Friday, December 27, 2019
End of the Vietnam War - Fall of Saigon
Previous Page | Vietnam War 101 Working for Peace With the failure of the 1972 Easter Offensive, North Vietnamese leader Le Duc Tho became concerned that his nation could become isolated if President Richard Nixons policy of dà ©tente softened relations between the United States and his allies, the Soviet Union and China.à As such he relaxed the Norths position in the ongoing peace negotiations and stated that the South Vietnamese government could remain in power as the two sides sought a permanent solution.à Responding to this change,à Nixonââ¬â¢s National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, commenced secret talks with Tho in October.à à After ten days, these proved successful and a draft peace document was produced.à Angered at having been excluded from the talks, South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu demanded major alterations to the document and spoke out against the proposed peace.à In response, the North Vietnamese published the details of the agreement and stalled the negotiations. Feeling that Hanoi had attempted to embarrass him and to force them back the table, Nixon ordered the bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong in late December 1972 (Operation Linebacker II). On January 15, 1973, after pressuring South Vietnam to accept the peace deal, Nixon announced the end of offensive operations against North Vietnam. Paris Peace Accords The Paris Peace Accords ending the conflict were signed January 27, 1973, and were followed by the withdrawal of the remaining American troops. The terms of the accords called for a complete ceasefire in South Vietnam, allowed North Vietnamese forces to retain the territory they had captured, released US prisoners of war, and called for both sides to find a political solution to the conflict. To achieve a lasting peace, the Saigon government and Vietcong were work towards a lasting settlement that would result in free and democratic elections in South Vietnam.à As an enticement to Thieu, Nixon offered US airpower to enforce the peace terms. Standing Alone, South Vietnam Falls With US forces gone from the country, South Vietnam stood alone. Though the Paris Peace Accords were in place, fighting continued and in January 1974 Thieu publicly stated that the agreement was no longer in effect. The situation worsened the following year with the fall of Richard Nixon due to Watergate and passage of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974 by Congress which cut off all military aid to Saigon. This act removed the threat of air strikes should North Vietnam break the terms of the accords. Shortly after the actââ¬â¢s passage, North Vietnam began a limited offensive in Phuoc Long Province to test Saigonââ¬â¢s resolve. The province fell quickly and Hanoi pressed the attack. Surprised by the ease of their advance, against largely incompetent ARVN forces, the North Vietnamese stormed through the south, and threatened Saigon.à With the enemy nearing, President Gerald Ford ordered the evacuation of American personnel and embassy staff.à In addition, efforts were made to remove as many friendly South Vietnamese refugees as possible.à These missions were accomplished through Operations Babylift, New Life, and Frequent Wind in the weeks and days before the city fell.à Advancing quickly, North Vietnamese troops finally captured Saigon on April 30, 1975. South Vietnam surrendered the same day. After thirty years of conflict, Ho Chi Minhââ¬â¢s vision of a united, communist Vietnam had been realized. Casualties of the Vietnam War During the Vietnam War, the United States suffered 58,119 killed, 153,303 wounded, and 1,948 missing in action. Casualty figures for the Republic of Vietnam are estimated at 230,000 killed and 1,169,763 wounded. Combined the North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong suffered approximately 1,100,000 killed in action and an unknown number of wounded. It is estimated that between 2 to 4 million Vietnamese civilians were killed during the conflict. Previous Page | Vietnam War 101
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Why Students Should Not Work - 934 Words
As society advances forward, the need for a college education is becoming increasingly inherent to upcoming students. Many students feel a need to work in order to pay for their education, but this can have mixed effects. Many fall off of their path of study and become entwined in a blue-collar life, they often cannot find their way out. A substantial amount of time and energy is required to flourish in college and a long shift at work can have a parasitic effect on a studentââ¬â¢s academic potential. As a result working students find that their job can lead to them having lower grades and flunking courses. Students should not work throughout college because alternate forms of financial aid are available, the opportunity for academic success is limited, and personal free time is diminished. Failing school because you are having difficulty paying for school is outlandish. Measures have been emplaced to alleviate the financial worries of a college student, so working shouldnââ¬â¢ t be much of a concern to them. A common motivation for working in college is the need for money; rising school prices and an unstable market add to this. The need for money is apparent to them and a quick solution is to work a job after or before school. They pay for books and clothing with this money and they put off school to do it. For many students working throughout college is the only solution they know to pay for it. The lack of awareness and general education for finding financialShow MoreRelatedSchool Hours895 Words à |à 4 PagesIntroduction: Students complain about how tired they are during their morning periods. Thesis: Schools should start later according to Dr. Ross and Mr. Philips. Students feel very emotionally distress early in the mornings. Itââ¬â¢s only reasonable to think that concentration would be better after enough of time to actually wake up. i. 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This essay will provide an understanding that current educational system itself creates prerequisites for such violations. Nowadays, American students try to subvert the educational system by using plagiarism in essays. The educational system tries toRead MoreEssay 2. Everyone Who Is Involved With Education Has Different1360 Words à |à 6 Pageswhether itââ¬â¢s about how to teach, what should teach, or what the purpose of education is. As time goes on, there has been change that has happened in the school systems and that will forever be changing for the better. People define ââ¬Ëbetterââ¬â¢ in different ways, and people have disagreements on what could make education better and thatââ¬â¢s why there all types of different methods and beliefs that create a diverse background of what education is and what it should be. My beliefs may be somewhat similar
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Belize Essay Example For Students
Belize Essay IINTRODUCTION Belize, independent state, northeastern Central America, bounded on the north and northwest by Mexico, on the east by the Caribbean Sea, and on the south and west by Guatemala. Belize, until 1973 known as British Honduras, became independent in 1981 and is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The total area of Belize is 22,965 sq km (8867 sq mi). IILAND AND RESOURCES The northern half of Belize consists of lowlands, large areas of which are swampy. The southern half is dominated by mountain ranges, notably the Maya Mountains, which rise to a maximum elevation of 1120 m (3675 ft) atop Victoria Peak. The Caribbean coastline is fringed by coral barrier reefs and numerous cays (islets). The principal streams are the Belize River; the R?o Azul, which forms much of the boundary with Mexico; and the Sarst?n River, which forms the southwestern boundary with Guatemala. The climate of Belize is subtropical, moderated by sea breezes along the coast. The average annual temperature is about 26? C (about 79? F). The total annual rainfall increases from north to south and averages about 1800 mm (about 71 in). A rainy season extends from May to February. Some 86 percent Belize is covered by forests. Deciduous trees are found in the north; tropical hardwood trees predominate in the south. Principal species include the commercially important mahogany, cedar, and rosewood, as well as pine, oak, and palms. Mangrove swamp vegetation is found along the coast. Wildlife includes jaguar, deer, tapir, and numerous species of birds and reptiles. IIIPOPULATION AND EDUCATION The majority of the population of Belize is of mixed racial descent. The largest group is of black or partly black ancestry. Other groups include Native Americans, principally Carib and Mayan, located in the north and west; people of European descent, mainly English and Spanish; and people of mixed Native American-European descent. The population of Belize is 224,663 (1997 estimate). The overall density of 10 persons per sq km (25 per sq mi) is the lowest in Central America. Population is concentrated in a few principal urban centers, of which Belize City (population, 1988 estimate, 49,671) is the largest; it is also the principal port. Belmopan (1988 estimate, 3694), a newly constructed city, supplanted Belize City as the official capital in 1972. English is the official language; other languages spoken include Carib, Mayan, Spanish, and a Creole dialect of English. More than half the people are Roman Catholic, and most of the remainder are Protestant. Education is compulsory for children between the ages of 5 and 14. In the 1994-1995 school year 51,377 pupils were enrolled in primary schools, and 10,147 students were enrolled in secondary schools. Higher education is available at colleges in Belize City and Corozal. The literacy rate of 91 percent is one of the highest in Latin America. IVGOVERNMENT Belize is governed under a constitution that became effective at independence in 1981. The British sovereign is head of state and is represented by a governor-general, who has little power. Executive power is mainly exercised by a cabinet of ministers, led by a prime minister. The bicameral National Assembly consists of a Senate of 8 appointed members and a House of Representatives of 28 members elected by universal suffrage to terms of up to five years. The prime minister must have the support of a majority of the members of the House. The leading political parties are the Peoples United Party (1950) and the United Democratic Party (1974). VECONOMY The main economic resource is Belizes arable land, although only 3 percent of the total land area is under cultivation. Agricultural exports include sugar, citrus fruits, and bananas. Rice, beans, and corn are grown as subsistence crops. Lumbering, formerly the chief economic activity, has declined in importance. Major manufactures are processed food, wood products, and clothing. A road network of 2248 km (1397 mi) links the major urban centers, but some areas remain inaccessible. An international airport serves Belize City. The unit of currency is the Belize dollar (2 Belize dollars equal U.S.$1; 1996 fixed rate). In 1995 exports earned $139 million, and imports cost $258 million. The governments budget included $133 million in revenue and $180 million in expenditure in 1995. .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c , .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c .postImageUrl , .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c , .