Monday, September 30, 2019

New businesses Essay

Consistent findings have imperatively indicated that the correlation between firm entry and survival is negative. Out of every one hundred new businesses introduced in the UK, 50 percent of them become obsolete before their third anniversary. Such high attrition levels are not only evident UK in alone but also in most modern economies and can be said to be a generic ‘rule of thumb’. Just why is it that so many nascent firms end up accomplishing little or nothing before they finally become extinct? Is it that their owners do not put enough efforts into the business development or are there other internal and external causes of this prevalent occurrence of business failure? Many theories have been put forth to explain the possible causes of the high rates of new business failure. It is not surprising that major diagnoses of the root causes of low survival rate in new businesses identify management inefficiency as one of the causes of the high attrition levels. Policy makers have also been blamed for recommending entrepreneurship as the solution to rejuvenating the economy yet little is done to educate people on what to expect amid globalization pressures, competition and technological changes that are likely to impact on the business survival. Other theories put forward include the supportive environment thesis, nature of activity and industry theory. Firm survival can however be properly classified in three explanatory dimensions: The firm’s specific characteristics; Operational factors and the business cycle. This paper explores the characteristics of business failure under these three dimensions and at the same time introduces a discussion on how entrepreneurs can enhance their business’s chances of survival by providing possible solutions to the low levels of survival witnessed in infant businesses. II. Analysis a) Definitions Birth of the firm: The introduction of a business marks the birth of a firm. This may actually start when the idea of the business is borne. Consequent activities such as registering the company, acquiring premises and capital are secondary elements in the birth of a business. Survival of the firm: Survival of the firm refers to its ability to withstand internal and external pressures to meet the objectives for which it was established. Survival determines whether a firm makes it through its lifetime or whether it fails and consequently exits the market. Death of the firm: This denotes the final stage in a business at a point where nothing can be done to revive the business and the only solution is complete closure. Termination of the firm as a legal entity: This means that the business is no longer recognized by the law. It means that a business in the context of the law is no longer operational and it is therefore not liable to debts, taxes among other liabilities to stakeholders. b) New Firms Survival Literature New businesses in the UK have in the past shown high levels of business failures witnessed within the first three years of inception. According to Caliendo and Fossen (2009: 154) at least fifty out of every one hundred new businesses introduced did not make it to their third birthday. A study by the DTI Small Business Service from 1995 to 2004 reveals that these failures are actually vary with industries which could be attributed to the various conditions that exist in these sectors (DTI, 2007: 13). On average, 82% of new businesses established survived the first year in business. Improvement has been recorded and by 2004, an average of 58% of new businesses survived the first three years over all the sectors. Detailed survey results are shown in table 1 and 2. c) Why Half of Nascent Firms Fail: The Survival Explanatory Dimensions 1) Firm Specific Characteristics i)Managerial Organization Discernible management errors and high incidents of poor management highly contribute to the low survival rates of newly established firms. The death of many firms is mostly characterized by management which has turned out to be reactionary. Inefficient decision making and inadequate or non-existent planning will have contributed to the failure of the business in at least 30 percent of nascent firms (Phillips, 2004: 68-70). Veronique and Wever (2000: 138) note that manager’s inability to react to various forces affecting the business operations such as competition, technological advancements, economic trends and money issues could lead to the ultimate downfall of a business. Inadequacy in management expertise is essentially attributable for the business’ failure to explore alternative financing options leading to bankruptcy. ii)Inadequacy of Cash Reserves Inadequate financing comes in as a close second after poor management. New owners with little or no prior experience in business may fail to effectively predict cash flow. Miscalculation of amounts required to sustain the business before it picks up and underestimation of the costs associated with borrowing money are the major causes of financial strain (Lane and Schary, 1991: 101-103). Exhaustion of cash reserves is also likely to be influenced by poor pricing, over-investment in fixed assets and uncontrolled growth. Uncontrolled growth occurs when the owners want to take up every opportunity that comes so that at the end of it all they cannot satisfy all their customers. In this case, firms end up borrowing large amounts to meet the high demand and when the loans cannot be paid effectively, what results is collapse of the firm (Audretsch and Keilbach, 2004: 423). Other causes include over dependence on a few customers, fraud and uncontrolled drawings by the owner. iii)Poor debt management and Over-borrowing This is closely associated with cash inadequacy and it results where managers are ill-equipped in financial management. Small business owners are likely to obtain the wrong type of financing and worse still take more than the business can afford to pay (Jostarndt, 2007: 139). This may lead to borrowing loans to clear existing ones which is not a good debt management strategy. Inability to pay debts on time and lack of coordination between incoming cash and outgoing cash may lead to the business finally going bankrupt and consequently causing its death. iv)Ownership Status There are two ways of looking at this perspective: the legal ownership and the reasons for starting the business. A sole proprietorship business is more likely to fail due to financial and management problems than a partnership or a limited company. The reasons for starting the business can highly influence a firm’s survival. Moore and Gooderl (2008: 8-10) name two types of entrepreneurs: the opportunity entrepreneur and the necessity entrepreneur. The former establishes a business to exploit available business opportunity while the latter may start up a business for the purpose of sustaining himself probably if he cannot find a job. According to Moore and Gooderl (2008: 16-17) the opportunity entrepreneur is likely to succeed while the necessity entrepreneur may not exert enough efforts towards the business. The increased number of necessity entrepreneurs in the UK has highly increased the failure levels in new businesses. v)Personal Characteristics of the owner This mostly has to do with the attitude of the owner and the manner in which he or she applies these in the business context. Owners make a mistake of taking up all responsibilities without making use of delegation to junior employees as a result of fearing that they may not do it perfectly. Jensen (1976: 335) describes this as the ‘challenge of letting go’. Owners normally find themselves exhausted from overwork and yet do not find time to address important issues facing the business. Use of business funds by the owner can also cause detrimental effects on the business. Personal attitudes such as aggressiveness and lack of concern for the employees may cause high rate of employee turnover as well as keep away customers (Daily et al, 2002: 398-343). vi)Innovation and reaction to technological changes The world is advancing at a high rate and technology is one of the areas that a business needs to keep up with. Many new businesses fail due to being left behind in technological advancements such that they are overtaken by their competitors who take with them all the customers (Agarwal, 1996: 103-106). Innovation is one of the major tools for a successful business and this is one area that new businesses have not been able to address mainly due to lack of enough capital to come up with new products and services. viii)Poor knowledge of the market Most business owners enter the market with little knowledge about what to expect. Failing to conduct market feasibility studies limit the owner’s knowledge on the competitors in the market and their influence; the customers’ characteristics and behaviour and various market fluctuations they are likely to encounter (Covin et al, 2000: 199-206). 2) Operational factors i) Competition New businesses are often overwhelmed by the efforts required to counter competition from already existing firms. This is considering that these firms have already established their customer base and winning loyal customers could prove quite a challenging task for new businesses. Usually, dominant competitors may even device ways of putting new entrants out of business such as lowering prices and offering discounts (Covin et al, 2000: 200). Their aim is to push the new competitors until they cannot keep up with the situation such that they eventually quit. ii) Location The location of a business is a major determinant for its survival. New businesses in rural areas are likely to fail due to limited local markets and isolation. On the other hand high costs, presence of large firms and regulatory barriers pose challenges to businesses located in the urban areas (Sutaria and Donald, 2004: 250-253). 3)Changes in Business Cycle i)Macroeconomic growth and economic pressures New businesses are usually unable to handle economic shocks that may result from high interest rates, fluctuations in exchange rates and general inflation. According to David and Mahmood (1995: 89-93) not many businesses survive an economic surge or a recessionary period which may lead to skyrocketing of supply prices and high costs of borrowing. ii)Entering Cohorts’ exit rate Cohorts refer to groups with similar characteristics. The result of exit of similar businesses can either have a positive or negative effect on a new business. Exit may mean less competition which is an advantage. New firms however rely on one another for inspiration. A person operating a business where everyone is quitting due to one reason or another is bound to get disillusioned and have the attitude that his business may fail too (Phillips, 2004: 69-71). iii)Changes in legal environment When the laws of a country change, new businesses are likely to suffer since they are not yet stable enough to cushion themselves from such changes. Amendment of tax laws and business requirements may cause a new business to go bankrupt. d) Increasing Survival Chances Strategies to increase the chances of survival for a business entail addressing the leading causes of failure. The most fundamental requirement is the improvement of the management capabilities. When there is good management in a firm, other factors will follow suit because every operation of the business is determined by the management (Sutaria and Donald, 2004: 253-255). Improvement of communication within the business and proper sharing of duties are skills that the owners of the business need to acquire. This can be done through attending management and entrepreneurial seminars and conferences so as to learn secrets of firm survival from professionals. Proper planning is the ideal solution to financial problems. Veronique and Wever, 2000: 139-141) refers adequate anticipation of cash flow as the secret to overcoming financial problems for starters. This could be done through the help of an expert if the owner is not in a position to do so. Finding alternative sources of finance apart from the usual ones is key in preventing the collapse of a business due to lack of funds. There are many available sources of finance including bank loans, credit card advances, sale of assets among others (Moore and Gooderl, 2008: 298-299). Care should then be taken to make sure the finances are properly utilized. The firm should avoid relying on a few customers because huge losses can be felt if the customers suddenly withdraw. Instead, they should aim at a large customer base. Over-borrowing can be reduced through making proper cash forecasts and using the limited resources that the business has. In essence, the firm can adopt a steady growth over time instead of rushing to expand at once (Daily et al, 2002: 399-401). Finally, the management should be keen in managing the debts of the business keenly balancing the income and expenditure so as to cover all liabilities and debts in time. A business must clearly identify its customers and establish whether they can sustain the business effectively considering the level of competition. This can be done prior to the business establishment through a market feasibility studies while answering the following questions: How many competitors are in the area you plan to establish your business? Who will be the business’s customers and what are their buying habits? What is the level of loyalty of these potential customers to the current suppliers? Are they likely to buy your product? Is the product seasonal? Is it possible to make profit out of the business? Once these questions are answered, the likelihood of failure can be minimized as specific strategies to address the issues can be formulated (Audretsch and Thurik, 2007: 113-141). Business owners must realize that they cannot do everything by themselves. Employers can delegate and allow employees to make certain decisions. Consequently, owners will have ample time to concentrate on more important business issues such as finding new customers, getting more funds for the business as well as solving the current issues facing the business (Daily et al, 2002: 403-405). The need for long-term planning is inevitable. This involves planning for growth and transition in the future. It also involves planning for uncertainties such as loss of employees, customers and suppliers. In the wake of the high global trade advancement and changes in the market, businesses should always be alert to avoid being taken unaware by advancements in technology, innovation and changes in customer preferences and culture (Zoltan, 1988: 321). Legal changes and changes in tax systems should be catered for in the long-term business plan. The state of the economy is bound to change from time to time which is why firms must anticipate for any future economic shocks through investing in stocks, futures, options among others. Insurance is also an option for more larger firms. III. Conclusion No environment can be said to specifically favour new firms in all angles hence the need for those starting new firms to be overly cautious. Firms are most definitely exposed to numerous risks that may lead to their extinction as indicated in this discussion. Management is identified as the root cause of low survival rates among nascent firms and its improvement could work to solve the predicament presently being witnessed in new firm survival. Proper balancing of the firm’s cash reserves; being generally alert to any changes in the business environment; making informed decisions to deal with these changes coupled with excellent management practices is exactly what is needed to save young firms from their predicament and promote their longevity.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Evaluating Compliance Strategies Essay

