play in with women criminals. It focuses majorly on mental illnesses in women and how these illnesses predispose them to crime. Previous researchers have not linked such theories with criminal behavior in women and that’s why this subject is of interest to me. Research methodology To achieve the research objectives, both primary and secondary sources of information were made use of. Primary sources of data consisted of interviews carried out on professionals such as psychologists well versed with the subject. Secondary sources of information on the other hand consisted of library research targeting books and articles touching on the subject. Research findings and discussion. Sociological positivism as a school of thought proposes that people are predisposed to crime by societal factors such as low education level, poverty, and membership to certain subcultures (Seidman, 1996). Other proponents of this school of thought have suggested that overpopulation contributes very highly to increased crime in the society (Seidman, 1996). Theories of crime apply to both males and females. Biological theories of crime causation also popularly referred to as biological positivism are theories which argue that criminals are different from non-criminals and that crime is caused by biological inferiority (Seidman, 1996). According to this theory, the innate psychological make up produces certain physical as well as genetic traits which distinguish criminals from those who are not criminals. Hormonal abnormalities have also been linked with criminal behaviors. Researchers believe that hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone determine criminal behaviors. L ow levels of estrogen in women reduce their sexual drives hence make them less likely to commit offences related to sex (Cohn, 2007). Proponents of Positivistic approaches argue that criminal behavior is as a result of the interaction between biology and environmental as well as social factors (Morse, 1997). They believe that biology or genes can predispose a person to criminal behaviors. What determines if the person commits the criminal behavior or not is the environmental or social conditions the person is subjected to (Marina, 1996).   Psychological theories of crime argue that human differences make some people more predisposed to committing crime than others. These individual differences in behavior are caused by differences in personal characteristics as well as biological factors and social interactions among individuals. Psychoanalytic theory of crime was proposed by Sigmund Freud (Marina, 1996). This theory proposes that all human beings have the natural drives as well as urges for committing crime which are repressed in the unconscious mind (Marina, 1996). This shows that all human beings have an inherent capacity to commit crime. Human beings however develop inner controls to suppress this urge to commit crime as they get socialized in the society. Freud suggested that, faulty identification of children with their parents causes the development of criminal behavior in them. Freud believed that individuals with unresolved as well as deep – rooted social problems are referred to as psychopaths (Mea d, 1934). Such people have absolutely no sense of quilt, no subjective conscience, no sense of right or wrong, and no ability to empathize. These people are also known as sociopaths or antisocial personalities and are more likely to engage in crime due to their compromised conscience (Mead, 1934). Cognitive development theory is a theory that argues that criminal behavior emanates from peoples’ perception of law and morality (Mead, 1934). The proponent of this school of thought is Kohlberg, a developmental psychologist (Siegel, 2003). He proposed three levels of moral development. According to him, there are basically three levels of moral reasoning with each level having two stages. The first level of moral development occurs during middle childhood. This level is called the preconventional level. At this level, children stick to moral principles in an effort to avoid punishment by remaining obedient (Morse, 1997). The second level is termed as the conventional level and it occurs at the end of middle childhood (Cohn, 2007). At this stage, individual’s moral reasoning is pegged on the expectations that their family as well as significant others have for them (Siegel, 2003). The third stage of moral development occurs during early adulthood. At this stage, moral reasoning is no longer based on social conventions. At this stage, individuals act as change agents and strive to advance the existing social laws and order (McLennan, 1980). Failure by individuals to transit successfully from one level of moral development to another leads to moral fixation, a situation whereby, individual’s moral development is arrested. Such individuals end up engaging in criminal behaviors. This is true for men as it is for women (McLennan, 1980). Learning theory on the other hand is based on behavioral psychology principles. Behavioral psychology proponents argue that behavior is learned while its maintenance is ensured by factors such as rewards and consequences (McLennan, 1980). According to this theory therefore, people learn criminal ways by associating with people who engage in the vice. Neoclassical theory of crime argues that, though human beings exercise free will, factors such as insanity may reduce an individual’s capacity to exercise the same (Cohn, 2007). Postpartum psychosis, also referred to as postpartum blues, is simply a psychological depression that occurs to a large number of mothers after delivery (Moyer, 2001). Its estimated to occur in about 50% of all mothers after giving birth. This condition has been termed by mental health experts as a leading precipitator of infanticide. This condition attacks women some few months after pregnancy and may linker for over a year (Moyer, 2001). Its characterized by: sadness, fatigue, disturbed sleeping pattern, reduced libido, loss of appetite, anxiety, episodes of crying and irritability. Hormonal changes in women is known to be the leading cause of the condition. Postpartum exhaustion is slightly different from postpartum depression and its is caused by fatigue, sleep deprivation as well as hormonal changes in the bodes of women immediately after giving birth (Moyer, 2001). Prevalence of this condition is higher in women who give birth to children with severe colic as well as other cond itions which result to abnormal sleep schedules (Moyer, 2001). Baby or maternity blues is a condition that affects about 80% of women after giving birth. Its characterized by mild and transitory moodiness, tearfulness, irritability, hypochondriasis, sleeplessness, concentration impairment, feelings of isolation, and headache. This condition leads to inconsistence of mothers with childcare (Deflem, 2006). Such mothers focus on the negative aspects of childcare leading to poor coping strategies. This worsens the mother-infant relationship and in most cases leads to infanticide (Deflem, 2006). Conclusion This paper has discussed Positivistic approaches to criminal behavior which argue that the tendency to engage in crime is as a result of the interaction between biological, environmental as well as social factors. Factors which predispose people to crime according to this theory have been discussed and they have included: low education level, poverty, and membership to certain subcultures. Biological crime theories have also been discussed. They argue that hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone determine criminal behaviors with low levels of estrogen in females being shown to reduce their sexual drives hence making them less likely to commit offences related to sex. Psychological theories of crime have included: Psychoanalytic theory, Cognitive development theory, and Learning theory. Finally, Postpartum psychosis and Postpartum exhaustion have been seen to affect the mother to the extend that she carries out infanticide. References Cheng, E. (2007). â€Å"Independent Judicial Research in the Daubert Age†. Duke Law Journal, Vol. 56, Cohn,E. (2007). â€Å" changes in Scholarly Influence in Major International Criminology Journals†. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, Vol. 40, Deflem, M. (2006). Sociological Theory and Criminological Research: Views from Europe and the United States. New York: Elsevier Marina, A. (1996). â€Å" criminal law and women: Giving the abused woman who kills a jury of her peers who appreciate trifles†. American Criminal Law Review, Vol. 33 McLennan, G. (1980). Crime and Society: Readings in History and Theory. New York: Routledge. Mead, H. (1934). Mind Self and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Morse, S. (1997). â€Å"Immaturity and Irresponsibility†. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. 88 Moyer, L. (2001). Criminological Theories: Traditional and Nontraditional Voices and Themes. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Seidman, D. (1996). â€Å"Juror Reactions to Attorneys at Trial†. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. 87 Siegel, J. (2003). Criminology, 8th ed. London: Thomson-Wadsworth.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Evolution of Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Evolution of Work - Essay Example This paper will show that the very definition of work has changed as history progressed which, in turn, was due to extensive economic development. As parameters for this essay, it will first detail the general meaning of work then it will focus on the American sense of work ethics. For the following paragraphs, this paper will expound on the historical context of work. It will then relate work to the religion of American Protestantism. Thereafter, the significant changes in American work ethics will be tackled with relations to historical progress and economic development. In the denotative aspect of work, the word means the physical or mental effort and activity directed towards the production or the accomplishment of a particular task. The applications of this word towards everyday life give work a complex meaning due to the ever changing events in human activity. It is in this sense that historical contextualization becomes important in the understanding of the development of the word. One notable event in history which gave work a turning definition was during the 15th to the 16th centuries where the Age of Navigation was at its height and the colonial period took its hold upon history. What was the primary objective of work during such period? Work and its meaning can be defined in two ways: one was in the context of the colonizers, and the other was in the context of the colonized.... The objectives of the colonizers sounded good because they had this promise of a better life for the un-colonized. Education and the introduction of civilization through conquest was the primary way of bringing the good life that they were experiencing at their homelands. This definition was not the same for the colonized. For the natives of the Western colonizers, the definition of work was a form of acculturation and conforming to the demands of their masters (Geddes). Although the promise of a better life through economic development was presented as a compromise of being colonies, the ultimate benefit of this process of colonization was one-sided – it was only beneficial to the colonizers. Exploitation of natural resources and the development of slavery were the major products of this period in history. It was the burden of the Western powers to civilize the natives and to take the economic advantages for themselves as part of development for their motherland (Geddes). Hen ce, work for the colonized natives meant the physical aspect of its denotative definition. They were subjected into forced labour, like that of the corvee of the British Empire in India. Work for the colonized was difficult because they had to endure the dictates of the colonizers accompanied by eventual abuses by their masters (Geddes). As economic development happened with historical progress, the definition of work became complex. Mercantilism was shut down and capitalism took its beginnings through the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century. It was in this moment that complexity in work entered due to the technological developments of that time. New machinery was introduced;

Meat Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Meat Cloning - Essay Example According to Bartholet (2011), the repulsion to meat cloning results from some people’s objection to genetically modified products. The study by Mattick & Allenby (2013) indicates that a fear of potential competition for ranching is what makes people object to meat cloning. This fear is underpinned by the potential that meat cloning has to produce meat in large scale hence the possibility of overtaking and overshadowing conventional meat production. The high cost of establishing meat-cloning technology is the aspect cited by Omholt (2008) and Bartholet (2011) as the important economic consideration to meat cloning. This draws from the scarcity and high cost of the ingredients required to grow meat in the laboratory. Bhat & Bhat (2011) endorse fungi as one of the meat cloning media that can be sustainable. These authors advise that the solution to the high cost of meat cloning lie in the recyclability of the media used. Edwards (2010) propose that technology improvement would b oost the establishment of meat cloning. This is because improved technology would make it more efficient and economical.The current literature documents the moral and economic considerations associated with meat cloning. A few studies propose ways that can help address moral issues separately from economic issues. This study recognizes lack of a single way of addressing both considerations concurrently. It seeks to fill this gap by proposing an integrative approach to addressing these issues.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing Plan for Crystal Pepsi Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Plan for Crystal Pepsi - Term Paper Example PepsiCo was founded in 1965 following a merger between Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay. Its motto is ‘Something for everyone’. The company operates in over 200 countries across the globe and generates sizeable net sales annually. Crystal Pepsi was first introduced in 1992 but was withdrawn by the end of 1993 due to very low sales. However, it is possible to re-launch the product through intensive marketing activities and flavor changes.The company’s first priority is to build and manage its brand through the yet to be established Brand Charter. Above all, the company needs to increase its marketing endeavors to be able to compete effectively with the giants in the industry. The company intends to generate over $1.78 billion in net sales before the end of 2015 from Crystal Pepsi by investing about $850 million in marketing endeavors within the next three years, ending 2015.The mother of PepsiCo was Pepsi Cola Company, which was founded in 1898 in North Carolina. In 1965, PepsiCo was formed following a merger between Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay. PepsiCo motto is ‘Something for everyone’, a statement that perpetuates consumer inclusion. The company produces assorted beverages and snacks, which are sold in over 200 countries across the globe. PepsiCo generated net sales of $66.5 billion and $57.8 billion in 2011 and 2010 respectively. 1.2 Past Crystal Pepsi.The introduction of Crystal Pepsi in 1992 was informed by health concerns, especially increasing levels of obesity. As a result, PepsiCo promised its customers and consumers that it will use healthy ingredients to produce products and provide health benefits in its products. Since its inception on 12th April 1992, Crystal Pepsi had been perceived as a fad because it failed to deliver its value propositions to its consumers (Susan 53). In addition, its name was controversial, especially when connected with the brand Pepsi known to many for its coke products, which are considered to contain caffeine and caramel. In fact, it tasted like coke though colorless thus confusing the consumers. As a result, its sales momentum faded in 1993 and it was thus discontinued. 1.3 Strategic Opportunity Most people are becoming health conscious, therefore, there is need to provide products that meet their needs. According to PepsiCo Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ms. Nooyi, PepsiC o need to be refocused to accommodate emerging needs of health conscious consumers. In response to this need, the company continues to invest to grow its nutritional business from $10 billion to $30 billion in annualized sales by end of 2030. Again, PepsiCo needs to advertise more. Unlike, Coca- Cola Company whose products are featured regularly in most advertising, PepsiCo brands appear less in commercials. As a result, Coca cola and diet coke are brands that rank first and second before any Pepsi product because it spends more on advertising. If PepsiCo positions itself properly, it will gain from 14.5% growth expected to be experienced in the industry by the end of 2016 to reach annualized sales of $222.7 billion (Market-Line 22-26). 1.4 Objectives 1. To sell over 407.6 million litres of Crystal Pepsi and generate about $400 million from North America, Canada, China and Middle East regions by 31st December 2013 2. To sell over 611.4 million litres of