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c:hover , .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c:visited , .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c:active { border:0!important; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c:active , .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud50d9f3812e23865ee80d18d2493364c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: IT IS A CONTROVERSIAL SUBJECT ON NATURE OR NURTURE HAS A MORE PROFOUND EssayVIHISTORY In pre-Columbian times Belize was part of the territory of the Maya. It was included in the viceroyalty of New Spain in the 1500s, and sometime later English woodcutters from Jamaica established a settlement on the Belize River. During the wars between England and Spain in the 1700s, Spain failed to dislodge the British from the area. In 1836, after the emancipation of Central America from Spanish rule, the British claimed the right to administer the region; it was declared a British colony, subordinate to Jamaica, in 1862 and an independent crown colony in 1884. Long-range constitutional reforms were initiated by the British in 1954, resulting in a new constitution ten years later. Progress toward independence, however, was hampered by an old Guatemalan claim to sovereignty over the territory. When Belize finally attained full independence on September 21, 1981, Guatemala refused to recognize the new nation; about 1500 British troops remained to protect Belize from the Guatemalan threat. Prime Minister George Price of the United Party, who had led the country to independence, was replaced by Manuel Esquivel when Belize held its first national elections, on December 14, 1984. Price returned to power after the elections of September 1989. In May 1993 the United Kingdom announced that it would end its military involvement in Belize. All British troops would evacuate the country by October 1994. Esquivel regained the prime ministership in June 1993 elections. In July Esquivel announced the suspension of a pact reached with Guatemala during Price s prime ministership, claiming Price had made too many concessions in order to gain Guatemalan recognition. The pact would have resolved a 130-year-old border dispute between the two countries. Geography
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Target Market and Positioning Strategy Identification Tracking down the Flaws of Existing Policy
Introduction. Facing the End of an Era: Pfizer, Inc Moving in the fast lane with the currently developing world is quite an uneasy, though doubtlessly rewarding task. Because of the changes which the economical society and the world market are undergoing, companies are forced to change their strategies to adapt to the new conditions, as well as withstand the increasing competition.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Target Market and Positioning Strategy Identification: Tracking down the Flaws of Existing Policy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the most graphic examples of the given phenomenon, Pfizer Inc., was forced to change its marketing strategy to adapt to the current standards of marketing. However, according to the case study, despite the changes, the company is still in a losing position. Unless new ways of development are suggested, the company is bound to face certain difficulties; however, re considering the current marketing strategy, one can possibly suggest new means of boosting the companyââ¬â¢s success. A Description of the Target Market: When the Supply Meets the Demand To assess the efficiency of the changes which Pfizer Inc. has decided to apply to increase their revenues, the target market which the company aims at winning must be considered. Once the target audience is defined, it is considerably easier to analyze their demands and come up with peculiar propositions. It is obvious that the company aims at delivering products for the people of middle and high class, offering the medicine which is rather expensive, yet innovative and efficient: according to the case study, the key goal of the company is ââ¬Å"to persuade medical professionals the world over to make Pfizer drugs the treatment of choice for their patientsââ¬â¢ aches and painsâ⬠(Case 2ââ¬â1. Pfizer, Inc., n.d., 156). Thus, it is clear that the companyââ¬â¢s target market is the p eople who suffer from the diseases which require rare and expensive medicine. However, according to the report, the company has decided to change the given niche ââ¬â rather unwillingly, though ââ¬â to another one. ââ¬Å"Normally a new entry creates new interest in the market. That doesnââ¬â¢t seem to be happening hereâ⬠(Case 2ââ¬â1. Pfizer, Inc., n.d., 157), McKinnel says. However, the company y seems to keep to their blockbuster strategy, which means that the current trend to offer medicine for ââ¬Å"the diseases that remain without satisfactory treatmentsâ⬠(Case 2ââ¬â1. Pfizer, Inc., n.d., 157) seems to be the current niche.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Analyzing the above-mentioned, one has to say that the key problem of the company is that they are hesitant about their further course. Although the old strategy has been used to de ath, Pfizer Inc. still cannot change its course because of the success of the previous strategy. Therefore, the company needs to aim at wider target audience and offer not only the medicine for a very specific group, e.g., Viagra, but also the medicine which can be used by people of both sexes and embrace the age group ranging from, say, 10 to 70. Discussing the Positioning Strategy: Pfizer, Inc. and the Current Solutions It goes without saying that positioning of the produced goods is as important as meeting the customersââ¬â¢ demand, mostly because a good positioning strategy not only helps people find the products which they are looking for, but also to drive their attention to the innovations in the given sphere. Regarding the current positioning strategy which the company follows, one must mention that Pfizer Inc. It seems that the company needs to pick a more subtle positioning technique, since ââ¬Å"Overly aggressive marketing also has made drug companies easier targets p oliticallyâ⬠(Case 2ââ¬â1. Pfizer, Inc., n.d., 161). Hence, a more subtle and less loud publicity should be adopted. For instance, the company can develop an advertising campaign with a show-do-not-tell principle, since the last attempt of the kind was quite successful: ââ¬Å"The company invested nearly $20 million in a program in Florida that was intended to show that better utilization of drugs would actually save the state money. It didâ⬠(Case 2ââ¬â1. Pfizer, Inc., n.d., 161). The Changes to Targeting and Positioning: Reasonable Suggestions As it has been mentioned before, the current positioning strategy which Pfizer Inc. follows leaves much to be desired. However, it is also necessary to keep in mind that the company y has sufficient reasons not to change the existing strategy. As the report says, the company is currently focuses on the development of ââ¬Å"another HDL -raising drugâ⬠(Case 2ââ¬â1. Pfizer, Inc., n.d., 159). Therefore, the company h as changed its target clientele, since the HDL deficiency can occur at literally any age. However, the company still focuses on developing a certain ââ¬Å"blockbusterâ⬠medicine.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Target Market and Positioning Strategy Identification: Tracking down the Flaws of Existing Policy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hence, it is necessary to develop the strategy which will keep the basic premises of the current one, yet be targeted to more general public and offer the medicine for the diseases which a lot of people suffer from. As one can see from the facts provided above, the company has met the first condition, broadening the target group, yet still offers the ââ¬Å"panaceaâ⬠for a ââ¬Å"topicalâ⬠disease. What Needs to Be Done: Watching the Competitors, Planning the Moves With the help of the above-mentioned plan, Pfizer Inc. is most likely to withstand the rapid changes and even succeed in attracting even more clients. However, it is also worth keeping in mind that other fields apart from marketing should be taken care of. One of such fields, the aspect of the companyââ¬â¢s competitiveness, should be considered as soon as possible, given that Pfizer Inc. is going to enter the global market and, therefore, face a number of rivals. According to what Hooley, Piercy Nicoulaud (2008) claim, it is also crucial to assess the strategies and objectives of the competitors, taking into account their strong and weak points to fill in the niche which they have not noticed yet or cannot fill themselves in. However, the analysis of the existing competitors might take considerable time, since it consists of several stages: Competitor analysis, therefore, involves evaluating a series of concentric circles of adversaries: innermost and the direct competitors within the strategic group, next come companies within the industry that are driven to overcome the entry barriers to the strategic group, and then the outermost potential entrants and substitutes. (Hooley, Piercy Nicoulaud, 2008, 119) Therefore, the numerous rivals of Pfizer Inc. must be taken into account. Once Pfizer Inc. Learns its key adversaries, the company will be able to assess its potential more objectively. Moreover, a certain niche for the company will be found faster. Taking into account the above-mentioned, it is most reasonable to suggest that the company should analyze the score and the achievements of the competitors, as well as check whether it is possible to attract their clientele to Pfizer Inc.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion: Further Recommendations and the Future Prospects. Pfizer Will Live Thus, it is obvious that, despite the complexities which Pfizer is currently handling with, the company has an alternative way of development, which not only incorporates the elements of the preset-day strategy, but also suggests the solutions to the current problems. However, it must be admitted that the suggested plan requires certain compromises and changes in the course which the company is currently taking, which means that considerable losses are going to be taken in the process. Reference List Case 2ââ¬â1. Pfizer, Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved from ProtectedPDF database. Hooley, G., Piercy, N. F., Nicoulau, B. (2008). Marketing strategy and competitive positioning (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. This case study on Target Market and Positioning Strategy Identification: Tracking down the Flaws of Existing Policy was written and submitted by user Edith Martin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A Walk On The Beach Essays - , Term Papers
A Walk On The Beach one day i wrote her name upon the Beach but came the waves and washed it away again i wrote it with second hand but came the tide, and made mt pains his prey vain man said she, that dost in assay A mortal thing so to immortalize For myself shall like to this decay and also my name be wiped out likewise not so, Said I. let baser things devise to die in dust, but you shall live by fame My verse you virtues rare shall eternize and in the heavens write your glorious name Where whenas death shall all the world subdue our love shall live, and later life renew Poetry and Poets
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Repercussion of Great Depression