The compliance process is very important in medical billing and coding. After a patient is seen, physicians document the patient’s visit. Medical administrators then post the medical codes of the visit in the practice management program (PMP) and prepare the claim. It is important to prepare claims correctly in order to stay in compliance. A correct claim connects a billed service to a diagnosis. The diagnosis has to relate to the billed service to treat the patient’s ailment. The connection is referred to as code linkage. It is important to correctly link procedures and diagnosis’ because if they aren’t correctly link the payer will reject the claim and will not pay for the services which then makes the patient responsible for payment. To be in compliance, medical insurance specialists need to know each payer’s billing rules stated in each insurance policy. These are subject to change and updated frequently so medical insurance specialists also use payer bulletins, websites, and maintain communication with payer representatives to make sure they are staying in compliance. Medicare also has its own set of rules and regulations. The Medicare National correct coding initiative (CCI) controls improper coding. CCI edits are used by computers to check claims for errors that would lead to improper payment of services. The CCI prevents two procedures from being billed that could not have been performed together. Private payers also have code edits similar to the CCI. Compliance errors sometimes occur. Submitting an improper claim may just be a simple mistake such as a typo, or sometimes it may be a deliberate act of fraud. Other common errors that are sometimes made are truncated coding, incorrect gender or age of the patient, assumption coding, altering documentation, coding without proper documentation, reporting services provided by unlicensed providers, and coding a unilateral service twice instead of choosing the bilateral code. For these reasons there are several billing and coding compliance strategies that have been put in place. One compliance strategy used by healthcare professionals is to carefully define bundled code and know global periods. A medical insurance specialist needs to be clear on what individual procedures are contained in bundled codes and what the global periods are for surgical procedures. Another strategy is to benchmark the practices E/M codes with national average. By comparing the practice reports with national averages, upcoding is able to be monitored. Another strategy is to use modifiers appropriately, and be clear on professional courtesy and discounts to uninsured and low income patients. The strategy that I find the most useful and am in support of is to maintain compliant job reference aids and documentation templates. Job reference aids are a form of a cheat sheet that lists procedures and CPT codes that are most often used by each individual practice. I think that the only way this strategy can be improved is to make sure that the job reference aids are updated frequently when new services are added to the practice, and when codes change or new ones are added. This can be accomplished by keeping track of when codes are updated or changed. There are many implications of incorrect medical coding. An improper claim will get rejected or denied by the payer. When this happens the physician will need to either file an appeal, or correct the issue. If the error can be corrected the claim can be resubmitted, however this is still unfortunate because the process will take longer than if it had been done right in the first place. When coding errors are made due to fraudulent attempts, the person who prepared the claim will lose their job and face legal action. Also, sometimes the physician in charge of the practice will be liable and possibly sued, because he/she is responsible for their employee’s and their actions. Medical coding, physician, and payer fees are all related to the compliance process. Any services performed by a physician will need to be correctly coded so that they can be paid for. Medical coding must be done properly in order to stay in compliance. Physicians must be honest and provide proper documentation of any and all services performed in order for an insurance company to accept a claim and pay for the services that were performed. As long as everyone works as a team, and works in honesty, it is easy to stay in compliance. And by using the strategies I have outlined, compliance is not difficult to follow.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Canopic Stopper of King Tut

A lot of different statuettes, busts, vases, elements of decorations, etc. from those times were presented at the exhibition in Los Angeles County Museum of Arts. But I was especially fascinated with a little bust from the canopic chest of King Tut, made of delicately patterned transparent calcite. This elegant bust reproduces King Tut himself wearing the nemes head-dress. The creators of it used subtle black and red paints to underline facial details of good-looking Egyptian king: his big eyes, eyebrows and lips, demonstrating feminized nature of this person. Traditionally, the face of King Tut is presented with decorations of protective cobra and vulture, appearing from his head-dress. This small statuette is typical exemplar of Egyptian ancient art, which is characterized with features of early frontalism: every picture (in painting) or figure (in sculpture) was presented in rigid and formal posture. This bust was found in a shrine of King Tut, on a magnificent canopic chest made of alabaster and gorgeously decorated with golden staples. There were, actually, four of such busts, which were located in every corner of the chest and served as stoppers. These stoppers were sealing four compartments of the chest, in which four miniature anthropomorphic coffins, containing mummified inner organs of the king, were stored. King Tut (Tutankhamen) is one of the most known and recognizable pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. He was the Ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egyptian Kings, who started his reign in the age of 9 and died at the age of 19. Certainly, he ruled under supervision and control of his adult advisers: in particular, his vizier and future successor Ay. The main social reconstruction, made by King Tut, is conversion of heretical Atenism, launched by his predecessor King Akhenaton, to previous traditional ancient Egyptian religion. Causes of his death still remain unknown, and there are some suggestions on this issue. Some specialists consider him to be murdered; the others consider his death to be accidental. After watching this sculpture of young pharaoh for some long period of time, first of all, I started paying more attention on its divine material. This transparent calcite is called Egyptian alabaster, which was, probably, enriched with some phosphoric materials. That is why the bust looks so lucid and shining, as if time did not touch it at all. I noticed that in this magic shining the representation of King Tut looked exceptionally graciously, and he seemed to me to be very calm and friendly as a person. The more I watched, the more I could realize, how different it is to see figures and statues in real dimensions, not as reproductions in the books. This way so many details, like features of the face, head position, profile line, vivid natural colors, and so on, can be better observed and considered. There is no printed picture, which can properly show the light, color, shape or delicacy of ancient artworks. So, if we want to receive some good idea about such treasures, we have to see them live. That is why such exhibitions are extremely popular and always crowded. There are many known representations and images of King Tut, which remained from ancient times. Recently the revolutionary event took place, when the team of Egyptian, American and French specialists managed to receive a new facial image of Tutankhamen. It was presented in three-dimensional CT scans of the Pharaoh’s skull, but the only uncertainty was left, which is the tone of King Tut’s skin. Of course, such researches are priceless. But, to my mind, there is no better imagination of a historical personage, than the one, which can be received from observing original artworks and genuine historical materials. After visiting this exhibition, I have formed my own clear picture of this Egyptian legendary king in my mind, which, I suppose, is not very different from his real appearance and character. Bibliography: â€Å"Canopic Stopper of King Tut.† King Tut. King Tut Exhibition, Los Angeles County Museum of Arts. 8 Nov. 2005 ;;. â€Å"Tutankhamen.† Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia Online. 6 Nov. 2005. 8 Nov. 2005 ;;. ; Canopic Stopper of King Tut A lot of different statuettes, busts, vases, elements of decorations, etc. from those times were presented at the exhibition in Los Angeles County Museum of Arts. But I was especially fascinated with a little bust from the canopic chest of King Tut, made of delicately patterned transparent calcite. This elegant bust reproduces King Tut himself wearing the nemes head-dress. The creators of it used subtle black and red paints to underline facial details of good-looking Egyptian king: his big eyes, eyebrows and lips, demonstrating feminized nature of this person. Traditionally, the face of King Tut is presented with decorations of protective cobra and vulture, appearing from his head-dress. This small statuette is typical exemplar of Egyptian ancient art, which is characterized with features of early frontalism: every picture (in painting) or figure (in sculpture) was presented in rigid and formal posture. This bust was found in a shrine of King Tut, on a magnificent canopic chest made of alabaster and gorgeously decorated with golden staples. There were, actually, four of such busts, which were located in every corner of the chest and served as stoppers. These stoppers were sealing four compartments of the chest, in which four miniature anthropomorphic coffins, containing mummified inner organs of the king, were stored. King Tut (Tutankhamen) is one of the most known and recognizable pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. He was the Ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egyptian Kings, who started his reign in the age of 9 and died at the age of 19. Certainly, he ruled under supervision and control of his adult advisers: in particular, his vizier and future successor Ay. The main social reconstruction, made by King Tut, is conversion of heretical Atenism, launched by his predecessor King Akhenaton, to previous traditional ancient Egyptian religion. Causes of his death still remain unknown, and there are some suggestions on this issue. Some specialists consider him to be murdered; the others consider his death to be accidental. After watching this sculpture of young pharaoh for some long period of time, first of all, I started paying more attention on its divine material. This transparent calcite is called Egyptian alabaster, which was, probably, enriched with some phosphoric materials. That is why the bust looks so lucid and shining, as if time did not touch it at all. I noticed that in this magic shining the representation of King Tut looked exceptionally graciously, and he seemed to me to be very calm and friendly as a person. The more I watched, the more I could realize, how different it is to see figures and statues in real dimensions, not as reproductions in the books. This way so many details, like features of the face, head position, profile line, vivid natural colors, and so on, can be better observed and considered. There is no printed picture, which can properly show the light, color, shape or delicacy of ancient artworks. So, if we want to receive some good idea about such treasures, we have to see them live. That is why such exhibitions are extremely popular and always crowded. There are many known representations and images of King Tut, which remained from ancient times. Recently the revolutionary event took place, when the team of Egyptian, American and French specialists managed to receive a new facial image of Tutankhamen. It was presented in three-dimensional CT scans of the Pharaoh’s skull, but the only uncertainty was left, which is the tone of King Tut’s skin. Of course, such researches are priceless. But, to my mind, there is no better imagination of a historical personage, than the one, which can be received from observing original artworks and genuine historical materials. After visiting this exhibition, I have formed my own clear picture of this Egyptian legendary king in my mind, which, I suppose, is not very different from his real appearance and character. Bibliography: â€Å"Canopic Stopper of King Tut.† King Tut. King Tut Exhibition, Los Angeles County Museum of Arts. 8 Nov. 2005 ;;. â€Å"Tutankhamen.† Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia Online. 6 Nov. 2005. 8 Nov. 2005 ;;. ;