Gender and sex Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Gender and sex - Essay Example A term associated with describing gender roles is androgyny- denoting the display of both male and female behaviour. A number of terms have emerged portraying behaviors arising in this context. For instance, the "sensitive new age guy" is described as a traditional male gender role with a more typically "female" empathy and correlated emotional qualities. The "metrosexual male" adopts or claims to be born with similarly "female" grooming habits. This have given rise to arguments in various quarters that such new roles are mere rebellion against tradition and hence do not form a distinct role. Sociological research points out that the conventional feminine gender roles have become less relevant in Western societies. This trend is attributed to the starting of industrialization. Indeed, the notion that women do not follow a career no more valid in a majority of Western and many of the Oriental societies.For a long time now, gender roles have occupied a central place in the nature-nurture debate. Traditional theories argue that a person's gender identity, and thus gender role, is a product of nature. For instance, in patriarchal societies it is often claimed that women are naturally better placed to nurture children. Various circles in the scientific community have come to support the concept that differences in gender roles originate in differences in biology. Many nineteenth century anthropologists refer to the life of primitive hunter- gatherer societies for evolutionary explanations for gender differences. For instance, they assert that the need to take care of offspring may have limited the females' freedom to hunt and hence assume the role of the gatherer. Current trends in...Crises demand the kinds of strength and intelligence associated with hunting. Fleeing a natural disaster or fighting a band of attackers requires strength, speed, and strategic thinking. In wake of such situations, people naturally follow and rely on those who are physically strong and strategically intelligent. These leaders are usually males. Repeated and frequent crises have a severe impact on the social organization of communities. There are anthropological and archaeological evidence, which indicate that in times of prosperity hunting-gathering communities tended to organize around groups of related females. Egalitarian collaboration was the norm in such communities. Frequent crises resulted in organization around strong and strategically intelligent males not only during the crises, but also at other times. This hierarchical organization tended to exist side by side with, be overlaid on, and to intertwine wi th the egalitarian one. Thus, for instance, in villages, most casual everyday encounters were egalitarian, but people made formal decisions affecting the whole tribe only in meetings ruled over by a male leader and in which elite males exercised more power than do females. It may be inferred that gender roles are mainly conditioned by social value systems. Men and women are made to behave the way they are. Right from childhood, men are expected to grow up to be powerful, encouraged better for careers. They are expected to be tough, independent, demanding, aggressive, good problem-solvers, and so on.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Archeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Archeology - Essay Example Archaeology's close connection with history proves to be an important one. Historical accounts are often based on unearthed and discovered materials. Archaeological records are significant devices in history and anthropology (Neustupny, 1993). Thus, archaeology is an important tool in the continuous writing and understanding of man's history. As new evidences are uncovered, history as we know it may change and may evolve into a better and more truthful account of the past. However, the case may be the opposite, as what may happen if biased study or poor analysis of the excavated materials is carried out. In the end, the importance of archaeology in the uncovering of the very history of man cannot be undermined. "Archaeology has progressed," and the reason is that we, or most of us, no longer consider the creation theory of thousands of BC years (Johnson, 1999, p. 172). Archaeologists carry out important processes that lead to the significant part of their job. Traditional methods may be as what we see in films, and the modern practices have certainly improved. The systematic study of the past (Gamble, 2004) often starts with surveying areas. If significant conclusions are drawn from the initial process, then the excavation plan will proceed.

See description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

See description - Essay Example And as a result, Hinduism lacks a single trend or an individual whose actions can be attributed to the founding of the religion. Hinduism is believed to have developed during the Iron Age India, hence its classification as the earliest religion in the world. Hindu texts are split into two: the revealed (Śruti) and remembered (Smriti). Notably, these writings primarily discuss religion, societal values, myths, rites and the significance of temple within the society. Major scriptures are the knowledge (Vedas), philosophies (Upanishads), cosmology (Puranas), aspirations of life (Mahabharata), roles of various people (Ramayana), philosophical dialogue (Bhagavad Gita) and traditional doctrines (Āgamas). With about one billion faithful, Hinduism is the third largest spiritual organization in the world. According to Pauwels Hindu faithful generally seek guidance from God and blessings from Devas, though the latter is done occasionally (151). Hinduism is based on numerous practices geared towards inculcating the significance of God in everyday life. The faithful can worship anywhere. At home, followers often set up a place of worship and install icons devoted to their respective God. Temples carry the main deity and other associated ‘smaller’ gods. Worshipping at the temples is not mandatory, thus many visit the places only during important religious functions. The faithful do veneration through icons (Murtis), which they believe link man with God. Although, some refer to Hindu religion as henotheistic; that it involves loyalty to one god and allows the existence of others, the perception is a misunderstanding that should be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Archeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Archeology - Essay Example Archaeology's close connection with history proves to be an important one. Historical accounts are often based on unearthed and discovered materials. Archaeological records are significant devices in history and anthropology (Neustupny, 1993). Thus, archaeology is an important tool in the continuous writing and understanding of man's history. As new evidences are uncovered, history as we know it may change and may evolve into a better and more truthful account of the past. However, the case may be the opposite, as what may happen if biased study or poor analysis of the excavated materials is carried out. In the end, the importance of archaeology in the uncovering of the very history of man cannot be undermined. "Archaeology has progressed," and the reason is that we, or most of us, no longer consider the creation theory of thousands of BC years (Johnson, 1999, p. 172). Archaeologists carry out important processes that lead to the significant part of their job. Traditional methods may be as what we see in films, and the modern practices have certainly improved. The systematic study of the past (Gamble, 2004) often starts with surveying areas. If significant conclusions are drawn from the initial process, then the excavation plan will proceed.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

SAAB's Cash Flow Problems Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