Repercussion of Great Depression Introduction The recent recession triggered by the housing market, bubble bust in the United States cases a negative ripple effect in the worldââ¬â¢s financial markets. It triggered a recession that led to loss of millions of jobs in the world. Many governments had to institute bail out to save companies from collapsing.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Repercussion of Great Depression specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The governments also instituted austerity measures that necessitated the slashing of national budgets effectively laying off millions of government workers globally. The US mortgage crisis that was the genesis of the financial crisis is blamed on the laxity of law enforcers or failure of the laws that have governed the financial market in the US. After the great depression in 1933, the US enacted laws that aimed to stem another crisis of the Great Depressionââ¬â¢s magnitude. Though the great recess ion was not as serious as the Depression, it cased major financial imbalances that will take years to recover. Itââ¬â¢s therefore safe to assume that the laws that have been crafted over time since the Great depression to guard financial markets against such crises have failed to work, or so it seems. The administrations of both Presidents Obama and Bush ensured the enactment of laws that stemmed the crises and stopped the bleeding of jobs. This action by the two administrations is reminiscent of the many that have characterized the formation and adoption of public policies especially those that are business oriented. The motivations behind the laws of this nature is the perceived gap created by business practices that are likely to result in uncouth business practices or complications in the financial system that lead to such crises. The laws are also crafted to protect investors from losing their money when these transactions are not carried out within the law. One such act is the Grammââ¬âLeachââ¬âBliley Act (GLB), also referred to as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, (Pub.L. 106-102, 113 Stat. 1338). The paper will focus its analysis on this law, its history, the rationale behind its enactment, its implementation, its impacts and the policy analysis. Grammââ¬âLeachââ¬âBliley Act (GLB) (Pub.L. 106-102, 113 Stat. 1338) History of the Act This a federal act of the United State enacted in the year 1999 and signed to law by President Bill Clinton. The law sought to regulate the dealings of financial institutions regarding the private information of their clients (Ingersoll et al. 1999, p. 48). To effectively work, the law included three parts i.e. The Financial Privacy Rule that governs the collection and use of private information, the Safeguards rule that governs the implementation of security programs by financial institutions.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get yo ur first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On that bit, the law requires the financial institutions to implement security systems that ensure effective security of clientsââ¬â¢ private information. The last component of the law is the Pretexting provisions, which aims to curb access to client information through false pretence and /or impersonation. Additionally, the law makes it mandatory for financial institutions to serve to customer written notices that explain in detail their institutional practices about sharing information (Rezaee, 2001, p. 106). The above however was not the main reason why this act was passed. The main reason for the enactment of the law was to facilitate the opening up of the market among companies in the larger financial sector mainly; banking companies, securities companies and insurance companies. Through the Grammââ¬âLeachââ¬âBliley Act (GLB), curbs imposed by the Glassââ¬âSteagall Act of 1933 prohibiting companies to offer b anking, insurance and brokerage services were removed.. The act in effect opened the gate for the merger of the companies operating in the three sections described above. The removal of the regulations however presented major gaps that potentially put customer private information at risk. Because of the mergers that were anticipated, there was a feeling that the companies may access, consolidate the customer information they had and sell it for other purposes other than for business. For instance, insurance companies were largely in control of most health records while banks maintained a huge database of financial information. Brokerage firms on the other hand had significant information on investment activities of their clients. A merger of the three of even two of them will have therefore exposed the customers to greater risks of illegal access and use of information. That is why the act contained the privacy provisions that regulate the use and sharing of private information of c ustomer of companies that needed to merge. Need for Enactment The need to enact the Grammââ¬âLeachââ¬âBliley Act (GLB) act was due to both business and government failures (Biegelman, 2009, p. 76). The US lawmakers referred to the law as a modernization law that meant to unlock the potential that financial companies had. Through that argument, Congress passed the law that repealed sections of the Glassââ¬âSteagall Act of 1933 and the Bank Holding Company Act that forbade banking companies from carrying out activities deemed to belong to the insurance sector. Congress therefore felt some potential for economic growth was inhibited by the absence of such a law. Through the GLBA act, banks were eligible to engage in a variety of financial services.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Repercussion of Great Depression specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More At the same time, mergers taking place at the time in other ind ustries apart from the financial sector in Europe especially led to the inclusion of the privacy elements of the law (Axelrod, 2009, p. 59). The European Union enacted the Data Protection Directive that required non-EU companies that dealt with EU citizensââ¬â¢ data to provide the same protection that these citizens were afforded in the EU zone. The self-regulatory system in the US was especially not favored by the EU hence the need to enact legislation in the US that provided the same protection as the EU. At the same time, there was overwhelming public opinion in the US that demonstrated dissatisfaction on the way banks and other financial institutions handled private information. Furthermore, there were scandals that served to highlights the risks involved in the breach of privacy. For instance, there was a scandal involving the Charter Pacific Bank of Agoura Hills, California and an adult website company. The bank illegally sold private credit card information of its clients to the company. The company then debited the accounts of the clients for services not rendered. In 1998, NationsBank was charged and fined millions for selling customer information to an affiliate investment company. The affiliate used the information to market its high-risk products to low risk borrower who in turn lost millions of dollars. Another case involved U.S. Bankcorp and the Minnesota Attorney General when he sued it for selling customer private information with third party marketers. The increasing private information violations and the expected avalanche of merger needed to be controlled. The GLBA provided the solution. Implementation The GLBA is a federal act and therefore itââ¬â¢s enforced by federal agencies (Dunham, 2000, p. 98). The various federal agencies are in charge of enforcing the GLBA law. The agencies are those that are involved directly overseeing regulation of financial institutions and other companies deemed to be financial institutions as specified b y the GLBA act. The most important institution that is involved in the implementation is the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Other are the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, both of who should work together with the comptroller of currency.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Other agencies tasked with implementing the law include the Office of Thrift Supervision, The Securities and Exchange Commission, and the National Credit Union Administration. Additionally, the individual State Insurance authorities and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also have a hand in enforcing the GLBA act. According to the GLBA, financial institutions are companies that avail financial services to individuals. These services may include and not limited to loans, financial and/or investment advice, and insurance services. According to the act, all institutions that meet the definition of a ââ¬Å"financial institutionâ⬠directly or by incident fall under the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission. Non-bank mortgage lenders, real estate settlement service providers, banks, debt collectors, financial and/or investment advisors, loans brokers and real estate appraisers fall under this category that is directly administered by the FTC. For the enforcing institutions me ntioned above to effectively exercise their jurisdiction, itââ¬â¢s important that the financial institutions must be significantly be engaged in financial services or production that clearly makes them financial institutions. In the insurance sector, the GLBA states that jurisdiction is first enforced by the state so long as the law of the state minimally complies with the Act. Further, the state law can only enact provision for stricter compliance and not less than what the GLBA requires. It is important to note that the law sets the floor and ceiling that state laws can reach. It therefore means that the states can pass laws stricter than the federal version but not less. Impact on Business and Society/Successes Since its passage, the GBLA law has registered mixed success. Many companies have taken the advantage to merge while clientââ¬â¢s private information is safer than it used to be. At least the occurrence of scandals involving divulging of client information has been m inimal. There is a feeling however that these success have not been realized optimally. Itââ¬â¢s therefore important that the hurdles that are preventing more companies merging be eliminated before considerable success id realized. The Department of treasury says that the reaction to the GLB act has been evolutionary rather than radical. In 2003, the Department of treasury reported that out of the 6415 banking institutions in the US at the time, only a handful-633 had taken advantage of the act to transform to financial holding companies (Moeller, 2005, p. 76). Moeller (2005, p.76) says that consolidation took place but not in the scale and speed that nay analysts has predicted. This was due to a number of factors. According to (Winston Winston, 2009, p. 64) retail, banks have difficulty in buying insurance underwriters as opposed to brokerage of insurance services. Lack of experience in these banks that would have wanted to engage in wide financial services contributed to the l ack of enthusiasm form these financial players. Similarly, there was slow venturing into banking by brokerage firms owing to their diminished branch network, and lack of back shop footprint. There have been some mergers since the enactment of this law, for instance the 2004 merger of Bank of America with Fleet Boston. Despite the merger however, the conglomerates have experienced problems concerning difficulty in integrating investiments and insurance services. Additionally many other banks have had trouble with packaging of investiments and banking services to an extent that some of them have had to engage in questionable arrangements that have caused