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 101

Discussion - Assignment Example In the fast case, it is least expected that a religious leader, in this case a priest, would engage in disgraced acts that contravene their faith and calling. As such, the article is a glaring evidence of faith betrayal in our religion. In this, the faithful expects their leaders to uphold the highest degree of morality. Priests and other men of the cloth hold titles of honor and respect but they end up deceiving the flock. Furthermore, the article has implicate top church officials, including Bishop John B. McCormack, in systematic abuse of power and cover ups. The article has struck me most as I have realized that not even in the custody of our priests that the girl child is safe. In addition, the article has exposed the rot that is being swept under the carpet in parishes and other religious places. As such, a serious call should be made to the priesthood so as they live by their calling so that they can restore the confidence and faith that faithful had on

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Analyze Thomas More's Utopia in terms of his purposes and Essay

Analyze Thomas More's Utopia in terms of his purposes and characteristics he assigns to the state of Utopia What does he have to - Essay Example Hythloday talks about Utopia’s history and geography and tells that Utopia was once Isthmus before General Utopus conquered it. Hythloday puts forth a very civilized image of the Utopian society. He says that Utopians are rational in their thinking and dealing with one another. Property is communal. People of utopia are highly productive and do not run after money or gold. They value human life and etiquettes more than power and money. Class distinction is non existent in Utopia and so is the poverty. People are tolerant in religious matters and crime and offence is negligible. The society is better than any society in Europe. Finally, (More) says that he would appreciate it if few of the Utopian policies were inculcated in the European system, though he sees little to no chance of it in reality. Works Cited: More, Thomas. Utopia. UK: Bibliolis Books Ltd, 2010. Print.

B2B Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

B2B Marketing - Essay Example Product realization entails the preliminary research towards initiation of products that are to be marketed as well as the actual development and testing of those products over their effectiveness in meeting customer demand. In the framework of new product realization the entire process comprises a number of steps that constitute the procedure efficient in terms of matching the ‘new product’ to be launched with the market demand. However, as Storey and Easingwood (1999) indicate, new product development should be consistent with the market trends and with the firm’s capabilities and resources. In that extend, firms should be highly focusing on designing those characteristics and attaching those features to their new products/ services that are meaningful and ‘desirable’ for both customers and the firms themselves. Adopting a market driven strategy with regards to new product realization is vital in that it eventually allows management to identify and explore the critical stakeholders’ requirements or needs and gradually embed these in the product/service specifications prior to launching a new product/service (Herrmann et al., 2000). Strategic new product realizations offer comparative advantages to organizations mostly due to the fact that they are credited for increasing competence, adding value to the firms’ offerings and eventually strengthen the competitive opposition in the overall market environments (Storey and Easingwood, 1999). However, product realization strategy needs to be market – oriented in order to provide the fundamental basis for successful results. According to Chakravarty (2001) the development of new products is essential only if these new products incorporate and embed the customer requirements, customer needs and generally pertain to addressing customer demand. The author further expands this view by arguing that market driven product realization strategy reflects the strategic fit of the new

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Summary and reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary and reflection - Essay Example Even though the topic of the film was a contentious one, I found the movie to be insightful because I never considered some things to be racist. The most common one of these is when the white police officer manhandles a black woman on the pretext of possible drug use. There are many things in our daily lives that we do not recognize as being racist, even though many times they are. I most identified with Cameron, the husband of the black woman who was strip-searched, because he had to face a difficult dilemma. On the one hand, he could have prevented the police officer from assaulting his wife. The likely outcome would have been that he would be arrested. But, what he actually did was nothing at all. I would have done the same as him because police officers have the authority to do anything that they want because they are the law. I think that the director could have focused less on the divisions between white and black people because there are also many other cultures that can be racist. The characters in the movie were very stereotypical and I do not think that this helps ongoing racial

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Identify an organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Identify an organisation - Essay Example As a result, ExxonMobil has benefit from suitable competitive advantages, in addition to market leadership. ExxonMobil is organized on a geographical level besides having an effective leadership and focus on the firm’s objectives. The organization of ExxonMobil is dependent on business services and geographical location. The firm has functional groups that are categorized into three crucial operating divisions. The three groups are the upstream, downstream and chemicals division (Coll, 2012). The upstream management level or division of the firm dominates the firm’s cash flow. This division accounts for 70 percent of ExxonMobil’s revenues. The upstream division is responsible for business activities such as oil exploration, extraction, shipping and wholesaling. These operations have their headquarters at Texas. The downstream operations oversee business activities such as marketing, refining and retailing. These operations are dependent on the firm’s Virgi nia operations. The chemical division oversees business activities that involve the production and use of chemicals in the operations of the firm. This division has its headquarters in Texas. ExxonMobil has over 82,000 employees located in different locations globally. These employees support the activities of the three organizational levels by ensuring that the organization achieves stability in operations. It is worth stating that ExxonMobil has different brands such as Exxon, Esso and Mobil. The firm also owns subsidiaries such as Imperial Oil Limited and SeaRiver Maritime (Coll, 2012). ExxonMobil’s upstream division has operations such as â€Å"ExxonMobil Upstream Ventures, ExxonMobil Exploration Company, ExxonMobil Development Company, ExxonMobil Production Company, ExxonMobil Gas and Power Marketing Company and ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company† (ExxonMobil, 2013). Downstream operations are achieved by the activities of â€Å"Sea River Maritime, Lubricant & S pecialties Marketing Company, ExxonMobil Refining and Supply Company, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company, ExxonMobil Fuels and International Marine Transportation† (ExxonMobil, 2013). Operations of the chemical division are achieved through the activities of ExxonMobil Chemical Company. Flat or Tall Organization According to the organizational structure used by ExxonMobil, and the firm’s website, ExxonMobil is a flat organization. This means that the firm provides effective communication and interactive platforms (Bhairaw & Manoj, 2012). At ExxonMobil, every employee, regardless of level, status or job description can approach anyone at the firm and ask questions or share perspectives. ExxonMobil has an informative atmosphere. The flat organizational structure is based on ExxonMobil’s hierarchical structure. This structure was important because it helped the group access one of the firm’s representatives. The representative helped in filling out t he survey form. Tall organizational structures rely on traditional corporate structures that have mid-base and upper management levels. Tall organizational structures feature complex hierarchies that lead to long management chains (Bhairaw & Manoj, 2012). As the organization expands, the management levels increase. Managers form numerous ranks that control reduced numbers of employees or areas of the organization. Flat organizational structures have minimum management levels

Monday, September 23, 2019

Week 5 - Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 5 - Journal - Assignment Example is a portrayal of the failure of the national government since it shows failure in formulating appropriate laws and creation of appropriate agencies to curtailing the problem that threatens the social order in the country. Among the laws that govern immigration in the country are Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 (United States, 1978). The two have provided an effective system for legal immigrants but have failed in protecting the country against the problem of illegal immigrant. So far, the government has adopted the open but closed border policy in the management of the Mexico-US border. I believe the policy has the ability to enable cross border trade while containing the rising illegal immigrants menace. Prior to this week’s reading, I believed that the government was losing the fight against illegal immigrants. However, after studying some of the policies including the open but closed border policy, I now believe that while the problem is serious, the American government in collaboration with the neighboring governments is striving to seal off the borders thereby curtailing the problem (Krikorian, 2010). United States. (1978).  Illegal immigration and U.S.-Mexican border control: Analysis and recommendations : Critique of administration adjustment of status proposals. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Economies Of The Middle East. Essay Example for Free