SAAB's Cash Flow Problems - Coursework Example This is where the concept of fair market value and forced sale value becomes important (Curtis, 2011, 1). Discussion Business failure can occur for various reasons ranging from legal, political and economic factors that are beyond an individual firm’s control, to internal factors like cash flow problems, manufacturing and selling difficulties and lack of firm orders on which to base production capacity. If a business finds it difficult to even break even and pay its own operating, selling and distribution costs, it can either look for a partnership, being rescued through a Government or private bailout, being acquired by a more stable entity or file for bankruptcy. Sadly this is what happened with SAAB, after its struggling Automobile Division was taken over by General Motors in 1990. But in the aftermath of the 2008 recession and subsequent bailout of General Motors itself by the American Government, SAAB Automobile Division was sold off to Spyker Cars N.V. with the aid of a Russian sponsor in 2010. Spyker had subsequently been renamed Swedish Automobiles. However, the purchase and operation of SAAB Automobiles proved too heavy for Spyker to manage because Spyker was a small firm and taking over SAAB had drained their cash position as well as tested their managerial capabilities to the maximum. After a purchase offer by a Chinese firm was thwarted by former owner General Motors (they were against the technology being available to Chinese manufacturers) the company filed a bankruptcy petition and started looking for a buyer. Various offers and counter offers were made from China Youngman, Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, Koenisegg etc. The company could only produce between 20,000 and 40,000 vehicles at its manufacturing plants in Mexico and Sweden. The financial meltdown did not allow it to take advantage of the Chinese demand because it cancelled its plans to expand into new markets due to low cash position, paucity of credit and economic uncertaintie s. Various episodes of being unable to pay worker salaries and even to pay suppliers for materials repeated themselves in 2011. For example, July salaries were paid at the last minute on July 26; August salaries were paid through equity insurance as Gemini Fund purchased 5 million shares in SAAB. September salary payments also seemed to be in jeopardy. The Swedish Enforcement Administration has been monitoring SAAB in case of failure to meet creditor’s claims. The company Union has also threatened to go on strike because of salary payment difficulties that occurred three times in 2011. So we see that even financing from potential buyers had to be resorted to so that the company could be kept afloat ( It must be admitted that the lack of cash flow emerged from an apparent lack of attention to the production and marketing mix as well. Everyone knows that when you are trying to put a company or a brand name back on its feet, a sizeable amount of money must be s pent on advertising and press relations, creating hype and curiosity so that buyers are attracted to the upcoming offerings (Kotler & Keller,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Wemmick - Character Analysis Essay Example for Free

Wemmick Character Analysis Essay In an abstract manner Doyle uses Watson to represent the reader in terms of resemblance of attributes; for instance both the reader and Watson are both ignorant of many important intricacies of the case so that they both rely on Holmes to decipher the details for them. Also it could be suggested that both Watson and the audience are trying to escape a much more tedious life and indulge in the exhilarating escapades of Sherlock Holmes. Furthermore the questions that Holmes asks Watson also probe the reader to answer the question for themselves; this is major attraction to this genre, the sense that they are solving a crime. This teamed with the fact that a Victorian audience would be able to relate even more specifically, on different levels, with Watson due to the relevance of him being a Victorian gentleman of which the readers would have been familiar with. Watson is particularly descriptive which gives the reader a real sense of the location and atmosphere. The vocabulary is also characteristic of Watson with the many words being adjectives repeated from story to story. An illustration of this point is the word ejaculated to describe the abrupt vocalizations of someone; this all gives a sense of familiarity with the stories and also a rapport with Watsons character. This sense of security that familiarity brought was badly needed by a Victorian audience who were unsure of their safety due to the lacklustre crime prevention of the police force. Unlike the Victorian police Sherlock Holmes always captured the criminal which was exceptionally reassuring at the time. Holmes and Watson are two very different characters with one common goal, to apprehend the guilty party in whatever mystery they are both entangled in. This contrast in character serves again to glorify Holmes as a gifted detective, this works in the way that Watson is a rather passive character or Holmes foil if you will, which leads most of the proceedings to be conducted by Holmes which shows in a positively intellectual light. The contrast in the logical awareness of Watson and Holmes leaves Holmes appearing almost omniscient compared to the usually clueless Watson. This technique is also used with the numerous police inspectors Holmes employs to do his bidding, each time they look the fool whilst Holmes seizes the acclaim. This is technique used by Doyle to idolise Holmes to the reader. The language used throughout the Sherlock Holmes stories is intensely descriptive as to quench the readers thirst for all the aspects that could have effected the mystery incurring. In historical context this ultra-descriptive style of writing was a more necessary feature in a pre-television era, however in the twenty-first century a readers desire for a detailed picture of other human life is fulfilled by other more advanced forms of media. This is perhaps why, in my experience, readers of the present time period are not exhilarated by the, at the time innovative, detailed style of writing. Watson is very much used as tool by Doyle, in all the ways suggested throughout this essay but also in a different, more political manner. In the Holmes stories Watson conveys the generalised views of an upper class society at the time. The ideals concerned included a negative look upon drugs and an opinion that they are used, or abused, by the subordinate social groups. Watsons, or Doyles, views are shared in this quote You should be ashamed of yourself! This is Watson taking a stern view upon one of his own noble friends indulging in a couple days in an opium den. Watson is also especially respectable of all women throughout the stories, chivalry being an exceptionally valued commodity in Victorian times. Watson, or better still Doyle, is a voice of the Victorian era, which is why the stories were so popular at the time. Further still Watson gives a social commentary of Victorian London which, as you can imagine, would be most interesting to not only Victorian Londoners but also Victorians that lived in other areas but were curious of the cosmopolitan lifestyle of London. Watson teamed with Holmes gives them this along with a descriptive and arguably a thrilling story. In conclusion my belief is that, yes, Watson is a better suited narrator for a Victorian audience rather than a modern audience, this being because of the chronologically social relevance that would supply greater interest for a Victorian reader. However disagreement is found with the statement that Watson is an inadequate narrator for twenty-first century reader as the stories still raise a lot of interesting issues and remain a thrilling read due to the exciting adventures Holmes embarks upon. An objection modern readers have is that the stories are formulaic and therefore tiresome however for the Victorian audience this was an essential feature to bring a sense of security into their generally uncertain lives. There is no doubt that the Sherlock Holmes stories are written for a Victorian audience however this does not exclude modern readers from finding the same overall enjoyment from the stories. The fact is that certain features may not be relevant to a modern readers interests or experiences in a modern life. A plus point is that because of the impression made, upon the stories, by Victorian life that Sherlock Holmes is a useful research tool for that time period. Additionally it is not a question of Watson being unsuitable for a modern audience but instead it is an issue of the crime stories themselves being relevant and therefore enjoyable for a modern audience. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Microorganisms Relevant To Bioremediation