scandals. Despite the look warm reception, the treasury reported that the financial sector that has experienced the most significant change since the introduction of the Act is the securities, underwriting and dealing sectors. In these sectors, Department of Treasury says that banks have increased their ownership and as well as activi ties. Similarly, banking involvement in the insurance industry has experienced significant changes as a direct result of the enactment of this law. According to Moeller (2005, p.85), the GLBA legislation introduced significant alteration to the legal framework that governs activities of financial organizations and their affiliates in the United States. The alterations were chiefly brought by the repeal of the some sections of the Galss-Steagall Act as well as the Bank Holding Company act of 1956. (Rezaee, 2001, p. 120), states that the law has had limited impact on the Federal Home Loan Bank provisions. The act had provisions whose aim was to expand the FHLBank system for the smaller depository institutions in the US. Under the law, eligibility of several collaterals was extended for the advancement of loans to small businesses. The provisions collectively are thought to have positively impacted small businesses. Policy analysis The enactment of the GLBA act opened the markets for m ergers and acquisitions in the financial sector (Winston Winston, 2009, p. 64). Many companies in the industry favored the passage of the act at the time. One argument that they put forwards was that after the passage individuals will be able to carry out their financial transactions at one go instead of doing savings and investiments at different institutions. One of the earliest beneficiaries of the passage of the act was CitiGroup, which had merged with traveler insurance. However since the law at the time could not allow, the new entity had to be issued with a forbearance until the act was passed hence acquiring full legal status (Mayer et al 1999). Weaknesses There has been a lot of analysis on the effects and effectiveness of the GLBA act. However, the law is criticized by as having a number of flaws that contribute to its weaknesses (Schell, 1999, p. 56). The Act according to (Schell, 1999, p. 60), GLBA does not protect consumers. The opt out standards has been cited as one of the many provisions so GLBA that unfairly places on an individual to protect privacy. The opt-out standard effectively puts the customer on weaker position to control their financial information that they may consider private. The provision assumes that the financial institutions will share the customer information unless they are told not to. Additionally it assumes that financials institutions are free to share the customer information incase of non-response from customers when the institution communicates to them. The enforcement mechanisms of the GLBA have also come under attack.. (Rezaee, 2001, p. 130) asserts that enforcement and compensation mechanism laid out in the act are quite weak. He says that the mechanisms are weak to a point that they cannot assure compliance even in the face of the existing weak privacy protection mechanisms. The fact that enforcement largely rests with federal agencies leaving the individual with virtually no right of protection is a weak point that does not adequately address the problem at hand. Another weakness of the GLBA is the fact that it leaves a gap under the service provider/ joint marketing exemption. Under this exemption, the financial institutions can freely share private customer information with third parties even if the customer has opted out. This gap can easily be exploited by companies who may misuse customer information under the pretext of joint marketing. Customer control of affiliate marketing information sharing is severely hampered. Customers who may be engaged in affiliate marketing have little control over sharing or their information since they have not been considered under the opt out provision. (Benson et al. 1999, p. 79) says that financial institutions can easily amass hundreds of affiliates, which may not be dealing in financial services. They can then share customer information since customers will not be having an opt out right. The notices that will be issued under the third provision o f the privacy section are written in legal jargon, that most ordinary people wonââ¬â¢t understand. The law assumes that companies will assists customers by explaining the complex legal information that will help a customer make an informed choice. There is also the concern over the convoluted and confiding opt out notices and policies. The confusion that more often misleads clients is purposely done to serve the issuing entityââ¬â¢s interests. The act provides little room for maneuver of customers in the cases where the notices lack transparency. Additionally, the notices that GLBA demand be issued state the companies inform customers of their intention to share the information. However, they do not provide for a provision that requires the companies to reveal with whom they are sharing the information (Schell, 1999, p. 99). Many financial sector critics including President Obama have hit out at the law as the main cause of the 2007 financial crisis that almost led to the coll apse of the global financial system. According to the critics, the law led to the deregulation of the financial industry. Deregulation facilitated the formation of gigantic companies that were obsessed with the ââ¬Å"too big to failâ⬠attitude. Furthermore, the law necessitated less oversight on sensitive financial dealings such as derivatives that were later taken advantage of by unethical financial dealers. Recommendations In the face of the above weaknesses, there is a need for the amendment of the GLBA act to institute changes that will ensure better protection of consumers and security of the financial system. There is need for financial institutions to implement an opt out approach that defines the use of personal information. That way, accidental, unwanted or disclosure through negligence will be avoided besides placing the burden on the actors who will be receive and gain from the disclosed information. This way the financial institutions will be protecting themselves and the privacy of their customers. Failure to implement and use of the opt out provision for advancement of corporate interests is likely to adversely affect the companies (Benson et al. 1999, p. 47). Additionally, financial institution should consider availing and accept alternative opt out methods in cases where an opt out framework is maintained by the institution. An amendment requiring the financial institutions to avail the opt out process through local branch offices or through the internet needs to be done. This will help customers make an informed decision when opting out. On the same note, the financial institutions should be required to provide simple and coherent privacy policies. The law should ensure these policies follow universal standards of readability for the enhancement of transparency (Benson et al. 1999, p. 47). Itââ¬â¢s important that the amendments to the GLBA law require financial institutions ton disclose that the information that they collect will be u sed for. This can be availed in the privacy reports and will greatly enhance transparency and accountability in these institutions. Furthermore, the amendments should require financial institutions to grant customers rights to statutory access to be enlightened about industry practices. As a result customers will be informed on the information collecting process as well as their uses. It will come in hand in making decisions. One of the most glaring omissions by the GLBA is the failure to give state authorities power to oversee the transactions carried out by these financial institutions. It is therefore important for any amendments to include provisions that will grant state authorities concurrent jurisdiction for the effective enforcement of the law. Given that all companies are situated in individual states, the statesââ¬â¢ law enforcement agencies will be better placed to implement the lawââ¬â¢s provisions (Schell, 1999, p. 101). The law will also need to have provisions t hat will make it easier for offended clients to seek redress when privacy rights have been violated. Currently the law does not give a private right of action, which greatly hampers individuals in seeking redress especially if there are issues with opting out. Additionally, the amendments should consider giving the individual the right to access and review the information so that he/she can help in correction in cases of inaccuracies and/ or incomplete data. There needs to amendments that help in the regulation of sensitive financial market practices such as trading in derivatives. Former president Clinton admitted that he was wrong and probably he may have been misled to accept the provisions of the law on the matter such as derivatives. The law as it is gives too much autonomy to financial companies. The autonomy has been unethically used and contributed to the fall of the housing market in 2008. Many analysts believe the law should have been implemented in bits. The provisions co ntained in the law gave too much freedom to the financial sector in a sudden manner that clearly overwhelmed many institutions. They also contend that the scope of operation given to these financial institutions should be reduced probably to more or less, to what it was under the Glassââ¬âSteagall Act of 1933. Its safe to assume that the provisions of this law that were repealed when the GLBA came to law played a crucial role in stemming a crisis of similar to the great depression and the 2008 financial crisis. References Axelrod, W. et al. (2009). Enterprise information security and privacy. New York: Thomson learning. Benson et al. (1999). Financial services modernization: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. Washington: Routledge. Biegelman, T. M. (2009). Identity Theft Handbook: Detection, Prevention, and Security. New York: Cengage Learning. Dunham, B. W. (2000). After the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: a road map for insurance companies. Burlington: Thomsons Learning. Ingersoll et al. (1999). Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. New York: Routledge. Mayer et al. (1999). The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: executive summary review and analysis. New York: Sage. Moeller, R. R. (2005). Brinks modern internal auditing. Los Angeles: Routledge. Rezaee, Z. (2001). Financial institutions, valuations, mergers, and acquisitions. New Jersey: Cengage Learning. Schell,J.M. (1999). Private equity funds: business structure and operations. New York: Infobase Publishers. Winston,J. Winston, A. (2009). Complete Guide to Credit and Collection Law. New York: Sage Publishers.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Vermiculture Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Vermiculture Technology - Essay Example However, a collection of warms with different feeding styles is preferred. This may include column feeders, burrowing feeders and surface feeders, which do not pose a competition for nutrients, but in the process compliments each other in the feeding process. The worms work in a similar way as in natural decomposition pits; they disintegrate organic matter into small fragments. In the process, they breathe and promote fermentation of the nutrient content. A vermicompost also contains microbes, which aid in the decomposition process. In the event that the materials are depleted, the worm poop and the content are ready for harvesting. The technology is generally cheap and easy to practice for both large and small-scale farmers. The farmer needs to rear the worms in pits, about 3m deep. Broken bricks and earthwork are placed at the bottom to provide for good drainage, the base materials be then covered with a thin layer of cow dung. The materials to be decomposed are then introduced into the pit and water sprinkled to create a conducive environment for the worms. Finally, the worms are introduced to initiate the process (Graft, 2001). Non-continuous- this type of bin involves placing the bedding materials at the base of the bin the adding materials to be decomposed in layers above each other. The worms will then feed on the materials uniformly up the bin. Its major disadvantage in that the entire content of the bin have to be emptied for harvesting. Continuous vertical bin- A series of trays arranged vertically are used in this process. Materials in the order of bedding-worms-organic matter is placed in the bottom tray and finally sealed with a layer of rich bedding. When the worms are through with the content of the lower tray, they move upwards and the lower tray can be harvested. Continuous horizontal bins- the trays are arranged in a horizontal manner, the materials