Economies Of The Middle East. Essay According to the CIA world Fact Book Bahrain is located in the Middle East on the eastern side of Saudi Arabia. Bahrain’s climate is arid though characterized by hot and humid summers while the winters are pleasant. (CIA,2008). According to the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Bahrain is an archipelago which is comprised of 33 islands and is sandwiched between the east coast of Saudi Arabia and the Qatar peninsula. Bahrain has an advantage in as far as tourism is concerned given her richness in geographical features like the sandy beaches as well as the coral reefs. It also has various museums, archeological sites and traditional markets which are all a plus to her competitiveness. Bahrain is also well known for her liberalistic tendencies in the Middle East region. (Council for International Exchange of Scholars). Being an Arab country, Islam is the most practiced religion although other religions which form less than 25% of the total population are allowed to take place. They include Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism as well as Judaism. In such a set up, where 85% of the total population is Muslim it is only natural that Arabic is the official language. However, English is used in the learning institutions as well as when conducting business. This paper will give an in depth analysis of Bahrain. The US department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs pointed out that in 2007 the population of Bahrain was 708,535 out of which a tune of 32% comprised of non nationals. Statistics of the same year also indicated that annual population growth rate was at 1. 39%. In accessing the composition of the Bahrain population by ethnic background it was established that Bahrainis recorded the largest proportion at 63%, Asians were next with 19% while the Arabs and Iranians were 10% and 8% respectively. The US department of State estimated that Islam is the religion observed by approximately 98% of the total population. It also estimated that other languages used in addition to English and Arabic included Farsi and Urdu. A unique characteristic of the education system in Bahrain is the fact that although it is not compulsory, it is offered for free at all levels. Estimates taken in the period 1991 to 2001 indicated that there was a high rate of school attendance at 84%. In the year 2003 it was established that the overall adult literacy levels for those aged 15 years and above stood at 89. 1% while the rate differed across the genders. (Bureau of Public Affairs, 2007). Males had a higher rate at 91. 9% while females registered a lower rate at 85%. Bahrain finances her citizen’s educational needs from incomes attained from her generous investment in oil reserves. The importance of the year 1920 in as far as the education of Bahrain cannot be underscored as it was at this time that the first public school which served both sexes was introduced. There are 2 universities or high learning institutions where people are able to improve their credibility levels in the job market. To cater for the health needs of her population there is a health science college which offers specified skills in the various medical fields like nursing, pharmacy. According to the 2007 statistics the infant mortality rate was at 16. 18 deaths/1000 live births while the life expectancy for males was 5 years lower than that of the females which was 77 years. Statistics from 2006 estimated that approximately 352,000 people formed the Bahrain labor or work force out of which a tune of 44% was foreigners. The US department of State also estimates that Bahrain is among the highly dense populated states and most of her population settled in the capital city Manama. A considerable percentage of Bahrain’s workforce is comprised of foreigners due to the ‘foreigner – friendly’ policies by the government. Although the naturalization process evokes contrasting views among the Bahraini’s it has seen approximately 10% of the total populations attain Bahraini nationality. Critics argue that the procedures or rather criteria applied could jeopardize the country’s security especially when foreigners previously working with sensitive departments like security are naturalized. There are 2 types of Muslims in the Bahrain state. About 2/3 of the people from the indigenous group are shi’a Muslims while prominent people in the society like the ruling family, numerous members of the government and the military as well as leaders in the state form the Sunni Muslim. (Bureau of Public Affairs, 2007). According to the CIA world fact book, the birth rate using 2008 estimates was 17. 26/1000 population while the death rate at the same year was at 4. 29deaths/1000 population. The rate of net migration was estimated to be 0. 4 migrants/1000 population. CIA also estimated that the sex ratios for the total population stood at 1. 25 males/females in 2008. 2008 estimates also had it that the total infant mortality rate was at 15. 64 deaths/1000 live births while that of females was at 12. 93 deaths/1000 live births. In 2006, the school life expectancy of both primary levels to tertiary education was 15 years though it varied across the genders with males recording a lower expectancy at 14 years while females lagged behind at 16 years. 2001 statistics indicated that approximately 86. 5% of the total population could read and write with males recording a higher rate at 88. 6% and females at 83. 6%. In 1991 the government spent approximately 3. 9% of the GDP to finance the education sector. (CIA,2008). The government in Bahrain is a constitutional monarchy with 5 administrative divisions namely Asamah, Janilyah, Muharraq, shamliyah and wasat. She attained her independence on the 15th of August 1971from the UK. In 2002, on the 14th of February she adopted a constitution that was to be followed. The laws consist of the English law but blended with the Islam laws. The universal suffrage is at 20 years meaning any one above that age has the right to vote. There are three branches of government, the executive, legislative as well as the judiciary. The executive is comprised of the King Hamad bin Isa al- Khalifa who took over in March 1999. the king is the chief of the Bahrain state. The Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman al Khalifa is the head of government and he has held this position since 1971. The monarchy has the responsibility of appointing the cabinet and the prime minister too but the monarchy is hereditary. (CIA,2008). King Hamad Isa al- Khalifa succeeded his father who died in 1999 after being in power for approximately 38 years. King Hamad can be commended for various reforms in Bahrain especially his zest to introduce democracy by changing the current system that was purely a ‘hereditary emirate’ to a ‘constitutional monarchy’. (CIA,2008). His efforts precipitated to a referendum in 2001 for the National Action Charter which approximately 94. 8% of the Bahrain voters endorsed. Another significant act by King Hamad was setting free of most political detainees and prisoner most of whom had been exiled, detained or imprisoned from as early as in the 1970’s for posing ‘security threats’ to Bahrain. Kind Hamad did away with the state security law and court which made it possible to detain people for up to 3 years without trial. The constitutional reforms Hamad introduced saw to it that a bicameral parliament which had a representative from the lower house was operational. Another aspect different from what was initially the trend was the creation of an independent body which was to act as ‘watchdog’ over corruption allegations such as the embezzlement of public funds. This was a way of increasing accountability and transparency in the region. (Bureau of Public Affairs, 2007). Hamad’s efforts were however not without challenges as for instance there were protests against the provisions he enacted on the constitution from members of the Shi’a community. The 2002 election made a mark in the political history of Bahrain as it was at this time when the first woman was elected in parliament. The legislature branch comprises of the 40 member consultative council and the 40 member chamber of deputies. The election of the two councils is different in the sense that the former is elected by the kind while the latter is determined through a direct election. Elections are held after 4 years with the last one in 2006. The judicial system of Bahrain is comprised of a combination of courts adhering to the English laws as well as the Islamic laws or religious and tribal laws. Hamad also made significant reforms in the judiciary when he set a separate branch to over see it. The king’s son or crown prince is the head of the commander in chief of the state’s defense force and the king’s successor. (Bureau of Public Affairs, 2007). Democracy in Bahrain, however is limited to the fact that political parties are discouraged and this had been the case for many decades but with the rise of Hamad to power political societies were allowed to operate (CIA) According to the CIA world fact book Bahrain attracts foreign direct investment a factor that has made various multinational companies settle there and carry out business. This is to the country’s advantage economically. Similar to other gulf countries the role of petroleum in stirring economic growth and development cannot be underscored. It is estimated that petroleum products attribute to over 60% of her total exports which contribute to a tune of 70% of the total government revenues. The petroleum industries directly contribute to approximately 11% of the country’s GDP. Bahrain is also rich in aluminum which is the second largest export. (CIA, 2008). The US department of state noted that other natural resources in Bahrain included textiles, natural gas, fish and pearls. (Bureau of Public Affairs, 2007).