Microorganisms Relevant To Bioremediation Introduction Bioremediation is a technology that utilizes the metabolic potential of microorganisms to clean up contaminated environments. One important characteristic of bioremediation is that it is carried out in non-sterile open environments that contain a variety of organisms. Of these, bacteria, such as those capable of degrading pollutants, usually have central roles in bioremediation, whereas other organisms (e.g. fungi and grazing protozoa) also affect the process. A deeper understanding of the microbial ecology of contaminated sites is therefore necessary to further improve bioremediation processes. In the past two decades, molecular tools, exemplified by rRNA approaches, have been introduced into microbial ecology; these tools have facilitated the analysis of natural microbial populations without cultivation. Microbiologists have now realized that natural microbial populations are much more diverse than those expected from the catalog of isolated microorganisms. This is also the case for pollutant-degrading microorganisms, implying that the natural environment harbors a wide range of unidentified pollutant-degrading microorganisms that have crucial roles in bioremediation. This article summarizes the results of recent studies of microbial populations that are relevant to bioremediation. Molecular ecological information is thought to be useful for the development of strategies to improve bioremediation and for evaluating its consequences (including risk assessment). Molecular tools are especially useful in bioaugmentation, in which exogenous microorganisms that are introduced to accelerate pollutant biodegradation need to be monitored. This article discusses recent examples of the successful application of molecular ecological tools to the study of bioremediation. Microorganisms relevant to methane oxidation Traditionally, studies on pollutant biodegradation have been initiated by the isolation of one or more microorganisms capable of degrading target pollutants; however, conventional isolation methods have resulted in the isolation of only a fraction of the diverse pollutant-degrading microorganisms in the environment. In addition, most isolated organisms have shown pollutant-degradation kinetics that differ from those observed in the environment. For example, laboratory-cultivated methanotrophs exhibit half-saturation constants for methane oxidation which are one to three orders of magnitude higher than those observed in soil. Using molecular phylogenetic analyses of isotope-labeled DNA, (Radajewski et al.) successfully identified two novel methanotrophs that actively degrade methane under environmental conditions. Molecular approaches that target the 16S rRNA gene (16S rDNA) and genes encoding enzymes involved in key metabolic steps (e.g. those encoding particulate methane monooxygena se) have been applied to the analysis of methanotrophs in rice field soil, lake sediments and forest soil. Methanotrophs are considered to be important for reducing the emission of methane, a greenhouse gas, from soil and sediment. In addition, methanotrophs co-metabolize trichloroethylene (TCE); therefore, TCE bioremediation often employs methane injection as a means to stimulate the TCE-degrading activity of indigenous methanotrophs (i.e. methane biostimulation). Methanotrophs which occurred at a methane biostimulation site were recently analyzed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified 16S rDNA and soluble methane monooxygenase gene fragments. Marine petroleum hydrocarbon degradation Molecular ecological approaches have also been used to analyze bacterial populations that occur in petroleum-contaminated marine environments. Spilled-oil bioremediation experiments conducted at a sandy beach found that phylotypes affiliated with the subclass of Proteobacteria appeared in the DGGE fingerprints obtained for oiled plots but not in those for unoiled plots, suggesting their importance in spilled-oil bioremediation. Another oil-spill experiment conducted at a beach in the Norwegian Arctic showed that 16S rDNA types affiliated with the ÃŽÂ ³-Proteobacteria, especially those belonging to the Pseudomonas and Cycloclasticus groups, were abundant in fertilized oil sands. Microbial populations which occurred in seawater after supplementation with petroleum and inorganic fertilizers have been analyzed using rRNA approaches; it was reported that bacterial populations belonging to the Proteobacteria and the genus Alcanivorax showed accelerated growth. These studies have indicat ed that some groups of bacteria commonly occur in oil-contaminated marine environments, although other populations change under different environmental conditions. Anaerobic petroleum hydrocarbon degradation As petroleum hydrocarbons are persistent under anaerobic conditions, their contamination of groundwater is a serious environmental problem. The microbial diversity in a hydrocarbon- and chlorinated-solvent contaminated aquifer undergoing intrinsic bioremediation was assessed by cloning and sequencing bacterial and archaeal 16S rDNA fragments. This study detected phylotypes that were closely related to Syntrophus spp. (anaerobic oxidizers of organic acids with the production of acetate and hydrogen) and Methanosaeta spp. (aceticlastic methanogens), suggesting their syntrophic association. Phylotypes affiliated with candidate divisions (that do not contain any isolated organisms) were also obtained in abundance from the contaminated aquifer, although their physiology is completely unknown. A similar syntrophic association of bacteria and archaea has also been reported in a methanogenic enrichment that slowly degrades hexadecane. Likewise, a toluene-degrading methanogenic consortium was characterized by rRNA approaches. The consortium comprised two archaeal species related to the genera Methanosaeta and Methanospirillum, and two bacterial species, one related to the genus Desulfotomaculum and the other unrelated to any previously described genus. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with group-specific rRNA probes was used to analyze a denitrifying microbial community degrading alkylbenzenes and n-alkanes; the Azoarcus/Thauera group was found to be the major bacterial group. Bacteria affiliated with the ÃŽÂ µ-Proteobacteria were found to grow in petroleum-contaminated groundwater which accumulated at the bottom of underground crude-oil storage cavities. Microbial communities associated with anaerobic benzene degradation under Fe(III)-reducing conditions in a petroleumcontaminated subsurface aquifer were also analyzed by DGGE analysis, and it has been suggested that Fe(III)- reducing Geobacter spp. have an important role in the anaerobic oxidation of benzen e. The available electron acceptors are the principal determinants for the types of microorganisms that occur in anaerobic environments, and microbial populations identified in the above papers are considered important for petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in subsurface environments under the respective conditions. On the basis of these results, future developments in anaerobic hydrocarbon bioremediation are anticipated. It is noteworthy that phylotypes that are only distantly related to known genera are often detected as major members of the anaerobic communities, suggesting that parts of anaerobic hydrocarbon biodegradation processes remain unidentified. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are compounds of intense public concern owing to their persistence in the environment and potentially deleterious effects on human health. A soil-derived microbial consortium capable of rapidly mineralizing benzo[a]pyrene was analyzed by DGGE profiling of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA fragments The analysis detected 16S rDNA sequence types that represented organisms closely related to known high molecular weight PAH-degrading bacteria (e.g. Burkholderias, Sphingomonas and Mycobacterium),although the degradation mechanisms have yet to be resolved. In soil environments, the reduced bioavailability of PAHs due to sorption to natural organic matter is an important factor controlling their biodegradation. Friedrich et al. reported that different phenanthrene-degrading bacteria occurred in soil enrichments when different sorptive matrices were present. It has also been shown that the application of surfactants to soil enrichments that degrade phenanthrene a nd hexadecane altered the microbial populations responsible for the degradation. These results have common implications for bioremediation; that is, nature harbors diverse microbial populations capable of pollutant degradation from which a few pollutant-degrading populations are selected according to bioremediation strategies. Metal bioremediation Because of its toxicity, metal contamination of the environment is also a serious problem. Recent studies have applied molecular tools to the analysis of bacterial and archaeal populations that are capable of surviving in metal-contaminated environments. Bacterial communities in soil amended for many years with sewage sludge that contained heavy metals were assessed using rRNA approaches, including FISH and cloning and sequencing. The study found that two sequence groups affiliated with the Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were frequently obtained from clone libraries from the metal-contaminated soil, although most Actinobacteria sequences showed low similarity (

Saturday, October 12, 2019

SURFING ON THE FAST LANE :: essays research papers