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Ethics Audit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Ethics Audit - Essay Example Hence, they are under intense pressures to ensure their own wellbeing, if not survival. Ends and activities not directly tied to their own survival or well-being, and not protected by other supportive conditions, naturally come under pressures for reduction or elimination. "Ethics is a moving target. Social values shift over time, influenced by a complex web of factors. Employers must keep a close eye on those values and, when possible, proactively address ethical dilemmas emerging in their companies" (Vickers 2005, p. 26). Fo P&G, business ethics is much more than an expression of taste, however strongly felt. Properly understood, business ethics is in fact about moral principles; indeed, it is the application of ethics to, or in, specifically business situations and activities. For P&G, ethics refers to moral codes and the actions enjoined by them as well as to the study of either or both. Indeed, when dealing with received opinion, such common usages will be observed, both with respect to "ethics" and to "business ethics." When strictly used, however, the term "ethics" refers properly to a subsection of philosophy, that which seeks to identify and clarify the presuppositions of human conduct having to do with good and evil (International Business E thics Institutive 2008). In a work on business ethics, the grounds of ethical activity, like the existence of business, must be taken as given. Certain implications of the philosophical nature of ethics are, however, crucial to the question of universality. "At Procter & Gamble, we have maintained strong Corporate Governance polices and practices for many years. These core values set a tone of integrity for the entire company-one that is reinforced consistently at all levels and in all countries" (P & G Home Page 2008). The most important, is that as a purely theoretical discipline, ethics has no necessary connection to any existing system of religious belief, or any specific legal framework, or any particular moral code. As a result, the commonly cited variations of actual practice are simply irrelevant to the question of whether there are universal truths of business ethics--cultural diversity, even cultural relativism, does not and cannot justify ethical relativism (Swanson, 2005 ). Nevertheless, although ethics is essentially theoretical, there is a metaphorical sense in which the techniques and principles of ethics proper can still be helpful in dealing with real life problems--the clarity of thought and awareness of key concepts developed in philosophical study may well inform action. It is in this extended sense that one may properly speak of "applied ethics," or the "application" of ethics to business, or of ethics "enjoining" specific courses of action. Business ethics is simply the application of general moral principles to specifically business situations and activities Husted et al 1996). The Function of Business Ethics P&G customizes its ethical culture to match unique needs and values of the company to global business demands. The function of business ethics is to resolve or at least to clarify the moral issues which typically arise in commerce. Starting from an analysis of the nature and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Atheism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Atheism - Essay Example Quoting Julian Baggini, ââ¬Å"Atheism â⬠¦ it is the belief that there is no God or godsâ⬠(3). For others, those words are enough to distinguish an atheist from not. However, there are still those people who would dig deeper into the topic as there are broader and more profound understandings of the subject at hand. The above mentioned meaning or understanding of atheism can be referred as a childhood analogy or comprehension. Just by the mere acknowledgement of the word atheism brings out a very negative thought and conception. Nevertheless, there are always 2 sides in a story. This is a truth in all aspects even in the world of atheism. There is always the good and the bad, the positive and the negative, one cannot exist without the other. One needs the other to exist and it goes either way (7-8). Organized religion often set standards as to what one should and should not believe. This is often where the problem or misunderstanding starts. Though there are Sunday Schools and Bible camps where scriptures are explained, it is not enough that when people say that a person should believe it then it is the truth. A person still has a right to question things that concerns them. One can even say that an atheist is more inquisitive towards their faith as they would further divulge into information that conservatives would perceive as taboo since they are questioning the existence of a higher power or divine intervention. In this concept, there is a broader and untold fact which is accompanied in their refusal to believe in God. One can assume that atheists believe in the ââ¬Å"what can be seenâ⬠(4-5). Also according to Baggani, ââ¬Å"This brand of physicalism asserts that the only kind of stuff is physical stuff: there are no non-physical souls, spirits, or ideas. This is a version of physicalism that many, probably most, atheists can sign up toâ⬠(5). There is a thought or question that arises with this statement. Because there are still thin gs which are intangible yet believed to true, an example of which is a thought or an idea that is still not expressed or enacted by a person. This is where Science enters the picture of spiritual belief. Two worlds are colliding within the vicinity of an atheist. In more than 2,000 years of documented principles, Science and Religion have never agreed in a singular idea. There would always be an argument between these 2 aspects. It is like what is fore mentioned, there are always 2 sides in a story. Throughout the years, there are still debates as to which is true and which is false between these 2 worlds. These debates are still on-going between their scholars even as this paper is being written. The difference between the two is that Science gives a more breathable room for scientists to explain their theories without the fear of being ex-communicated from the society or their church. Here, one can presume that Science has the broader mind between the two. Yet it does not mean tha t Science is better than Religion. This cannot be proven even in a million years. One can debate his whole life and dedicate his whole being trying to prove which is which yet in the end; there will always be questions that would end up in the vast space of blankness. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes a person believes in theories or principles being presented by both worlds yet the idea that something that starts in Science may
Friday, November 15, 2019
Samsung Galaxy Smartphones Decreased Demand
Samsung Galaxy Smartphones Decreased Demand Samsung Electronics is one of the Koreas top electronics company which was founded in 1938. It has grown from small business to be one of top leading electronics and Technology in the world. It makes many kinds of consumer devices, including DVD players, digital TVs, and digital still cameras; computers, color monitors, LCD panels, and printers; semiconductors such as DRAMs, static RAMs, flash memory, and display drivers; and communications devices ranging from wireless handsets and smartphones to networking gear. However, they are mostly popular for their Smartphones (Galaxy), which is considered as one of its mains products. Samsung Galaxy includes categories such as Galaxy Note series, Galaxy Tab Series and Galaxy S series. Samsung from several years are relaying mostly on its smartphones sale to maximizing its profit, as other products sales are showing decline such examples include home appliances and LCD TV. Unfortunately, currently Samsung are struggling to sustain their sales and profit from Galaxy smartphones. Samsung profits have been on declining demand since 2013. Despite the company being the greatest in the world when it comes to production of smart phones, the pressure that it continues to receive from the market can no longer be denied. In this year second quarter Samsung Galaxy smartphones have shown even huge profit and demand drop for its smartphones. As you can see below the chart clearly shows the Samsung profit have been going down from year 2013 and was worst in the second quarter of this year. There are various reasons for this downfall, Samsung has always used a huge marketing budget. Nevertheless, in the last quarter, its budget was far larger in ways that were not favored by the company. The company has been compelled to use huge amounts of money on promoting the older and lower-end gadgets that have been congesting its warehouses because of weak demandâ⬠. This fall in trade, together with the extra money spent on publicity has catalyzed the firmââ¬â¢s dwindling fortunes. Actually having, fewer shipments of high end phones, has also resulted in having and investing to market the old models has helped demand decreasing for Samsungââ¬â¢s. More importantly the market competition that Samsung is facing from its main rival Apple IPhone smartphones and other competitors has also contributed in weakening the demand. Decline in demand also can be attributed to their exorbitant price of smart phones. Because the Price elasticity of demand for Samsung is high, increased prices has result in less demand for its smartphones. Also, Samsungââ¬â¢s competitors, which are mostly based in china, are producing phones that have features that are essentially similar to those of Samsung. They are however, offering these phones at prices that are much cheaper and affordable. This has, therefore, beat the purpose of purchasing Samsung phones that are unnecessarily expensive and shifted people demand from its smartphones to their rivalsââ¬â¢ cheaper smartphones. The decline of the sale and the demand of smart phones is caused by inability of Samsung to be more creative. For example, when it comes to the features that are contained in their many smart phones. Their S series smart phones are the typical. The cheaper ones have fewer features though. The difference in the ones that are more expensive is their size. Since the release