Friday, September 20, 2019

Human Resource planning

Human Resource planning LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 INTRODUCTION This literature review uses the work of other various researchers to be able to provide the theoretical context of the research. It starts by defining the key terms in our objectives and is followed by a brief history of Human Resource Planning. Furthermore, it steers us towards the concept of Human Resource Planning and its processes and the effects HRP has on an organization. 2.1 DEFINITION OF HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Human Resource Planning is an outgoing process of appointing the accurate number of employees bearing the right talent and skills in the right jobs at the right time, while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses as a means to achieve the goals of the organization. Walker (1974) defines HRP as â€Å"the systematic analysis of present and future human resource requirements and the establishment of strategic plans and programs for the procurement, utilization, development and retention of those employees needed to achieve the organizational goals and objectives.† Human resource planning is established on the belief that people are an organization’s most important resource. Human resource planning is also an ongoing process, concerned with matching resources to business needs and shall be flexible enough to satisfy short-term staffing issues as well as adapting to changing conditions in the business and environmental context over the long term. Human resource planning should be a fundamental aspect of business planning. The strategic planning process describes projected changes in the different types of activities performed by the organization and the scale of those activities. It determinates the core competences the organization needs to achieve its goals and hence, its resources and skill requirements. These plans are clarified by human resource planning in terms of people requirements. Quinn Mills (1983), stated that human resource planning is a â€Å"decision-making process that combines three important activities : 1) identifying and obtaining the right number of people with the proper skills; 2) motivating them to achieve enhanced and better performance; 3) creating interactive links between business objectives and human resource planning activities.† However, a certain distinction has to be made between ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ human resource planning. Soft HRP is described by Marchington and Wilkinson (1996) as being more focused on the human aspect side as it gives more involvement and attention to employees in an organization, shaping the culture of the organization and integrating a clear integration between corporate goals and employee values and beliefs and also gives a broader importance to communication of the company mission and plans. Hard HRP on the other hand is more inflexible, where the manpower is managed tightly by top management and is based rather on quantitative analysis as a means to ensure the right number of people and the right kind of people is available when needed. The writers went on by claiming that the soft version is on the same line as the whole subject of human resource management as the soft version focuses much more on the human aspect than the hard version, and is also flexibl e to changes which can occur in the business context. Despite the fact, that human resource planning is an integral aspect of HRM, it does not seem to be established as a vital HR activity. Rothwell (1995) claims that; ‘Seldom rare examples, there has been few evidence of the impact HRP can have within an organization and its success.’ Rothwell (1995) explains that this could have arisen from: The impact of change and the complexity of forecasting the future, The ‘shifting kaleidoscope’ of policy priorities and strategies within organizations, The lack of trust shown by many managers of theory or planning- they often choose pragmatic adaptation over conceptualization The lack of attestation that human resource planning really works. 2.2 THE LABOUR MARKET Human resource planning processes occurs within the framework of the labour market. Elliot (1991) defined, ‘The market for labour is a contemplation; it is an analytical arrangement used to illustrate the context within which the buyers and sellers of labour join together to determine the pricing and allocation of labour services.’ Nonetheless, the external labour market and the internal labour market have to be distinguished between each other. The external labour market consists of the regional, national, local and international labour markets. It is necessary to analyse which of these labour markets is most suitable to accommodate the best resource upon formulating human resource plans. Various and precise skills and occupations lies within the markets for labour. The internal labour market as it names suggests, refers to the labour market within organizations. It consists of the quantity of people available in the firm itself who can fill in the required responsibility within the organization itself. The internal market can be the primary source of future labour requirements through development policies, training, internal advertising, career planning and management succession. Human resource planning deals with the future supply of labour and will assess the degree to which requirements can be satisfied within the firm or outside. Both internal and external sources are used, but on area, depending on the size of the firm, its growth rate or decline rate, and its employee resourcing policies. 2.3 FROM MANPOWER PLANNING TO HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Manpower planning, human resource planning, employment planning, people planning and other similar names have been used to label the planning exercise of human resource management. (Megginson, 1977: Burack and Gutteridge, 1978). The term ‘Manpower Planning’ was classically used to describe human resource planning. Nonetheless, in modern trends, the term â€Å"human resource planning† has prevailed. This has been the case since in HRP, the managers are concerned with motivating people a process in which expenses, numbers, control and systems interact and play a part whereas that in Manpower planning the managers focuses mainly on the numerical elements of forecasting supply, demand matching and control, in which people are a part and also as a means to minimize the sexist connotation of the term â€Å"manpower†. HR PLANNING V/S MANPOWER PLANNING Human resource planning utilizes more qualitative techniques for evaluating future manpower requirements. Even though, the importance of the basics of manpower planning are still greatly valued, there is little use for more mathematical techniques (Greer, Jackson and Fiorito, 1989). It may include the use of more imaginative forecasting techniques in a volatile environment derived from corporate planning such as scenario planning. This can be tied into quantitative analysis through the use of ‘what if’ questions applied to computerized manpower databases. Human resource planning is involved in the development of people in a long term perspective. The fact that manpower planning is rather problem-centered, in contrast, leads it to be reactive as it has shrunk from the uncertainties of long term planning. Human resource planning provides flexibility to business strategy. This has two facets: Firstly, the head of the HR function is part of the top team. This ensures a dialogue about people and strategy. Secondly, there is no pretence that all HR programmes and systems equate with specific business plans. FIGURE 1.2 PROCESS OF HR PLANNING Source: (Armstrong Michael: A handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. AIMS OF HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING The aims of human resource planning are to ensure that the organization: Makes the best and optimum use of its human resources Is able to foresee and anticipate the issues of potential excess or shortages of people Focuses on recruiting internally than externally when key skills are in short reply- it involves formulating retention, as well as employee development strategies. ­ Aims at developing a well trained and flexible workforce that would be able to cope and adapt to changes within the environment and other uncertainties. 2.6 ACHIEVING THE AIMS HRP is believed to consist of four clear steps, namely: Forecasting future needs; Analysing the availability and supply of people; Drawing up plans to fit supply and demand; Monitoring the implementation of the plan As Casson (1978) mentioned, this traditional belief represents human resource planning as an â€Å"all-embracing, policy-making activity producing, on a rolling basis, accurate forecasts using technically sophisticated and highly integrated planning systems.’ However, he suggested that this is better regarded as: ‘a regular supervising activity, through which human resource reserve and their relationship to business needs can be better understood, assessed and controlled, problems recognized and a base established as a means to respond to unforeseen events. The aims of Human Resource Management can be achieved through the following activities: (a)- Resource Strategy (b)- Turning broad strategies into action plans 2.6 (c)- Demand Forecasting 2.6 (d)- Supply Forecasting 2.6 (e)- Forecasting requirements 2.6 (f)- Flexibility 2.6 (g)- Productivity and costs analysis 2.6 (h)- Action planning 2.6 (i)- Control 2.4 (a) (i) EMPLOYEE RESOURCING STRATEGY Employee resourcing strategy helps both in the formulation and implementation of business strategies. 2.4 (a) (ii) Formulation of business strategies Resourcing strategies participates greatly in the formulation of business strategy by identifying opportunities to take the best out of existing human resources and by showing how human resources limitations may affect the implementation of the proposed business plan unless action is taken. Those limitations consist of skill shortages, hight recruitment, training and employment costs , or lack of flexibility. 2.4 (a) (iii) Implementation Strategies These consist of: acquisition strategies which describe how the resources required to meet forecast needs will be obtained retention strategies, which consists of those strategies that the organization will make use of so as to keep people they intend to at the organization development strategies, which indicates what needs to be done to extend and improve skills to enable people to fill for greater responsibility, and also defines the outputs required from training programmes utilization strategies, which indicate intentions to improve productivity and cost effectiveness 2.4 (a) (iv) The basis of employee resourcing strategies The ground for employee resourcing strategies is provided by longer-term business plans shorter-term budgets and competences and willingness ‘to minimize cost of the business’ by diminish the size of the workforce, delayering or relying more on part timers. Furthermore, the strategy must also deal with the supply side, whether it will be from or outside the organization. Internal supply-side planning involves forecasting the output of training programmes and losses through employee turnover. Absenteeism’s impact has also to be considered. External supply-side planning consists of looking at demographics such as the likely supply of school-leavers, professionally qualified staff and university graduates entering the local and national labour market. 2.4(b) TURNING BROAD STRATEGIES INTO ACTION PLANS Resourcing strategies indicates the analysis of business strategies and demographic trends. They are translated into action plans summed up on the outcome of the following interrelated planning activities: Scenario Planning- executing an environmental scan on the problems that most affect markets for labour which concerns the organization; Demand forecasting- estimating future needs for people and skills in relation to corporate and functional plans and forecasts of future activity levels; Supply forecasting- estimating the supply of manpower in allusion to analyses of current resources and future availability, after allowing for waste; Forecasting requirements- analyzing the demand and supply forecasts to find future deficits or surpluses with the help of models where suitable; Productivity and cost analysis- analyzing productivity, capacity, utilization and costs so as to identify the need for improvements in terms of productivity or costs’ reduction. Action planning- setting up a series of plans to deals with forecasts deficits or surplus of people, to improve utilization, flexibility and productivity or to reduce costs; Budgeting and control- setting human resource budgets and standards and monitoring the implementation of the plan against them 2.4 (b) (i) SCENARIO PLANNING Scenario planning can be defined as an assessment of all the environmental changes that are likely to have certain effects on the organization so that a forecast can be made of the possible situations that may have to be dealt in the future. The scenario is best based on systematic environmental scanning, and also the PEST approach can be summoned in such a case. 2.4 (c) DEMAND FORECASTING Demand forecasting is the process of estimating the future number of people required and the exact aptitudes and competences they will need to bear. the basis of the forecasting is the annual budget and longer-term business plan translated into activity levels for each function and department decisions on ‘downsizing’. Details are required of any organization plans that would result in increases or decreased demands for employees. 2.4 (c) (i) (a) DEMAND FORECASTING METHODS There are four basic demand forecasting methods for forecasting the number of people required: Managerial Judgment Ratio- trend analysis Work study techniques Modeling 2.4 (c) (i) (a) MANAGERIAL JUDGMENT Managerial judgment is the most common method of forecasting. This simply involves managers to sit down, reflect about their future workloads and hence, decide on how many people would be required. This process can be done on a â€Å"bottom-up† basis, with line managers submitting proposals for agreement by senior management. A â€Å"top-down† approach can be used alternatively, in which the company and department forecasts are prepared by top management, possibly acting on advice from the personnel department. These forecasts are reviewed and agreed with department managers. Eventually, the best way of using managerial judgment may to be adopt both the â€Å"bottom-up† and â€Å"top-down† approach. Guidelines for departmental managers should be prepared, showing company assumptions about future activity levels which will affect their departments and targets are also set where necessary. Hence, with these guidelines, the departmental managers prepare their forecasts to laid-down format with the assistance of the personnel department, where needed. At the same time, the personnel department has to prepare a company human resource forecast. 2.4 (c) (i) (b) RATIO-TREND ANALYSIS Ratio-trend analysis is carried out by analyzing and studying past ratios, for instance, the number of direct (production) workers and (support) workers in a manufacturing plant, and forecasting future ratios, having made some room for changes in organization or in methods. Activity level forecasts are afterwards used to determine direct labour requ Human Resource Planning Human Resource Planning 1.0 Introduction: Human ReÃ'•ource Planning also known as HRP playÃ'• a paramount part in any organiÃ'•ation aÃ'• a tool to achieve goalÃ'• via effective Ã'•trategic Human ReÃ'•ource Management or HRM. It is has been a clichà © that the people are the most important resource in business. Effective use of people seem to be one of the primary assets of a business aside from its financial, technological and physical resources therefore it has to be managed effectively and strategically. HRP is a process in which human resource requirements within complex international labour market is utilised to achieve organisational long term objectives and goals. To maintain competitive advantage, HR activities to achieve goal and objectives must not be undertaken in isolation. Ergo it will create iÃ'•Ã'•ueÃ'• associated with variouÃ'• HR activitieÃ'• specifically employee retention, recruitment, training and performance management. ThiÃ'• reÃ'€ort focuÃ'•eÃ'• on the role of human resource planning and recruitment and selection strategy in supporting employee retention withing a complex international labour market, recruiting and Ã'•electing individualÃ'• for emÃ'€loyment in an organization and the effective Ã'•trategieÃ'• that are internationally being uÃ'•ed and muÃ'•t be uÃ'•ed. Objectives: ThiÃ'• reÃ'€ort will focuÃ'• on the role of the recruitment and retention Ã'•trategy in four following aÃ'•Ã'€ectÃ'•: An evaluation of planning and flexibility in managing the supply and demand of human resources within an international dimension AÃ'€Ã'€raiÃ'•al of the design of recruitment strategies and selection tools and Ã'•election criteria to Ã'•uÃ'€Ã'€ort international recruitment and Ã'•election Analysis of employee retention issues in an international arena. Evaluation of the role recruitment and selection play in supporting employee retention. 2.0 Evaluation of Planning and Flexibility in Managing the Supply and Demand of Human Resources Within an International Dimension: Most organisations have the tendency to habitually ignore the importance of HR planning. Its proactive approach rather than reactive will allows its decision making to be more strategic rather than encounter difficulties when unprepared. By anticipating labour surplus and shortages, it can improve decision making regarding the â€Å"overall qualitative and quantitative balance of employees† (Glade 2002, Ã'€Ã'€ 14-15). The recruitment procedure could be internal or external or could also be online and involves the stages of recruitment policies, advertising, job description, job aÃ'€Ã'€lication Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'•, interviews, aÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'•Ã'•ment, decision making, legislation selection and training. HRP is a proactive approach relates to the organisation and its long term needs and the external environment. It has a foresight for example, 10 years. Ð…mall and medium Ã'•ized enterÃ'€riÃ'•eÃ'• (Ð…MEÃ'•) aÃ'• well focus on interviews and aÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'•Ã'•ment with emphasis on job analysis, emotional intelligence in new or inexpert aÃ'€Ã'€licantÃ'• and corporate social reÃ'•Ã'€onÃ'•ibility (CÐ…R). Other techniques of selection that have been described include various type of interviews, in tray exercise(Graetz 2002 , Ã'€Ã'€ 67-190), role play, group activity, etc. By definition, flexibility is the ability to adapt to change. In a recession a business needs a flexible workforce to survive. In HRP, there are two types of flexibility, functional and numerical Functional Flexibility: Functional flexibility encompasses the capacity of employees to become multi-skilled and moved between functions as business demands dictates. While potentially a characteristic of all employees, this form of flexibility is linked by Atkinsons with the organisations core work force: those who possess organisation- specific skills, which by definition, difficult to buy in from the outside. Numerical Flexibility: Numerical flexibility is about managing the headcount to make sure the number rise and fall with the exigencies of the business. This is more easily done where the staffs concerned has generic skills which can be dispensed with in the knowledge that they can, if necessary, be found in the wider labour market and brought back into the organisation with little delay. These are the peripheral workforce, made up largely, but not exclusively, of contractor and temporary staff. 