Are you tired of those slow downloads you’re getting when you surf the internet? Bored of waiting just to make a few transactions in your e-billing account? Then forget your old modem and switch to ADSL. For those of you that are not familiar with this new technology, let me explain a little bit about what it is. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a transmission technology that enhances the use of existing telephone lines, providing high-bandwidth data and voice services. This is possible taking advantage of unused high frequencies of existing copper wiring in the PSTN (Plain Switched Telephone Network), allowing data to travel back and forth on the high frequencies while voice simultaneously travels back and forth on the lower frequencies without experiencing interruptions. It is asymmetrical because the download speeds (1.4 Mbps) are much faster than the upload speeds (256 kbps); this means that it’s faster to download a file than to upload a file to the sa me server.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Having said this I’ll focus on how to install an ADSL modem, a modem for those of you that don’t know is an acronym for Modulator Demodulator, a modem is a device that converts data from digital computer signals to analog signals that can be sent over a phone line, this is called modulation. The analog signals are then converted back into digital data by the receiving modem, this is called demodulation. In this occasion I have chosen the latest of Microsoft Operating Systems, which is Windows XP, hopefully by the time you read this, Microsoft has not come up with something newer, since they change Operating Systems like we change clothes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First we need to make sure that the PC meets the minimum system requirements, for Windows XP they are: a 300Mhz processor or faster, a processor is an integrated circuit that executes the instructions of a program that drives the computer, 128MB of memory, 100MB of free disk space, a CD-ROM drive, a Network Interface Card, a NIC is a circuit board that allows the computer to connect to a network, and a Super VGA monitor (800x600) or higher resolution video adapter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Well, with all this taken into consideration let’s get started, there are different kinds of modems that accomplish these task, but I will select one with an Ethernet port, Ethernet is one of the most widely-installed local area network (LAN) technologies, that provides transmission speeds of up to 10Mbps, which is more than enough for ADSL speeds.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Sustaining Employee Performance

In this paper, team D will address the course design objectives of Riordan Manufacturing. First of all, the team will pick two job positions within the company, and discuss the general functions of performance management systems, job evaluation methods, compensation plans, and the importance of employee benefit plans. The two job positions discussed in this paper will be the Director of Administration, and Human Resources/recruiter. These positions were selected due to the extreme amount of importance their roles play in completing Riordan Manufacturing’s Mission. General functions of performance management systems The general function of performance management systems in organizations is for employers to manage employees’ performance and development by providing individual feedback on their performance evaluation to identify and plan measurable areas for personal development to ensure the organization’s strategic goals are being met (DeCenzo and Robbins, 2007). For years, many organizations provided appraisal type performance reviews to their employees that ranked them against other employees. This type of ranking system is problematic, as it is unfair to compare employees from different departments who’s primary goals may be different from one another and can viewed as putting down employees who may be unable to put in as many hours or as much effort as others who have only one set project at a time and can bog down to set higher numbers. If employee development is not properly measured and managed, the organization may find it difficult to meet their strategic goals. This in turn can create complications between mainstream workers and management, as well as the company, and their customers. Riordan Manufacturing uses a behavioral-anchored rating scale for their annual performance evaluations. The employees are rated by their performance in different areas of competencies to determine if they met, exceeded, or if they did not meet the standard expectations of the job. â€Å"Behaviorally anchored rating scales specify definite, observable, and measurable job behavior† (DeCenzo and Robbins, 2007, p. 264). This rating is issued and determined by managers and is a sufficient measure for performance management. Though this rating style eliminates competitive work habits that may assist in high productivity, it is a proven system that works much more consistent (Noe, Gerhart, & Wright, 2012) . Job evaluation methods Job evaluations are important for every organization to use because it ranks each position in the organization and is used to determine the pay structures for positions. Positions are usually broken down by responsibility, skill, effort, and work conditions. It is also helpful to separate the positions into groups such as managerial, professional, sales, and so on. This makes the rankings more valid within the job categories. To evaluate the director of administration a good evaluation method would be the ordering method. The ordering method uses a committee composed of managers and employee reps to arrange jobs in ranking order from highest importance to lower importance. The base of this is to compare two jobs and decide what job is more important or difficult. Then to add another job to the comparison until all of the positions have been compared and ranked. There are two major drawbacks to doing evaluations this way. One is there can be many positions within the organization which can make the processes confusing and long. Two, there are no consistent standards in the ranking evaluations. Another way to evaluate the director of administration position is through the classification method. This method was developed so that a standard was set in the evaluation processes. Classifications are set based off of skills, knowledge, and responsibilities and then by classes such as managerial, sales staff, and so on. Once these are established, then they are put in order by importance based on the criteria they are in. This process can be just as confusing as the ordering method if not done properly. A human resource department can be evaluated with the point method. The point method breaks positions down based on identifiable marks like skill, effort, and responsibility, and assigns points to the criteria’s. This method can be helpful because all positions with the same amount of points are in the same pay grade. Jobs can change over time but the rating scale under the point method stay intact (DeCenzo& Robbins, 2007). Even though the point method is the most reliable it is the most time consuming. Compensation plans Director Administrator and Human Resources/Recruiter are both important functions in a business. They have common commonalities. Between the two, they have distinctive, important functions. The Director of Administrations functions are to meet business goals and organize the personnel in the business. They also operate with financial management and marketing management. Human Resources are responsible to manage, hire, making plans to retain employees, and find the right candidates. Human Resources are an important tool for any organization, industry, and geographic location. The difference between Administration and Human resources is that the administrative function is predominantly to maintain the conditions of employment. On the other hand, Human Resources use the traditional process to manage Riordan Manufacturing’s goals and strategies, which follows with developmental organizational activities. Both positions seek for the compensation plans for the organization by administering to employee bonuses, overtime calculations, and payroll. Riordan Manufacturing focuses on Administration and Human Resources, because it can create investments in the future if the training programs are well elaborated and developed. Both fall into finding the best program functions (technical, finance). The development of employees is very important for Riordan Manufacturing since it helps create satisfaction among employees. The Board of Directors also maintains the executive and auditing committees under the corporate governance plan (Apollo Group, Inc. 2011). Riordan Manufacturing also has to implement a corporate compliance