of the S3, the subsequent ones S4 and the recently released S5 are similar in several ways. Consumers are starting to feel that these S phones are overrated and over advertised, which coincidentally has been said of the reasons Samsung is investing a lot in over advertising. This strategy is geared towards trying to get their products out of the warehouses and into the market to be purchased by the consumers. Unfortunately, this have resulted not only in having a negative impact on the sales, itââ¬â¢s also reduced their profit margin due to overspending and less demand. As an economic consultant observing Samsung Galaxy smartphone declining demand, I will try to recommend solutions to fix this economic problem by analyzing the root reasons. Searching and analyzing the market it was found out that there was a lot of factors that influenced Samsung smartphone sales which made it gone down in the third quarter of the year. First of all consumer taste and preference for better improved technology products. The fact of the new technology, and the willing to adapt new features and devises that made Samsung to be the second choice of its customers. In addition to that, the strong rival competition and all consumers being aware that there are other substitute smartphones that have similar even better featured, such as the IPhone, which gives negative impact on demand. For example, when Apple IPhone 6 has launched in the market, it has made major shift in demand from Galaxy to IPhone smartphones. How Samsungââ¬â¢s Demand could be increased In order for Samsung to recover from its decreasing demand, it should do several things such as offering prices that are competitive in the international market. Whereas the number of clients obtaining smartphones is still raising, it is growing harder for the company to tap new market for its high-end devices. This therefore suggests that the firm will have to minimize its prices in order to sell these gadgets. However, this will still reduce its profit margins. Samsung should focus its attention on shifting its product mix towards low and middle iced handsets. Under the prevailing situations, the company will have to wait and observe how it will uphold its profitability in the future. Additionally, Samsung needs to rollout new products that will stave off gains made by Apple on the larger-screen iPhones; especialty the Galaxy developer has dominated (Sakr, 2014). According to the firm, the rollout of fresh mobile models will embrace new technology that will assist to scale down production cost and comparatively that will assist to give cheaper price products. Moreover, the firm should utilize an assessment on the prices of the smartphones and come up with figures at which demand will rise for their smartphones (Sakr, 2014). By offering incentives such as headsets and phone covers, the company will be able to improve its sales. Finally, Samsung can increase its demand by offering competitive prices and embrace new technology that will assist to scale down production costs. Alternatively, if Samsung was not able to compete in market against it rival IPhone and will give up to invest any more in Smartphone. We highly recommend that it should invest more in developing and improving its tablets as it score to have a higher demand than the smart phones. Obviously by improving Samsung Smartphones quality and increasing its decreased demand, will help in raising the reduced turnover for its third quarter. Samsung makes about two third of its profit from its smartphones sales. Which means any drop in smartphones sales will have a huge impact on the companyââ¬â¢s turnover. If Samsung was able cope with shifting market preferences that will help them stand out among competitors like Apple. Samsung deals mainly with Technology which is one of fast moving and updating things and to survive in the market, Samsung should be always ready to offer fast new technology features in their Smartphones. It mainly include keeping an eye on it main competitor ââ¬Å"Apple IPhoneâ⬠and try to offer features that are unique or at least which are offered by Apple IPhone to be able to compete in the market. This idea has been successful with IPhone when they have took over Samsungââ¬â¢s advantage of having big size screens which was one of reasons of people smartphone shifting demand to Samsung. IPhone has been successful to offer that feature in its IPhone 6 Plus by which it attacked Samsungââ¬â¢s main unique feature over IPhone.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Where Are The Americans?
In spite of the fact that the American Government Led NATO against Serbia and that the American military is here, and their largest military base outside the United States is in Kosova, Kosovars are still asking: ââ¬Å"Where Are The Americans? â⬠Of course, a more complete elaboration on the basic question is: ââ¬Å"Where Are The Americans? Why aren't Americans supporting our full Independence? Why hasn't their government recognized the full Independence of Kosova? Why aren't the big American corporations coming to Kosova? Why do they let the EU run everything in Kosova? Why isn't an American the Special Representative to the Secretary-General of the UN in Kosova? They went against European opposition and convinced NATO to go to war against Serbia and liberate us from oppression, but where are the Americans now? â⬠Certainly the Americans are here, but the answer to many of the questions rests with the Kosova people, and the politics of Europe. Kosova is in Europe, and it is only natural that the European Community has the central concern and input regarding the status of Kosova. Under the current circumstances, any proclamations by the United States would be viewed as interfering with the European Union, and this would be diplomatically improper. Currently, the official communications regarding the situation in Kosova, and the issue of ââ¬Å"final statusâ⬠is limited to UNMIK and the European Union, as these are the entities that have UN delegated responsibilities regarding Kosova. The Americans are stronger in their influence within KFOR, which is separate from UNMIK Administration. However, when Kosovars clearly declare their Independence from Serbia, and demand that the UN fulfill its obligations in accordance with 1244(1999) for Kosova to have: ââ¬Å".. provisional democratic self-governing institutions to ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants of Kosovo. â⬠Then, and only then, can the United States and other nations respond to a direct request by Kosovars for support in the establishment of an independent democratic process within Kosova! The Americans and others would then be able to question the EU more directly, as to why the European Union is against the full Independence of Kosova, when the history of the Serbians has been one of repeated aggressions, and an absence of any remorse. It is a logical question to ask, why after so many conflicts and so many losses by the Serbs, does the European Union continue to appease Serbia, rather than imposing harsh consequences? We must learn the process of politics and diplomacy. We have been great leaders and warriors, but we must not forget that we have never had a leader in peace. We are physically and morally strong, we are intelligent but we are not experienced in politics and diplomacy. However, we cannot let this situation continue, and we must now use any and all means to become as effective in Politics and Diplomacy as we have been in war. Kosova's political leaders have been active, but we must accept the reality of Kosovar limitations and ensure that all leaders quickly become truly adept in politics and diplomacy. Another response to ââ¬Å"Where Are The Americansâ⬠is that the American people are at home in the United States, working, playing, studying, watching Television, listening to the radio, reading newspapers; and all of these things are being done in English. It is true that there are a few thousand Americans who speak Albanian, but how many are in positions of authority and how many are actually doing anything effective to bring the ââ¬Å"messageâ⬠the ââ¬Å"truthâ⬠about Kosova to the American people? How can the average American care about Kosova, if they know nothing about Kosova? Americans are paying close attention to world events, such as the terror threats and the issue with Iraq, and they are paying attention because they are being communicated to in English. Why should American journalists pay attention to Kosova when anything of importance has to be translated from Albanian to English by them? We speak out, and demonstrate, but nothing is said or written in English. If we want to get Americans interested in Kosova, we must speak and publish in the English language in addition to Albanian. Every key speech given; every key event; every meeting attended must be also presented in English. Our daily newspapers should have at least one page in English presenting all the headlines and a brief about the story, and our television news and key presentations must also be done in English. If we want people to listen to us, then we better speak their language! Our periodicals should contain English features, and every major press release by any organization of influence should be prepared in good English. This last statement is important, for if we present English copy that is poorly done, we will look uneducated in the eyes of those reading the material. In the few instances when our business and/or government organizations have provided English versions, they appear to the reader as having been done by a child just learning to speak and write in English. We must utilize the skills of professional translators in any and all areas that affect our future, especially if we wish to reach and involve the American people. We certainly do not provide a good image if we cannot express crucial issues in good English to the world. In business and politics, it is the English language that predominates, and we better catch up fast! Just about every adult Kosovar knows that the European Union is ââ¬Å"concernedâ⬠about the unification of ethnic Albanians; the development of a Kosovar military; and the potential for a significant American business, monetary and political influence in the Balkans. But as long as We Kosovars remain silent in English, and the citizens of America remain ignorant of the truth, the EU has nothing to worry about. In the eyes and minds of Americans, it appears that ââ¬Å"everything is OKâ⬠in Kosova, and they believe that if everything is going well, why should Americans continue to support the American Military being in Kosova? Americans believe: If ââ¬Å"everything is OK,â⬠let Europe bear the costs of taking care of Kosova and we can move our troops to where they are needed! American politicians respond to the will of the American people, and Kosova politicians and the Kosovar people need to recognize this fact and reach out to the Heart of the United States, the American people! We must have the courage to make strong and timely Diplomatic moves, such as the publicly restating our Independence, and request direct assistance from particular nations in order to counter the current negative intent and actions of the European Union and Serbia to keep us within and under Serbian Dominance. We Kosovars need to ââ¬Å"wake up, and stand upâ⬠and speak out, in a loud, firm, clear and unified English Speaking voice, against the effective Serbian Propaganda, The Manipulation of The Hague, and the Appeasement efforts of the European Union. They are making their propaganda in English, and it must be countered in English!