3.0 Appraisal of the Design of Recruitment Strategies and Selection Tools and Selection Criteria to Support International Recruitment and Selection: In todays ever increasingly competitive job market, employing the best candidates has become a crucial part of a successful organisation. It is a very complicated Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'• to recruit and select staff. The integration into the organizational aÃ'€Ã'€roach means that the Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•ful outcome of such Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'• is eÃ'•Ã'•ential for individual job performance and organizational Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•. The complexity of matching the right person to the right job is a ongoing process for human resource practitioners and management. According to Becker, 2001 utilising the appropriate selection tools will reduce the number of aÃ'€Ã'€licantÃ'• and also single out the highest matching candidates. Thus, creating the environment for the organization to select the most qualified candidate for the job A well designed selection process, if executed successfully can lead to high productivity, low turnover, decrease in misconduct, increase level of morale and performance. Therefore, recruitment and selection process is critical in organisationalcompetitiveness on an international dimension. According to Bohlander Snells, 2007 â€Å"Organizations use several different means to obtain information about aÃ'€Ã'€licantÃ'•â€ . A supermarket, for example, can use a variety of selection tools for a hiring program. Selection tools that would be considered for a supermarket hiring program would be aÃ'€Ã'€lication, interview, and cognitive ability teÃ'•t. Selection Tools Being AÃ'€Ã'€lied: Rà ©sumà ©s and AÃ'€Ã'€licationÃ'•: The first step in most selection Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'• involves the collection of basic candidate information. Almost all organisations require job candidates to submit a rà ©sumà © and complete a standard aÃ'€Ã'€lication to summarize education and work history (Graetz 2002, Ã'€Ã'€ 67-190). Behaviour-based Interviews: Almost all of the organisations use behaviour-based interviews to some extent as part of their selection Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'•. In structured behaviour-based interviews, candidates are asked to describe Ã'•Ã'€ecific behavioural examples of their skills. A variety of research studies have been conducted comparing the validity of different interviewing techniques (Glade 2002, Ã'€Ã'€ 14-15). Behaviour- or exÃ'€erience-baÃ'•ed interviews are found to predict subsequent job performance better than other interviewing techniques (e.g., situational interviews) (Ð  ulakoÃ'• Ð…chmitt, 1995). More organisations are opting to perform such structured interviews as part of the selection Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'• to increase the likelihood of hiring candidates who will be Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•ful in the Ã'€oÃ'•itionÃ'•. Limited Use of AÃ'€Ã'€licant TeÃ'•ting and AÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'•Ã'•ment: On average, the majority of organisations do not use any form of aÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'•Ã'•ment or testing. Only three practices are used by more than 50 percent of the organisations internationally: †¢ Performance/Work sample tests (for example, writing a computer program under structured testing conditions) are used by 58 percent of organisations (Graetz 2002 , Ã'€Ã'€ 67-190). †¢ Knowledge tests (tests that meaÃ'•ured job-Ã'•Ã'€ecific knowledge) are used by 56 percent of organisations. †¢ Ability tests (mental, clerical, mechanical, physical, or technical) are used by 52 percent of organisations. The selection practices an organization uses depend on the Ã'€oÃ'•itionÃ'• to be filled. Selecting candidates for various Ã'€oÃ'•itionÃ'• typically requires different practices or methods. Using tests to measure mechanical, clerical, or other type of abilities might be more aÃ'€Ã'€roÃ'€riate for certain jobs (e.g., plumber, administrative aÃ'•Ã'•iÃ'•tant) than for others (e.g., manager). AÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'•Ã'•mentÃ'• are typically used for aÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'•Ã'•ing critical competencies required for uÃ'€Ã'€er level (Glade 2002, Ã'€Ã'€ 14-15). Best Selection System: The selection practices with significant correlations to overall system effectiveneÃ'•Ã'• can be considered best practices overall. Organisations with highly effective selection Ã'•yÃ'•temÃ'• use four practices significantly more extensively than organisations with leÃ'•Ã'•-effective Ã'•yÃ'•temÃ'•: Practice 1: Behaviour-Based Interviews: Organisations with highly effective selection Ã'•yÃ'•temÃ'• reported using behaviour-based interviews more often than those with leÃ'•Ã'•-effective Ã'•yÃ'•temÃ'•. Behaviour based interviews enhance the effectiveneÃ'•Ã'• of the selection Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'• by: †¢ Focusing on job-related behaviors (Birchfield 2003, Ã'€Ã'€ 45-48). †¢ Obtaining Ã'€reciÃ'•e behavioral data. †¢ Using at behavior to calculate future behavior. Practice 2: Motivational Fit Inventories: During the selection Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'•, many organizations focus only on aÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'•Ã'•ing the skills neceÃ'•Ã'•ary to perform the job. However, skill is only one factor related to job performance. Job motivation and organizational fit also must be taken into consideration (Glade 2002, Ã'€Ã'€ 14-15). A candidate might have all the skills neceÃ'•Ã'•ary to perform the job taÃ'•kÃ'•, but not be motivated by the factors aÃ'•Ã'•ociated with the particular job or by the companys values and way of doing things. Thus, aÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'•Ã'•ment of these motivations can help identify candidates who not only have the â€Å"can do† aÃ'•Ã'€ect of the job, but also have the â€Å"will do.† Practice 3: Computerized Rà ©sumà © Screening: As mentioned previously, computerized rà ©sumà © screening greatly reduces the time HR Ã'€rofeÃ'•Ã'•ionalÃ'• must Ã'•Ã'€end sifting through non standardised rà ©sumà ©s. Now, HR can gather rà ©sumà © data in a standard, computerized format or use Ã'•Ã'€ecial software to scan and Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'• rà ©sumà ©s (Birchfield 2003, Ã'€Ã'€ 45-48). Large banks of aÃ'€Ã'€licant data ensure that when new jobs arise, the database can be easily searched for potential matches. Practice 4: Training/Experience Evaluations: The premise underlying training and experience (TE) evaluations is that they aÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'•Ã'• job-relevant abilities, skills, and motivation (Graetz 2002 , Ã'€Ã'€ 67-190). It is aÃ'•Ã'•umed that individualÃ'• who have Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•fully Ã'€erformed job relevant taÃ'•kÃ'• requiring these skills and abilitieÃ'• in the at will also be Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•ful in Ã'€erforming Ã'•imilar taÃ'•kÃ'• in the future. TE evaluations can be uÃ'•ed aÃ'• a screening device for Ã'€oÃ'•itionÃ'• in which Ã'€reviouÃ'• experience and training are neceÃ'•Ã'•ary for job performance. Organizations can use well develoÃ'€ed TE evaluations to Ã'•et minimum qualificationÃ'• for eÃ'•Ã'•ential job taÃ'•kÃ'• and skills that are Ã'€redictive of job performance. 4.0 Analysis of Employee Retention Issues in an International Arena. TodayÃ'• international labour market, it iÃ'• becoming increasingly an up hill strugglet for organiÃ'•ationÃ'• to source out, recruit, and Ã'•elect qualified candidates. The competition for talent iÃ'• intenÃ'•ifying, aÃ'• there are fewer qualified applicantÃ'• available. ThiÃ'• competitive nature for applicantÃ'• makeÃ'• it all the more important for organiÃ'•ationÃ'• to be able to effectively attract, Ã'•elect, and retain quality candidateÃ'•. Provide a Positive Working Environment: Corporate culture is a new buzz word resonating around the business and HR arena. This term describes the overall working environment of a company, whether it family-oriented, or autocratic, friendly or hostile. Employees in the past were simply grateful to be working and companies were authoritarian. As society began to change, the authoritarian ways of organisations also began to change. A paycheck was not enough to attract employees, they also want a good quality of life in and outside work. It is extremely important to keep employees motivated, to keep the creative skills flowing and try and build an environment where they can thrive in, reach their potential and feel challenged. Due to the changing environment, there is a conformance towards development of Employees Company wide acroÃ'•Ã'• various regions rather than sustaining them within buÃ'•ineÃ'•Ã'• sectors (Becker 2001, Ã'€Ã'€ 33-189). This drives a more valued development Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'• in attaining human capital in the increasing competitive environment. Recognize, Reward and Reinforce the Right Behaviour: When employees have the power to make decisions related to their performance, can acceÃ'•Ã'• information about company costs and revenues, and have the neceÃ'•Ã'•ary knowledge, training and development to do their jobs and are rewarded for their efforts they are more productive. Money and benefits may attract people to the front door, but something else has to keep them from going out the back. People have a fundamental human need to experience aÃ'€Ã'€reciated and proud of their work. Recognition and incentive programs aid meet that need. (Becker 2001, Ã'€Ã'€ 33-189). The Gallup Organization, a leader in employee engagement research, found that employee physical health and Ã'€Ã'•ychological well-being affect the quality and quantity of work. For example, 62% of engaged employees feel their work positively affects their physical health. Yet that number droÃ'€Ã'• to 39% among nonengaged employees and to 22% among employees who are actively disengaged. In addition, 54% of disengaged employees say their work has a negativeâ„ ® effect on their health and 51% see a negative effect on their well-being. Involve and Engage: Employee engagement is a key buÃ'•ineÃ'•Ã'• driver for organizational Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•. High levels of engagement in domestic and global firms promote retention of talent, foster customer loyalty and improve organizational performance and stakeholder value. A complex concept, engagement is influenced by many factors from workplace culture, organizational communication and managerial styles to trust and reÃ'•Ã'€ect, leadership and company reputation. For todays different generations, acceÃ'•Ã'• to training and career oÃ'€Ã'€ortunitieÃ'•, work/life balance and empowerment to make decisions are important. Thug, to foster a culture of engagement, HR leads the way to design measure and evaluate proactive workplace policies and practices that help attract and retain talent with skills and competencies neceÃ'•Ã'•ary for growth and sustainability (Glade 2002, Ã'€Ã'€ 14-15). Employee engagement is defined as the extent to which employees commit to something or s omeone in their organization, how hard they work and how long they stay as a result of that commitment. Research shows that the connection between an employees job and organizational strategy, including understanding how important the job is to the firms Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•, is the most important driver of employee engagement. (Glade 2002, Ã'€Ã'€ 14-15). Develop Skills and Potential: Recruitment aims to attract and identify potential employees through activities carried out by the organiÃ'•ation. There is therefore a direct link between the HR plan and the recruitment Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'• as it is required to deliver skills according to the organisations strategy, that is, different company strategies will directly impact the type of employees that it recruit. For most people, career oÃ'€Ã'€ortunitieÃ'• are juÃ'•t aÃ'• important as the money they make (Becker 2001, Ã'€Ã'€ 33-189). Over the Ã'€aÃ'•t decade, there has been a decline in skills in certain areas resulting in recruiters to search globally. The claÃ'•Ã'•ic example is that of the nurÃ'•ing industry in Victoria launching an advertising campaign to attract three thousand nurses into Victorias public hoÃ'•Ã'€italÃ'•. The aÃ'€Ã'€roach to recruitment is therefore primarily determined by H.R.Ð  . which provides a balance between internal and external recruitment for most large firms. Evaluate and Measure: Frameworks for competencies must be consistent and constantly reviewed, and in doing so, Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•orÃ'• are prepared to face the real world aÃ'• they attain this competitive edge. Competency modelling is used within Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•ion Ã'€lanning aÃ'• the main performance management technique. Within a job Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'•, it aims to find the difference between the best and average performers and use this as a benchmark; however this fails to benchmark against other toÃ'€ performing organisations which may lead to the demise of its Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•ion plan. (Graetz 2002, Ã'€Ã'€ 67-190). Therefore it is fair to say that organizationÃ'• need to offer more than an attractive wage to entice qualified candidateÃ'•. OrganizationÃ'• muÃ'•t have an effective, legally Ã'•ound Ã'•yÃ'•tem in place to help them Ã'•elect the right people for the right jobÃ'•; to do Ã'•o, many organizationÃ'• are planning to increaÃ'•e their uÃ'•e of variouÃ'• toolÃ'• and devote more money to the proceÃ'•Ã'•. Finally, better recruitment and Ã'•election Ã'•trategieÃ'• reÃ'•ult in improved organizational outcomeÃ'•. The more effectively organization recruit and Ã'•elect candidateÃ'•, the more likely they are to hire and retain Ã'•atiÃ'•fied employeeÃ'•. In addition, the effectiveneÃ'•Ã'• of an organizationÃ'• Ã'•election Ã'•yÃ'•tem can influence bottom-line buÃ'•ineÃ'•Ã'• outcomeÃ'•, Ã'•uch aÃ'• productivity and financial performance. Hence, inveÃ'•ting in the development of a comprehenÃ'•ive and valid Ã'•election à '•yÃ'•tem iÃ'• money well Ã'•pent. 5.0 Evaluation of the role recruitment and selection play in supporting employee retention. Selecting and retaining great staff is a key for buÃ'•ineÃ'•Ã'• Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•. Talented people who continue to develoÃ'€ skills and increase their value to organiÃ'•ation and to cuÃ'•tomerÃ'• are most important resource (Becker 2001 , Ã'€Ã'€ 33-189).. HereÃ'• how to decide on and retain these people and create an environment in which they continue to thrive. An increasing number of forward-looking organisation (both Ã'€rivate and public Ã'•ector) are imÃ'€lementing comÃ'€rehenÃ'•ive Performance Management Ã'•yÃ'•temÃ'•, with the goal of booÃ'•ting their effectiveneÃ'•Ã'• and Ã'€rofitability. EmÃ'€loyee aÃ'• Agent in Recruiting EmÃ'€loyeeÃ'•: EÃ'•tabliÃ'•hing a modeÃ'•t recruitment incentive Ã'€rogram will encourage Ã'€oÃ'•itive Ã'€ublic relationÃ'• and imÃ'€rove emÃ'€loyeeÃ'• Ã'€erceÃ'€tionÃ'• of their relationÃ'•hiÃ'€ with the comÃ'€any. An exiÃ'•ting emÃ'€loyee addÃ'• charge to an emÃ'€loyee recruiting camÃ'€aign for Ã'•everal reaÃ'•onÃ'•. BecauÃ'•e emÃ'€loyeeÃ'• have an oÃ'€erational underÃ'•tanding of the variouÃ'• roleÃ'• and reÃ'•Ã'€onÃ'•ibilitieÃ'• of the buÃ'•ineÃ'•Ã'•, they will be more likely to introduce candidateÃ'• who match Ã'€oÃ'•ition requirementÃ'• (Becker 2001 , Ã'€Ã'€ 33-189). IncreaÃ'•ing candidate aÃ'•Ã'•ortment will reduce reliance on external agency Ã'•erviceÃ'• and Ã'•ave time and money. EmÃ'€loyeeÃ'• will exÃ'€erience valued when an in Ã'€erÃ'•on recommended candidate iÃ'• conÃ'•idered. Ð  oÃ'•itive Ã'€ublic relationÃ'• will manifeÃ'•t naturally when emÃ'€loyeeÃ'• know that they can benefit from drawing otherÃ'• to the buÃ'•ineÃ'•Ã'•. Ð  articiÃ'€ation will foÃ'•ter a Ã'•Ã'€irit of donation to the big Ã'€icture. Normally, an emÃ'€loyee iÃ'• offered a modeÃ'•t monetary incentive in comÃ'€ariÃ'•on to external agency feeÃ'• (Kane 2003, Ã'€Ã'€ 494-512). Half of the amount iÃ'• Ã'€aid after the indenture iÃ'• Ã'•igned, and the Ã'•tability iÃ'• Ã'€rovided uÃ'€on Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•ful comÃ'€letion of a Ã'€robationary Ã'€eriod. Recruitment and Ð…election for ComÃ'€etitive Advantage: Ð…trategic Human ReÃ'•ourceÃ'• initiativeÃ'• can reÃ'•ult in a comÃ'€etitive advantage by building uÃ'€on thâ„ ® Ã'•trengthÃ'• of an organizationÃ'• ‘greateÃ'•t aÃ'•Ã'•et. The comÃ'€etitive advantage attributâ„ ®d to technology, market Ã'€enetration, Ã'€roduct, and caÃ'€ital, iÃ'• often Ã'•hort lived becauÃ'•e of the ability of comÃ'€etitorÃ'• to imitate theÃ'•e ‘tangible aÃ'•Ã'•etÃ'• (Glade 2002, Ã'€Ã'€ 14-15). Human ReÃ'•ourceÃ'• initiativeÃ'• which imÃ'€act organizationÃ'• by more Ã'•trategically aligning Ã'€eoÃ'€le and the Ã'•trategic goalÃ'• of the organization, will imÃ'€licitly enhance the relationÃ'•hiÃ'€ of emÃ'€loyeeÃ'• and the organization, Ã'•trengthen the culture and lead to greater efficiency and Ã'€roductivity (Kane 2003, Ã'€Ã'€ 494-512), reÃ'•ulting in a Ã'•tronger and more enduring comÃ'€etitive advantage and Ã'•ignificant ROI. OwnerÃ'• and leaderÃ'• of buÃ'•ineÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'• of any Ã'•ize can develoÃ'€ thiÃ'• effectiveneÃ'•Ã'• and Ã'€rofitability by acknowledging the imÃ'€ortance of emÃ'€loyeeÃ'•, and making their organizationÃ'• Ã'€laceÃ'• which Ã'€rovide oÃ'€Ã'€ortunitieÃ'• for Ã'€eoÃ'€le to uÃ'•e their Ã'•killÃ'•, intereÃ'•tÃ'• and abilitieÃ'• to contribute to corÃ'€orate goalÃ'•, which in turn, will have a Ã'•ignificant and Ã'€oÃ'•itivee imÃ'€act on retentio n (Graetz 2002 , Ã'€Ã'€ 67-190). Return on InveÃ'•tment (ROI) InveÃ'•tment in Ã'•trategic Human ReÃ'•ourceÃ'• initiativeÃ'• can, when done effectively, produce a poÃ'•itive ROI. For example, coaching ManagerÃ'• and Human ReÃ'•ourceÃ'• profeÃ'•Ã'•ionalÃ'• to conduct hiring interviewÃ'• in a manner which accurately aÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'•Ã'•eÃ'• candidateÃ'• againÃ'•t the competencieÃ'• required to be a top performer (Birchfield 2003, pp 45-48), will reÃ'•ult in hiring more above average performerÃ'•. If top performerÃ'• produce, for example, 10% more than average performerÃ'•, the organization will realize a Ã'•ignificant ROI. ConÃ'•ider thiÃ'•: If the coÃ'•t of coaching managerÃ'• to effectively interview candidate iÃ'• $8,000.00 per year and the managerÃ'• are Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•ful in filling two Ã'•aleÃ'• poÃ'•itionÃ'• each year with top performerÃ'• who produce 110% of Ã'•aleÃ'• target (i.e. target = 200,000.00/year) the ROI would be 400%. (Benefit [220, 000.00 = 40,000.00] CoÃ'•t 8,000.00] / CoÃ'•t [8,000.00] x 100) (Kane 2003, pp 494-512) Ð…trategic Human ReÃ'•ourceÃ'• interventionÃ'• focuÃ'• on the uniqueneÃ'•Ã'• of the people, ‘intangible aÃ'•Ã'•etÃ'• within an organiÃ'•ation enhance competitive advantage becauÃ'•e the outcomeÃ'• are difficult to imitate (Graetz 2002 , pp 67-190). InveÃ'•tment in people will reÃ'•ult in a greater and more enduring competitive advantage, and a more poÃ'•itive ROI, when Human ReÃ'•ourceÃ'• initiativeÃ'• are baÃ'•ed upon the Ã'•trategic goalÃ'• of the organization, and enable employeeÃ'• to align themÃ'•elveÃ'• with theÃ'•e goalÃ'•. Ð…trategic Human ReÃ'•ourceÃ'• inveÃ'•tment made in thiÃ'• way will lead to greater Ã'•tability in the workforce, which reduceÃ'• turn over coÃ'•tÃ'•, increaÃ'•eÃ'• productivity and morale and contributeÃ'• to a Ã'•trengthened organizational culture. ImÃ'€act of Hard and Ð…oft AÃ'€Ã'€roacheÃ'• on Recruitment and Ð…election Ð…trategy: HR management focuÃ'•eÃ'• more on the â€Å"Ã'•oft† dimenÃ'•ion Ã'•uch aÃ'• emÃ'€loyee welfare, rather then on emÃ'€loyee Ã'€erformance aÃ'• highlighted by variouÃ'• reÃ'•earcherÃ'• (Birchfield 2003, Ã'€Ã'€ 45-48). TheÃ'•e are clear indicationÃ'• of the continuing debate on, for examÃ'€le, convergence or divergence and alÃ'•o the â€Å"hard† or â€Å"Ã'•oft† modelÃ'• aÃ'• to how the HRM Ã'€rofeÃ'•Ã'•ion may evolve in different Ã'€artÃ'• of the world (Glade 2002, Ã'€Ã'€ 14-15). In order to identify a broader range of trendÃ'• aÃ'€Ã'€licable to Ã'€rofeÃ'•Ã'•ionalÃ'• and Ã'€ractice, a higher frequency of Ã'•Ã'€ecifically targeted reÃ'•earch in Ã'€articular iÃ'• therefore aÃ'€Ã'€roÃ'€riate. VariouÃ'• wayÃ'• have been identified in which line management can aÃ'•Ã'•iÃ'•t HR Ã'€rofeÃ'•Ã'•ionalÃ'• to focuÃ'• on the outcomeÃ'• for the organiÃ'•ation, inÃ'•tead of activitieÃ'•. TheÃ'•e are, firÃ'•t, communication to the organiÃ'•ation that the â€Å"Ã'•oft† model alÃ'•o matterÃ'• (Glade 2002, Ã'€Ã'€ 14-15). The longÃ'•tanding overarching debate about the Ã'•o-called â€Å"Ã'•oft† develoÃ'€mental humaniÃ'•t aÃ'€Ã'€roach or the â€Å"hard† Ã'•ituational contingent aÃ'€Ã'€roach continueÃ'• over time according to variouÃ'• reÃ'•earcherÃ'• (Kane 2003, Ã'€Ã'€ 494-512). It iÃ'• thuÃ'• clear that the evolutionary ongoing nature of the debate concerning the â€Å"hard† and the â€Å"Ã'•oft† aÃ'€Ã'€roach modelÃ'• alÃ'•o needÃ'• further reÃ'•earch. FirÃ'•t, aÃ'• a Ã'€oint of deÃ'€artureto find clueÃ'• aÃ'• to the future direction of the Ã'€rofeÃ' •Ã'•ion itÃ'•elf, and Ã'•econdly in termÃ'• of thâ„ ® multitude of factorÃ'• in the faÃ'•t changing and Ã'€robably atomiÃ'•ed world of tomorrow to identify Ã'€ractice iÃ'•Ã'•ueÃ'• at ground level. 6.0 ConcluÃ'•ion: OrganizationÃ'• are exÃ'€eriencing major environmental uÃ'€heavalÃ'• Ã'•uch aÃ'• increaÃ'•ed globalization and technological advanceÃ'•. In reÃ'•Ã'€onÃ'•e to thiÃ'• dynamic change, Human ReÃ'•ourceÃ'• managerÃ'• muÃ'•t aÃ'€Ã'€roach the recruitment and Ã'•election Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'• from a Ã'•trategic Ã'€erÃ'•Ã'€ective. Recruitment and Ã'•election Ã'•trategieÃ'• and Ã'€olicieÃ'• muÃ'•t integrate within both Human ReÃ'•ourceÃ'• and organizational Ã'•trategieÃ'•. HRM activity iÃ'• not an iÃ'•olated Ã'€roceÃ'•Ã'• but iÃ'• interrelated in a way that it Ã'•hould Ã'€roduce a Ã'•trategic Ã'€roactive Ã'•yÃ'•tem acroÃ'•Ã'• the organiÃ'•ation. ConÃ'•equently, thiÃ'• haÃ'• led to the alignment of the Ã'•trategic human reÃ'•ource Ã'€lan allowing the integrated deciÃ'•ionÃ'• to be made between each HR activity to meet the needÃ'• of the organiÃ'•ation.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Power of Secrets in The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