plan to have a safe future for the company. Riordan’s compliance plan will guide the company on how to handle current and future issues. The compliance plan is focused on working with issues, such as technological, logistical, and governance. By performing well in these areas, the company could be prosperous. The company has to maintain high quality in the performance of products and processes. This will help the company to be unsusceptible to product liability issues. Importance of employee benefit plans to employees working in team D’s chosen positions Director of Administration and Human Resources/Recruiter† Employees are offered benefits as a means to provide additional compensation above their regular salary to make their lives a little easier outside of the workplace. Health insurance, vacation and holiday time, social security and retirement plans, are all important benefits to employees and their families. At Riordan Manufacturing, the Human Resources Recruiters receive the same benefits that are of fered to every employee, which is an important factor for employee retention. The Directors at Riordan are offered special perks such as, travel benefits, a company vehicle, expense accounts, and other benefits that are not offered to every employee. Executive level employees receive these special perks to encourage them to work hard for the organization and to promote loyalty in the event of a hostile takeover. Conclusion Ending on a positive note, the team demonstrated in informative content to the reader, an understanding of the concepts of sustaining employee performance in this paper. These concepts are the four important activities of the HRM motivation function, and the connections to stimulating employees are observed. The team identified two job positions within Riordan Manufacturing, which are the Director of Administration, and Human Resources/recruiting. The team described the general functions of performance management systems. The team suggested two job evaluation methods for both of the job positions and answered questions about the advantages and disadvantages of these methods based on the recruiter and Director of Administration and Human Resources job positions. The team compared and contrasted the possible compensation plans for those two job titles. The team explained the importance of providing employee benefit plans to the recruiter/director of HR. An in-depth, comprehensive overview of activities planned in sustaining employee performance in the two positions at Riordan as referenced from week five materials, and the virtual organization site, followed by a logical conclusion. Sustaining Employee Performance In this paper, team D will address the course design objectives of Riordan Manufacturing. First of all, the team will pick two job positions within the company, and discuss the general functions of performance management systems, job evaluation methods, compensation plans, and the importance of employee benefit plans. The two job positions discussed in this paper will be the Director of Administration, and Human Resources/recruiter. These positions were selected due to the extreme amount of importance their roles play in completing Riordan Manufacturing’s Mission. General functions of performance management systems The general function of performance management systems in organizations is for employers to manage employees’ performance and development by providing individual feedback on their performance evaluation to identify and plan measurable areas for personal development to ensure the organization’s strategic goals are being met (DeCenzo and Robbins, 2007). For years, many organizations provided appraisal type performance reviews to their employees that ranked them against other employees. This type of ranking system is problematic, as it is unfair to compare employees from different departments who’s primary goals may be different from one another and can viewed as putting down employees who may be unable to put in as many hours or as much effort as others who have only one set project at a time and can bog down to set higher numbers. If employee development is not properly measured and managed, the organization may find it difficult to meet their strategic goals. This in turn can create complications between mainstream workers and management, as well as the company, and their customers. Riordan Manufacturing uses a behavioral-anchored rating scale for their annual performance evaluations. The employees are rated by their performance in different areas of competencies to determine if they met, exceeded, or if they did not meet the standard expectations of the job. â€Å"Behaviorally anchored rating scales specify definite, observable, and measurable job behavior† (DeCenzo and Robbins, 2007, p. 264). This rating is issued and determined by managers and is a sufficient measure for performance management. Though this rating style eliminates competitive work habits that may assist in high productivity, it is a proven system that works much more consistent (Noe, Gerhart, & Wright, 2012) . Job evaluation methods Job evaluations are important for every organization to use because it ranks each position in the organization and is used to determine the pay structures for positions. Positions are usually broken down by responsibility, skill, effort, and work conditions. It is also helpful to separate the positions into groups such as managerial, professional, sales, and so on. This makes the rankings more valid within the job categories. To evaluate the director of administration a good evaluation method would be the ordering method. The ordering method uses a committee composed of managers and employee reps to arrange jobs in ranking order from highest importance to lower importance. The base of this is to compare two jobs and decide what job is more important or difficult. Then to add another job to the comparison until all of the positions have been compared and ranked. There are two major drawbacks to doing evaluations this way. One is there can be many positions within the organization which can make the processes confusing and long. Two, there are no consistent standards in the ranking evaluations. Another way to evaluate the director of administration position is through the classification method. This method was developed so that a standard was set in the evaluation processes. Classifications are set based off of skills, knowledge, and responsibilities and then by classes such as managerial, sales staff, and so on. Once these are established, then they are put in order by importance based on the criteria they are in. This process can be just as confusing as the ordering method if not done properly. A human resource department can be evaluated with the point method. The point method breaks positions down based on identifiable marks like skill, effort, and responsibility, and assigns points to the criteria’s. This method can be helpful because all positions with the same amount of points are in the same pay grade. Jobs can change over time but the rating scale under the point method stay intact (DeCenzo& Robbins, 2007). Even though the point method is the most reliable it is the most time consuming. Compensation plans Director Administrator and Human Resources/Recruiter are both important functions in a business. They have common commonalities. Between the two, they have distinctive, important functions. The Director of Administrations functions are to meet business goals and organize the personnel in the business. They also operate with financial management and marketing management. Human Resources are responsible to manage, hire, making plans to retain employees, and find the right candidates. Human Resources are an important tool for any organization, industry, and geographic location. The difference between Administration and Human resources is that the administrative function is predominantly to maintain the conditions of employment. On the other hand, Human Resources use the traditional process to manage Riordan Manufacturing’s goals and strategies, which follows with developmental organizational activities. Both positions seek for the compensation plans for the organization by administering to employee bonuses, overtime calculations, and payroll. Riordan Manufacturing focuses on Administration and Human Resources, because it can create investments in the future if the training programs are well elaborated and developed. Both fall into finding the best program functions (technical, finance). The development of employees is very important for Riordan Manufacturing since it helps create satisfaction among employees. The Board of Directors also maintains the executive and auditing committees under the corporate governance plan (Apollo Group, Inc. 2011). Riordan Manufacturing also