Sunday, November 10, 2019
George Orwell
In the George Rowel's short story, A Hanging, Orwell is a British police officer who witness an inmate, who is Hindu, being hung to death. While the officers are marching the prisoner to the hanging site, the prisoner comes to a puddle and side steps it. Orwell and some other officers are following behind them and that's when he realize how healthy the prisoner is and disgusted he was of the decision to hang a healthy man.In the story he was scared to speak up for the prisoner, so that's why he dog was put In the story, the dog was Orwell voice. The dark mood at the beginning shows how Orwell felt during the hanging. The major conflict of the story is Orwell watching a healthy man die right in front of him. After the hanging was done the warders returned to feed the convicts. Everyone was relieved that the hanging was done, even Orwell. Then they started telling each other stories related to hangings. They all laughed at each other, Orwell even found his self laughing at some of the stones.After everyone finished they went out and had a drink together, forgetting about the dead man. Orwell just needed to get the hanging out of his mind, so he did that by laughing and having a good time. The theme of Orwell story is that the life of any healthy man should never be taken. Today similar things are happening in this world, police officers think that they have power and control over us, they think they can do anything to us, For example, an eighteen year old young man named Michael Brown was shot for no apparent season Michael was Just walking down the street. N a Saturday afternoon, to his grandmother house, when an officer stopped him trying to arrest him just because he was a black male walking and the officer assumed he was some thug carrying a weapon. When the officer tried to arrest him, Michael started running with his hands up in the air, when Michael reached ten yards, the officer shot him. The body was not moved for hours. The officer claimed that he only shot him a couple of times but when they viewed the body It was more than a couple. Police are getting out of control, they are taking Innocent young black male lives.That's not the only thing that has happened where a healthy young man done lost his life. This young man was a seventeen year old black male, his name was Adoration Martin. On February 26, 2012, Tyranny was walking back from the store wearing a hooded and carrying a drink and some skittles. The neighborhood watch, George Zimmerman, assumed that he was some bad guy Just because he Is black. Just before the shooting happened George Zimmerman was on the phone with the police saying hat Tyranny looked suspicious and that he was following him, the police told him to stop following him and that they was going to handle it but he didn't listen.At the time Tyranny was on the phone with his girl friend, and he said that he was being followed so his girlfriend told him to run, before he could do so George Zimmerman got out his t ruck to confront him. When the cops arrived George Zimmerman told the cops that Tyranny attacked him but most people TLD believe that. Most people thinking that he was up to no good but he was Just trying to get home. Throughout the story Orwell shows how the prisoners are treated. They were treated like animals. The cells they had the prisoners in were like small animal cages.The prisoners are treated so badly, when they were escorting the man to the hanging spot, it took six guards to escort him but in the story he was described as a puny wisp of a man, which means he was really weak. The officers were being really rough, Orwell said that it was like men handling a fish that is still alive and trying to Jump jack in the water, they were being super aggressive with a weak man. This story also reminds me of when the concentration camps were open in 1940. The Jews were sent their to work at the camps.The families were split up boys and the men had to go to one side and the girls and women went to the other side. When they split them up they had to take all of their clothes off, get disinfected, after that they were giving new clothes, then they had to get their heads shaved both men and women, last they were assigned to a camp, some people didn't make it if they were eek or sick they got killed with the gas, they would put up to a hundred people in a small little room and kill them all, after that they would cremate the bodies.They fed them bread and soup, the bread was stale and the soup was old and thick, sometimes the didn't even give them food. They were treated way worse than the prisoners in A Hanging. In conclusion, George Orwell wrote A Hanging to express his feelings. This really happened to him in reality. He poured out his feelings through the dog and the rain. He feels like no individual life should be taken away from them.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Debt Example
Debt Example Debt ââ¬â Coursework Example Debt The restrictions placed on and local government debt in North Carolina In North Carolina, there are limitations or restrictions on the amount of outstanding debt for the local government in relation to the stateââ¬â¢s property tax base. The second major restriction is on property tax rates that the local government can levy for debt service requirements. This restriction is important as it limits the power of the local government to borrow carelessly with an aim of imposing the resultant burden on the citizens. The third restriction is the need for the approval of the bond issues that the government has proposed and this is done through a specific referendum. This constitution applies only to debts that the local government wants to acquire for a particular purpose. The state government is required to provide a balanced budget that does not have any carryover. This reduces the chances of having huge deficits that prompt the acquisition of loans. If a deficit occurs during a f inancial year, then it must be eliminated by increasing taxes or reducing spending instead of getting loans. Methods needed to avoid restriction limitsThe local government should utilize every of its money prudently. Any borrowing by the local government should also be done responsibly, prudently and in a locally responsive manner. The national debt should be reduced and the federal income tax should be replaced with tax from national retail sales. There should be fiscal discipline mechanisms or budgetary rules that will ensure that the local and state government does not spend more that it has. These include expenditure and tax limits. This means the budget size has to fit to the existing resources to the most practical extend possible. ReferencesBane, F. Et al. (1961). State Constitutional and Statutory Restrictions on Local Government Debt. Retrieved on 1st August, 2011.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
10 Geographic Facts About Easter Island
10 Geographic Facts About Easter Island Easter Island, also called Rapa Nui, is a small island located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean and is considered a special territory of Chile. Easter Island is most famous for its large moai statues that were carved by native peoples between 1250 and 1500. The island is also considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site and much of the islands land belongs to the Rapa Nui National Park. Easter Island has been in the news because many scientists and writers have used it as a metaphor for our planet. Easter Islands native population is believed to have overused its natural resources and collapsed. Some scientists and writers claim that global climate change and resource exploitation may lead to the planet collapsing as did the population on Easter Island. These claims, however, are highly disputed. Interesting Facts The following is a list of the 10 most important geographic facts to know about Easter Island: Although scientists do not know for sure, many claim that human habitation of Easter Island began around 700-1100 C.E. Almost immediately upon its initial settlement, the population of Easter Island began to grow and the islands inhabitants (Rapanui) began to build houses and moai statues. The moai are believed to represent status symbols of the different Easter Island tribes.Because of Easter Islands small size of only 63 square miles (164 sq km), it quickly became overpopulated and its resources were rapidly depleted. When Europeans arrived on Easter Island between the late 1700s and early 1800s, it was reported that the moai were knocked down and the island seemed to have been a recent war site.Constant warfare between tribes, a lack of supplies and resources, disease, invasive species and the opening of the island to foreign slave trade eventually led to Easter Islands collapse by the 1860s.In 1888, Easter Island was annexed by Chile. Use of the island by Chile varied, but during the 1900s it was a sheep farm and was managed by the Chilean Navy. In 1966, the entire island was opened to the public and the remaining Rapanui people became citizens of Chile. As of 2009, Easter Island had a population of 4,781. The official languages of the island are Spanish and Rapa Nui, while the main ethnic groups are Rapanui, European and Amerindian.Because of its archaeological remains and its ability to help scientists study early human societies, Easter Island became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.Although it is still inhabited by humans, Easter Island is one of the worlds most isolated islands. It is approximately 2,180 miles (3,510 km) west of Chile. Easter Island is also relatively small and has a maximum altitude of only 1,663 feet (507 meters). Easter Island also has no permanent source of freshwater.Easter Islands climate is considered subtropical maritime. It has mild winters and year-round cool temperatures and abundant precipitation. The lowest average July temperature on Easter Island is around 64 F (18 C) while its highest temperatures are in February and average about 82 F (28 C).Like many Pacific Islands, the physical landscape of Easter Island is dominated by volcanic topography and it was formed geologically by three extinct volcanoes. Easter Island is considered a distinct eco-region by ecologists. At the time of its initial colonization, the island is believed to have been dominated by large broadleaf forests and palm. Today, however, Easter Island has very few trees and is mainly covered with grasses and shrubs. Sources Diamond, Jared. 2005. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Penguin Books: New York, New York.Easter Island. (March 13, 2010). Wikipedia.Rapa Nui National Park. (March 14, 2010). UNESCO World Heritage.