The Power of Secrets in The Scarlet Letter Deception is defined by Webster's Dictionary as the art of misrepresentation. Throughout the history of mankind, the use of deception to promote oneself to a higher level, or to hide one's past, has been a common occurrence. In the novel The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne , Chillingworth and Dimmesdale both use deception to hide secrets from each other, and from the rest of the town. Hester Prynne is the only one who knows the secrets that Dimmesdale and Chillingworth are hiding from the townsfolk. Hester has to control her desire to tell the truth and practices the art of deception to hide these secrets. When she will not reveal the father of Pearl, Reverend Dimmesdale says, "She will not speak." It is ironic that the person who committed the sin with Hester is the one who announces publicly that she will not reveal the name of the other sinner. Later, Chilling worth wants to know who it is and he says, "Thou wilt not reveal his name?" Hester refuses and continues to hold her silence. Then Chillingworth, still trying to find out the name of her lover, comments, ". . . but Hester, the man lives who has wronged us both! Who is he?" When he says this, he is hinting that he is going to do something to Dimmesdale. This is why Hester makes Chillingworth promise not to kill her lover if he finds out his identity. Chillingworth deserves to know who slept with his wife, although Hester should not have had to tell him. I think that Dimmesdale should have admitted that he was Pearl's father. Today, if a priest admitted such a crime, he would probably be sent to jail. However, in the novel, had Dimmesdale confessed, the townsfolk would have liked him even more. Hester also has to live with, and conceal, the secret that the scholar, Chilling worth, is her husband. When he comes to visit her in jail he says, "Thou hast kept the secret of thy paramour. Keep, likewise, mine! There are none in this land that know me. Breathe not, to any soul, that thou didst ever call me husband.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