has to implement a corporate compliance plan to have a safe future for the company. Riordan’s compliance plan will guide the company on how to handle current and future issues. The compliance plan is focused on working with issues, such as technological, logistical, and governance. By performing well in these areas, the company could be prosperous. The company has to maintain high quality in the performance of products and processes. This will help the company to be unsusceptible to product liability issues. Importance of employee benefit plans to employees working in team D’s chosen positions Director of Administration and Human Resources/Recruiter† Employees are offered benefits as a means to provide additional compensation above their regular salary to make their lives a little easier outside of the workplace. Health insurance, vacation and holiday time, social security and retirement plans, are all important benefits to employees and their families. At Riordan Manufacturing, the Human Resources Recruiters receive the same benefits that are of fered to every employee, which is an important factor for employee retention. The Directors at Riordan are offered special perks such as, travel benefits, a company vehicle, expense accounts, and other benefits that are not offered to every employee. Executive level employees receive these special perks to encourage them to work hard for the organization and to promote loyalty in the event of a hostile takeover. Conclusion Ending on a positive note, the team demonstrated in informative content to the reader, an understanding of the concepts of sustaining employee performance in this paper. These concepts are the four important activities of the HRM motivation function, and the connections to stimulating employees are observed. The team identified two job positions within Riordan Manufacturing, which are the Director of Administration, and Human Resources/recruiting. The team described the general functions of performance management systems. The team suggested two job evaluation methods for both of the job positions and answered questions about the advantages and disadvantages of these methods based on the recruiter and Director of Administration and Human Resources job positions. The team compared and contrasted the possible compensation plans for those two job titles. The team explained the importance of providing employee benefit plans to the recruiter/director of HR. An in-depth, comprehensive overview of activities planned in sustaining employee performance in the two positions at Riordan as referenced from week five materials, and the virtual organization site, followed by a logical conclusion.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Animal Welfare Research Paper

Feeding a Pitbull It is suggested that pitbull owners feed their pets the foods that have what the breed requires in nutritional value. The dog food should contain nutrient sources that are similar to that found in their native lands that their ancestors ate. The requirements for a pitbull are a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Many dogs are taken to the vet because of nutritional related problems. If the dog is not getting the proper nutrients that their diet requires they can suffer from dry/itchy/flaky skin, hot spots, yeast infections in the ears, or thyroid-liver-kidney problems.The best diet for the pitbull is one that the owner makes fresh, using quality ingredients, without preservatives. Preparing home cooked meals for a dog can be less expensive than buying the average all-breed or any-breed pet food. Native foods for this breed would have been yellow corn, soy meal, rice, venison and fish. Recommended foods for this breed would be food s that contain soy, corn, brown rice, beef and poultry. This breed needs a high fiber and low carbohydrate diet. Avoid feeding this breed foods with a high fat or high starch content.Do not feed this breed any supplemental vitamin C, such as ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, or ascorbal Palmitate because these can cause kidney and liver damage to the breed. The best food for your dog is real food, not people food, but food like real chicken, turkey, beef, bison, venison, lamb, fish, some fruits and vegetables, occasionally yogurt and eggs. Vitamins and best sources Vitamin A Palmitate Vitamin B-1 Thiamine Hcl & Yeast Vitamin B-2 Riboflavin & Yeast Vitamin B-6 Pyridoxine Hcl & Yeast Vitamin B-12 Cyanocobalamin & YeastVitamin D D-activated Sterol Vitamin E dl-alpha tocopherol acetate Niacinamide Biotin Folic Acid D-Calcium Pantothenate Para Amino Benzoic Acid Minerals and best sources Calcium Bone Meal Copper Gluconate Iodine Sea Kelp Iron Ferrour Fumerate Magnesium Magnesium- Gluconate Manganese Manganese-Gluconate Phosphorus Bone Meal Potassium Potassium-Gluconate Zinc Zinc-Gluconate Habitat There is no such thing as a natural habitat for domesticated dogs such as the terrier breeds, and it would be easier to describe the places where they couldn’t and would have a hard time surviving.Extremely cold places and extremely warm places with no shade can really do some harm to this breed. The basic cage size for an American pitbull terrier would be 36 inches long, 23 inches wide, and 25 inches high. The metal cages are preferred because they can be folded down and stored away when they are not in use. The metal cages also give the dog a 360-degree visual of their surroundings. The plastic cages are more for the puppies and for transporting the dogs. Health Care Hip dysplasia is a serious problem in pitbulls.There were x-rays done of 480 pitbulls and 22% were found to have hip dysplasia. Elbow dysplasia is another serious problem in pitbulls . There were over 100 pitbulls that were x-rayed and 14% were found to have elbow dysplasia. This is the 15th worst rate in 82 breeds. Other orthopedic diseases in pitbulls are luxating patella and osteochondritis. American pitbull terriers have the 4th highest rate for hypothyroidism in 140 breeds. Vets are seeing heart disease in an increasing number of dogs in this breed. Skin problems are very common in this breed and can range from allergies to demodectic mange.Tumors and cancer are also a serious concern with this breed. Eye disease is also very common and can include progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, and entropion. Inherited deafness can occur within pitbull puppies that have a lot of white on their heads. Depending on the gender of your dog there are many pro’s and con’s to getting these dogs spayed or neutered. Female Pro’s * Spaying prevents the nuisance of heat periods * Spaying prevents uterine infections * Spaying prevents false pregnancies * Spaying prevents real pregnancies Spaying offers partial protection against breast cancer * Spaying prevents cancer of the uterus and ovaries * Spaying may mean lower licensing fees Female Con’s * Spaying doubles the risk of obesity * Spaying increases the risk of the deadly cancer called hemangiosarcoma * Spaying triples the risk of hypothyroidism * Spaying is a major surgery and requires general anesthesia * If done at the wrong age, spaying increases the risk of hip dysplasia, ligament rupture, osteosarcoma (bone cancer), and urinary incontinence Male Pro’s Neutering may mean lower licensing fees * Neutering reduces leg-lifting * Neutering reduces dominance and aggression * Neutering reduces the risk of your dog being attacked by other male dogs * Neutering helps re-focus your dogs’ attention from other dogs to YOU * Neutering reduces sexual behaviors * Neutering calms you dog around unspayed females * Neutering reduces the risk of prostate disorders * Neuter ing prevents testicular cancer * Neutering reduces the risk of perianal fistula Neutering helps prevent your dog from breeding Male Con’s * Neutering triples the risk of obesity * Neutering increases the risk of a deadly cancer called hemangiosarcoma * Neutering triples the risk of hypothyroidism * Neutering increases the risk of geriatric cognitive impairment * If done at the wrong age, neutering increases the risk of hip dysplasia, ligament rupture, and osteosarcoma (bone cancer) Restricted Use: The American Pitbull Terrier breed is one of the most mistreated and misunderstood breed of dog there is.Because of this misinterpretation of the breed many counties, even states, have banned this breed. This is why there are so many of them euthanized or put in kennels. Many people are afraid of this breed because of stories on the news about a dog attack and they automatically assume that it was a pitbull that did it but in reality it was either a golden retriever or a german shep herd that caused the attack. Pitbulls were not bred to be attack dogs, they were bred to be work dogs and then got bred to be family dogs and they are terrific family dogs.