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Desktop and Laptops Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Desktop and Laptops - Essay Example Input devices include keyboards, mouse and camera etc. while output devices consist of a display, speakers and printer etc. Even the components inside laptops and the central processing unit (CPU) of desktops are similar; both make use of a motherboard, which is the main circuit board to which the other components for e.g. the processor, RAM (random-access memory) are connected. Apart from the above mentioned fact, laptops and desktops can run any program equally well provided that they both are using the same operating system. It is important to note here that the majority of the present day laptops and desktops are run on a select number of operating systems for e.g. 92.4% of desktops are run on Windows followed by Mac (6.5%) while the most commonly used operating system for mobile systems (which include tablets and mobiles too) is Mac (54.7%). This goes on to show that from a general perspective, majority of the computing systems used presently have a similar functional capacity i n respect of the programs available for use although the specific upgrades of these operating system (e.g. Windows 7 or Vista) and a processors ability (if it is 64-bit or 32-bit etc) to support these upgrades does stratify computers according to their capacity to run a program. Now despite the similar assembly of laptops and desktops, they both cater to different populations of computer users. This is because of many reasons the most obvious of which is that laptops are mobile. There are a variety of shapes and sizes that laptops come in but all of them are lighter than desktops thus making the former much more portable than the latter. This portability allows a lot of flexibility in usage which is evident in the case of Thomas Friedman who once quoted ââ¬Å"Sometimes,à when my wife and I were going out to dinner, I would take myà laptopà with me and work in the car, so as to take advantage of the half hour going and coming.â⬠Had Mr. Friedman owned a desktop instead of his laptop then he would certainly not be able to take advantage of his travel time, which underscores the fact that laptops have a huge advantage over desktops because they provide much much more mobility as compared to desktops, especially for a person living a fast-paced life. Along with this the small and thin size of laptops make them better looking too and provide the owner many more opportunities to show it off. Also in contrast to desktops, laptops run on battery too thus one can use a laptop even if there is no power. Despite all the above mentioned advantages laptops have their own downside when compared to a desktop. First of all although the size of laptops is very preferable one cannot ignore the fact that this makes it that much easier to be stolen or damaged when compared to a desktop. Secondly laptops are much more expensive than desktops and the latter gives the consumer more value for the money spent than laptops do. This can be appreciated when comparing an $1199 iMac and the same companyââ¬â¢s MacBook Pro. Although both machines are of the same price, the iMac has much better specs (21.5 inch display, 2.7GHz quad-core Intel i5 processor and 1TB hard drive) than the MacBook Pro (13.3 inch screen, 2.7GHz dual-core intel i7 processor and 500GB hard drive). Keeping in line with the argument of cost, desktop are better for storage for e.g.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Ives-Alain Bois on Matisse Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Ives-Alain Bois on Matisse - Term Paper Example The paper "Ives-Alain Bois on Matisse" analyzes Yves-Alain Bois essay On Matisse. Firstly, timeââ¬â¢s density becomes to disappear as a singular unity within Matisse own pictorial system. Each from these paintings has its own dispersed time in its own world, he has its own understanding of temporality depicted, and each of beholders must be aware of their own timeââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"persistence.â⬠Similar to an ambivalent visibility of his works, time of his works disappear, constructing its temporality of a higher order, impersonal and spiritual ââ¬â â⬠¦like a ââ¬Å"good armchair.â⬠Then, composition itself must be treated as one of the most inevitable factors, with its Arabian abstract ornament, but circulating patterns. Matisse transferred its role to an invisible object of total presence, supported by his status quo understanding of means of art. However, second layer have to obtain depth and plural emotionality, with its completely non-imitating naturalism of spiritual order. My pictorial space was being completely eternalized. Avoiding a fixation of natural image in its faster passing by, Matisseââ¬â¢s art belongs not to ââ¬Å"easelâ⬠painting, but to ââ¬Å"memoryâ⬠painting. Trying to achieve better and long-term fixations, artist focused himself on ââ¬Å"pictorial fields of irresistible meanings,â⬠which could be considered as being persuasive enough for both beholders and creator. Color and light will be presented in our focus a bit further; however, we should state that Matisseââ¬â¢s colors have a powerful compositional impact.... m fixations, artist focused himself on ââ¬Å"pictorial fields of irresistible meanings,â⬠which could be considered as being persuasive enough for both beholders and creator. Moreover, color and light will be presented in our focus a bit further; however, we should state that Matisseââ¬â¢s colors have a powerful compositional impact, created accordance or cordial of visual forms. Colors are pretended to be treated as the conditions in which visual code of lines can be perceived by the spectators, so colors as a container for both semantic parallels and compositional importance. Finally, circulation, expansion, and tension regarded by the author as visible functions in Matisseââ¬â¢s creativity. Factually, circulation may be understood as a compositional unity with that turnabout character of its movement; then, expansion marks a constant intention of the spatial expanding in Matisseââ¬â¢s early paintings, which used to be presented mainly without ââ¬Å"holes;â⬠te nsion is a ââ¬Å"corporeal density,â⬠which Matisse avoided lately, it can be understood through an imperative of sensitive expressions instead of peripheral incorporating of the beholder in terms of his late theories of art. Visual devices and strategies: producing effects Supposedly, being influenced by such optical strategies as those discussed previously, spectators can feel themselves ââ¬Å"dischargedâ⬠from not only singular forms of time and space, but from dictatorship of visibility itself, due to Matisse concerns on at least two-fold nature of each artistic gesture. Painting itself constructs an overall effect, being an instrument for the deconstruction, insisting not on its visibility, but rather non-visible order of eternal noumenas. His friends were used to discuss his works as sunlight imitations, colorful, pure
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Research critique of a quantitative article Essay
Research critique of a quantitative article - Essay Example 3. List the researcher's suggestions for further studies. As noted on page 131, the researchers advise repeating the same study while controlling for surgical procedure and the use of nitrous oxide, to determine any causative attributes. They also suggest that a future investigation might compare scopolamine as a single agent, as well as concluding on page 132 that future studies could also consider other antiemetics affecting alternative receptor pathways. 4. Indicate if the findings are clinically significant. The majority of findings in the study are clinically significant, as indicated on page 130, Tables 1-3, as well as Figures 1-3. These significant findings include the overall incidence of nausea within 24 hours of surgery, the initial PACU antiemetic treatment, the second PACU nausea treatment, the mean time to first request for nausea treatment, the time to the first nausea event, as well as the time to the first emetic event. The incidence of emesis did not achieve statistical significance, nor was any significant difference noted in the demographic variables, patch placement times, or the occurrence of side effects. 5. Identify the implications of the findings for nursing. ... Particularly, the use of a transdermal methodology will require nurses to interact with patients regarding proper use, symptomology, and postoperative procedure. 6. Identify the researcher's generalization of the findings. The generalization of the findings is found on page 127, in the abstract. It summarizes the article and offers a condensed recommendation. 7. Evaluate the sample. a. Sampling criteria. The sample criteria were straightforward and appropriate to the purpose of the study. By establishing an ASA I or II in patients 18 years or older, as well as excluding those with potentially mitigating conditions (p. 128), the researchers avoided skewing the results. b. Sample size. The sample size was adequate to the task of initial investigation, but too small to draw sweeping conclusions. The authors attenuated the effect of a relatively small sample size by performing a power analysis as discussed on page 129, and wisely allowed for attrition. c. Characteristics of sample. The sample group was diverse in terms of gender, race, and risk factors present, but all participants fell within the primary criteria of having three or more high risk factors for PONV. d. Sample mortality. There were no anaphylactic incidents within either sample group. There was attrition of four subjects as noted on page 129, one for accidental removal of the transdermal patch, one for failure to properly log responses during the data collection period, and two for intentional removal of the TD patches. e. Method used to obtain the sample. As noted on page 128, the sample was obtained after approval from the institutional review board and focused on high-risk patients scheduled to undergo general anesthesia of longer than one hour. Once
Monday, October 28, 2019
Plagiarism Essay Example for Free
Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism has become an increasing concern with the internet age. Many students are cutting and pasting information from the internet into personal papers without proper citations and using the information as their own. Many services such as Turnitin help educators determine the levels of plagiarism in papers and therefore how much authentic information is being submitted. If students are plagiarizing work, the education is undermined and schools are unable to guarantee the quality of education students are receiving. Plagiarism is ââ¬Å". . . the act of passing off as oneââ¬â¢s own the ideas or writing of another (Georgetown University 2006). â⬠Many students will use someone elseââ¬â¢s written idea, but change the words around to be their own. This is plagiarism and credit should be given to the person who had the idea first. Although plagiarism can be found in many forms, written plagiarism is the most prevalent. The internet has allowed students access to a much larger database of written works. Unfortunately, many students are becoming lazy and using other peopleââ¬â¢s written works as their own. Services such as Turnitin have been developed to help combat plagiarism. Turnitin is software that accepts written assignments from students; runs the papers through databases looking for sentence or phrase matches; and gives the instructor a similarity index for each submission (MacMillan 2007). Other websites such as plagiarism. org and iThenticate are also based on the same premise as Turnitin and provide information on how to combat plagiarism. Plagiarism is a rising problem in todayââ¬â¢s education that will require centered attention. Services such as Turnitin and iThenticate have proved important tools for educators, but many questions remain about the effectiveness of these services. Similarity indexes have appeared that are not accurate on some papers submitted. Overall, the services are the best tools to date to combat plagiarism, but will need updating as time goes on for complete accuracy.
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