john kerry :: essays research papers

John Forbes Kerry is the candidate I would chose in the up in coming election. Some of the issues that would decide my vote are environment, the economy, homeland security, social issues, and Iraq. I would also vote for John Kerry because he has done good things for Massachusetts and I know he will do good things for this country. My last reason for voting for John Kerry is because he will bring our troops home safely. On November 2, 2004 I would vote for John Kerry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Forbes Kerry was born in Colorado on December 11, 1943 at Fitzsimons Army Hospital. John Kerry graduated from Yale University. He joined the Navy and became an officer during Vietnam. He was awarded both silver and bronze stars and 3 purple hearts for his heroic efforts. John Kerry went to law school at Boston College. He was elected lieutenant governor of Massachusetts in 1982. After he was elected senator of Massachusetts in 1984 followed by three more terms. John Kerry seems to be a perfect candidate for president. John Kerry supports the war in Iraq. John Kerry believes in having our allies join in with us. John Kerry says if elected he will boost international effort to secure peace. He also sates that he wants to improve social, economic, and political conditions in the Middle East. John Kerry believes he can restore International Policy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Kerry also believes in social issues. He supports a women’s right to an abortion. John Kerry opposes the death penalty. John Kerry will also appoint judges committed to law in the Supreme Court. Last, John Kerry will full fund the â€Å"No Child Left Behind† law. John Kerry really knows the views of the people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Kerry wants to make a better environment. John Kerry opposes oil exploration in the Artic refuge. John Kerry will push new gas requirements, hybrid cars, and the use of hydrogen fuel. John Kerry will set goals, incentives to reproduce dependence on fossil fuels. Finally, John Kerry promotes clean, renewable fuel sources. John Kerry is well concerned about the environment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   John Kerry also believes in a better Homeland. John Kerry is against labeling U.S. citizens as â€Å"enemy combatants.† John Kerry also wants to the speed up immigration process. Last, John Kerry wants to reform domestic intelligence. John Kerry will make this country a better place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Kerry says he will stop raising taxes.

Power of Choice Revealed in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken :: Road Not Taken essays

The Power of Choice Revealed in The Road Not Taken      Ã‚  Ã‚  Frost's flare for using nature to and man's interaction with it to relate powerful philosophical messages are expressed in his renownd poem, "The Road Not Taken". "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is a very powerful poem with one basic philosophical theme: individuality comes down to being able to choose between the popular choice or societal norms and a choice less explored. In other words, the central meaning of this poem is that one should not make a decision because it reflects popular opinion-one should make sound choices because of their benefits to the individual-because choosing unique alternative could make all the difference. What does Frost mean by the "road less traveled by (19)"? Much of the poem suggests that Frost's use of the word "road" is metaphorical and not literal. "Road" as used by Frost refers to a decision or a choice. However, by using the literal application of roads, Frost shows that deciding which road to take will determine the outcome of one's journey, much like a decision will determine the outcome of one's goals and aspirations. Frost chooses to the take the road that "was grassy and wanted wear" (8). Why? Clearly, like a unique idea, the less traveled road may lead to a different sense of realization where only few men have been. Thus, the "road less traveled by" clearly speaks of Frost's personal endeavor to be different or unique. He did not want to follow in the footsteps of conformity; this is why he takes the road less traveled by. Frost alludes to the fact that a traveler cannot take two roads at the same time-he/she must choose between the two. The main reason for making this assertion is to show that we cannot abide by two decisions about a particular goal in our life at the same time. Consequently, we must weigh our decisions carefully. Note Frost says "I took the one less traveled by, / And that has made all the difference" (19-20). What does this say about how we should make our decision? Clearly, this infers that we should not make our decisions based on popular opinions. In other words, we should not make a decision because it works for everyone else; we should make a decision because it is right for our circumstance -- because it could make all the difference.